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Here you have the convenient option of using the search field to search for our standard products. You can search for article numbers, product names, also in combination with the light color, and receive a selection of the available variants.
Please note that only our current standard lighting without accessories can be found in the search.
More detailed information can be found in the respective product categories. Status of prices: 01.01.2025
S2-633120-24-M5418.00 €HI-LIGHT-2/II rot 633nm 24V-Typ M5 Einbaustecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-2/II red 633nm 24V-Type M5 plug 4-pole
S2-633120-24-M5P418.00 €HI-LIGHT-2/II rot 633nm 24V-Typ M5 Stecker 4-polig an Pigtail 10cmHI-LIGHT-2/II red 633nm 24V-Type M5 plug 4-pole on pigtail 10cm
S2-633120-SC-M5428.00 €HI-LIGHT-2/II rot 633nm SC-Typ M5 Einbaustecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-2/II red 633nm SC-Type M5 plug 4-pole
S2-633120-SC-M5P428.00 €HI-LIGHT-2/II rot 633nm SC-Typ M5 Stecker 4-polig an Pigtail 10cmHI-LIGHT-2/II red 633nm SC-Type M5 plug 4-pole on pigtail 10cm
S2-WS120-24-M5431.00 €HI-LIGHT-2/II weiß 24V-Typ M5 Einbaustecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-2/II white 24V-Type M5 plug 4-pole
S2-WS120-24-M5P431.00 €HI-LIGHT-2/II weiß 24V-Typ M5 Stecker 4-polig an Pigtail 10cmHI-LIGHT-2/II white 24V-Type M5 plug 4-pole on pigtail 10cm
S2-WS120-SC-M5441.00 €HI-LIGHT-2/II weiß SC-Typ M5 Einbaustecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-2/II white SC-Type M5 plug 4-pole
S2-WS120-SC-M5P441.00 €HI-LIGHT-2/II weiß SC-Typ M5 Stecker 4-polig an Pigtail 10cmHI-LIGHT-2/II white SC-Type M5 plug 4-pole on pigtail 10cm
S2-85M120-24-M5431.00 €HI-LIGHT-2/II IR 850nm 24V-Typ M5 Einbaustecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-2/II IR 850nm 24V-Type M5 plug 4-pole
S2-85M120-24-M5P431.00 €HI-LIGHT-2/II IR 850nm 24V-Typ M5 Stecker 4-polig an Pigtail 10cmHI-LIGHT-2/II IR 850nm 24V-Type M5 plug 4-pole on pigtail 10cm
S2-85M120-SC-M5441.00 €HI-LIGHT-2/II IR 850nm SC-Typ M5 Einbaustecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-2/II IR 850nm SC-Type M5 plug 4-pole
S2-85M120-SC-M5P441.00 €HI-LIGHT-2/II IR 850nm SC-Typ M5 Stecker 4-polig an Pigtail 10cmHI-LIGHT-2/II IR 850nm SC-Type M5 plug 4-pole on pigtail 10cm
S2-47M120-24-M5431.00 €HI-LIGHT-2/II blau 470nm 24V-Typ M5 Einbaustecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-2/II blue 470nm 24V-Type M5 plug 4-pole
S2-47M120-24-M5P431.00 €HI-LIGHT-2/II blau 470nm 24V-Typ M5 Stecker 4-polig an Pigtail 10cmHI-LIGHT-2/II blue 470nm 24V-Type M5 plug 4-pole on pigtail 10cm
S2-47M120-SC-M5441.00 €HI-LIGHT-2/II blau 470nm SC-Typ M5 Einbaustecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-2/II blue 470nm SC-Type M5 plug 4-pole
S2-47M120-SC-M5P441.00 €HI-LIGHT-2/II blau 470nm SC-Typ M5 Stecker 4-polig an Pigtail 10cmHI-LIGHT-2/II blue 470nm SC-Type M5 plug 4-pole on pigtail 10cm
S2-52M120-24-M5431.00 €HI-LIGHT-2/II grün 525nm 24V-Typ M5 Einbaustecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-2/II green 525nm 24V-Type M5 plug 4-pole
S2-52M120-24-M5P431.00 €HI-LIGHT-2/II grün 525nm 24V-Typ M5 Stecker 4-polig an Pigtail 10cmHI-LIGHT-2/II green 525nm 24V-Type M5 plug 4-pole on pigtail 10cm
S2-52M120-SC-M5441.00 €HI-LIGHT-2/II grün 525nm SC-Typ M5 Einbaustecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-2/II green 525nm SC-Type M5 plug 4-pole
S2-52M120-SC-M5P441.00 €HI-LIGHT-2/II grün 525nm SC-Typ M5 Stecker 4-polig an Pigtail 10cmHI-LIGHT-2/II green 525nm SC-Type M5 plug 4-pole on pigtail 10cm
S35-635120-24-M84460.00 €HI-LIGHT-3/III rot 635nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig an Pigtail 10cmHI-LIGHT-3/III red 635nm 24V-Type M8 Plug 4-pole on Pigtail 10cm
S35-635120-24S-M84495.00 €HI-LIGHT-3/III rot 635nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig an Pigtail 10cmHI-LIGHT-3/III red 635nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 Plug 4-pole on Pigtail 10cm
S35-635120-SC-M84470.00 €HI-LIGHT-3/III rot 635nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig an Pigtail 10cmHI-LIGHT-3/III red 635nm SC-Type M8 Plug 4-pole on Pigtail 10cm
S35-WLU120-24-M84573.00 €HI-LIGHT-3/III weiß 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig an Pigtail 10cmHI-LIGHT-3/III white 24V-Type M8 Plug 4-pole on Pigtail 10cm
S35-WLU120-24S-M84608.00 €HI-LIGHT-3/III weiß 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig an Pigtail 10cmHI-LIGHT-3/III white 24V-Type with remote enable M8 Plug 4-pole on Pigtail 10cm
S35-WLU120-SC-M84583.00 €HI-LIGHT-3/III weiß SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig an Pigtail 10cmHI-LIGHT-3/III white SC-Type M8 Plug 4-pole on Pigtail 10cm
S35-850120-24-M84499.00 €HI-LIGHT-3/III IR 850nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig an Pigtail 10cmHI-LIGHT-3/III IR 850nm 24V-Type M8 Plug 4-pole on Pigtail 10cm
S35-850120-24S-M84534.00 €HI-LIGHT-3/III IR 850nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig an Pigtail 10cmHI-LIGHT-3/III IR 850nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 Plug 4-pole on Pigtail 10cm
S35-850120-SC-M84509.00 €HI-LIGHT-3/III IR 850nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig an Pigtail 10cmHI-LIGHT-3/III IR 850nm SC-Type M8 Plug 4-pole on Pigtail 10cm
S35-470120-24-M84573.00 €HI-LIGHT-3/III blau 470nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig an Pigtail 10cmHI-LIGHT-3/III blue 470nm 24V-Type M8 Plug 4-pole on Pigtail 10cm
S35-470120-24S-M84608.00 €HI-LIGHT-3/III blau 470nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig an Pigtail 10cmHI-LIGHT-3/III blue 470nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 Plug 4-pole on Pigtail 10cm
S35-470120-SC-M84583.00 €HI-LIGHT-3/III blau 470nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig an Pigtail 10cmHI-LIGHT-3/III blue 470nm SC-Type M8 Plug 4-pole on Pigtail 10cm
S35-525120-24-M84573.00 €HI-LIGHT-3/III grün 525nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig an Pigtail 10cmHI-LIGHT-3/III green 525nm 24V-Type M8 Plug 4-pole on Pigtail 10cm
S35-525120-24S-M84608.00 €HI-LIGHT-3/III grün 525nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig an Pigtail 10cmHI-LIGHT-3/III green 525nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 Plug 4-pole on Pigtail 10cm
S35-525120-SC-M84583.00 €HI-LIGHT-3/III grün 525nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig an Pigtail 10cmHI-LIGHT-3/III green 525nm SC-Type M8 Plug 4-pole on Pigtail 10cm
S5-633120-24-M84435.00 €HI-LIGHT-5 rot 633nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig an Pigtail 10cmHI-LIGHT-5 red 633nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole on Pigtail 10cm
S5-633120-SC-M84445.00 €HI-LIGHT-5 rot 633nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig an Pigtail 10cmHI-LIGHT-5 red 633nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole on Pigtail 10cm
S5-WS120-24-M84455.00 €HI-LIGHT-5 weiß 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig an Pigtail 10cmHI-LIGHT-5 white 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole on Pigtail 10cm
S5-WS120-SC-M84465.00 €HI-LIGHT-5 weiß SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig an Pigtail 10cmHI-LIGHT-5 white SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole on Pigtail 10cm
S5-85M120-24-M84455.00 €HI-LIGHT-5 IR 850nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig an Pigtail 10cmHI-LIGHT-5 IR 850nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole on Pigtail 10cm
S5-85M120-SC-M84465.00 €HI-LIGHT-5 IR 850nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig an Pigtail 10cmHI-LIGHT-5 IR 850nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole on Pigtail 10cm
S5-47M120-24-M84455.00 €HI-LIGHT-5 blau 470nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig an Pigtail 10cmHI-LIGHT-5 blue 470nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole on Pigtail 10cm
S5-47M120-SC-M84465.00 €HI-LIGHT-5 blau 470nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig an Pigtail 10cmHI-LIGHT-5 blue 470nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole on Pigtail 10cm
S5-52M120-24-M84455.00 €HI-LIGHT-5 grün 525nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig an Pigtail 10cmHI-LIGHT-5 green 525nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole on Pigtail 10cm
S5-52M120-SC-M84465.00 €HI-LIGHT-5 grün 525nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig an Pigtail 10cmHI-LIGHT-5 green 525nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole on Pigtail 10cm
S62-635120-24-M84560.00 €HI-LIGHT-6/II rot 635nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig an Pigtail 10cmHI-LIGHT-6/II red 635nm 24V-Typ M8 plug 4-polig on Pigtail 10cm
S62-635120-24S-M84595.00 €HI-LIGHT-6/II rot 635nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig an Pigtail 10cmHI-LIGHT-6/II red 635nm 24V-Typ with remote enable M8 plug 4-polig on Pigtail 10cm
S62-635120-SC-M84570.00 €HI-LIGHT-6/II rot 635nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig an Pigtail 10cmHI-LIGHT-6/II red 635nm SC-Typ M8 plug 4-polig on Pigtail 10cm
S62-WLU120-24-M84715.00 €HI-LIGHT-6/II weiß 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig an Pigtail 10cmHI-LIGHT-6/II white 24V-Typ M8 plug 4-polig on Pigtail 10cm
S62-WLU120-24S-M84750.00 €HI-LIGHT-6/II weiß 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig an Pigtail 10cmHI-LIGHT-6/II white 24V-Typ with remote enable M8 plug 4-polig on Pigtail 10cm
S62-WLU120-SC-M84725.00 €HI-LIGHT-6/II weiß SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig an Pigtail 10cmHI-LIGHT-6/II white SC-Typ M8 plug 4-polig on Pigtail 10cm
S62-850120-24-M84609.00 €HI-LIGHT-6/II IR 850nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig an Pigtail 10cmHI-LIGHT-6/II IR 850nm 24V-Typ M8 plug 4-polig on Pigtail 10cm
S62-850120-24S-M84644.00 €HI-LIGHT-6/II IR 850nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig an Pigtail 10cmHI-LIGHT-6/II IR 850nm 24V-Typ with remote enable M8 plug 4-polig on Pigtail 10cm
S62-850120-SC-M84619.00 €HI-LIGHT-6/II IR 850nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig an Pigtail 10cmHI-LIGHT-6/II IR 850nm SC-Typ M8 plug 4-polig on Pigtail 10cm
S62-470120-24-M84715.00 €HI-LIGHT-6/II blau 470nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig an Pigtail 10cmHI-LIGHT-6/II blue 470nm 24V-Typ M8 plug 4-polig on Pigtail 10cm
S62-470120-24S-M84750.00 €HI-LIGHT-6/II blau 470nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig an Pigtail 10cmHI-LIGHT-6/II blue 470nm 24V-Typ with remote enable M8 plug 4-polig on Pigtail 10cm
S62-470120-SC-M84725.00 €HI-LIGHT-6/II blau 470nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig an Pigtail 10cmHI-LIGHT-6/II blue 470nm SC-Typ M8 plug 4-polig on Pigtail 10cm
S62-525120-24-M84715.00 €HI-LIGHT-6/II grün 525nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig an Pigtail 10cmHI-LIGHT-6/II green 525nm 24V-Typ M8 plug 4-polig on Pigtail 10cm
S62-525120-24S-M84750.00 €HI-LIGHT-6/II grün 525nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig an Pigtail 10cmHI-LIGHT-6/II green 525nm 24V-Typ with remote enable M8 plug 4-polig on Pigtail 10cm
S62-525120-SC-M84725.00 €HI-LIGHT-6/II grün 525nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig an Pigtail 10cmHI-LIGHT-6/II green 525nm SC-Typ M8 plug 4-polig on Pigtail 10cm
S17-635120-24-M841,308.00 €HI-LIGHT-8 rot 635nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-8 red 635nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S17-635120-24S-M841,343.00 €HI-LIGHT-8 rot 635nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-8 red 635nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S17-635120-SC-M841,318.00 €HI-LIGHT-8 rot 635nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-8 red 635nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S17-WLU120-24-M841,849.00 €HI-LIGHT-8 weiß 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-8 white 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S17-WLU120-24S-M841,884.00 €HI-LIGHT-8 weiß 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-8 white 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S17-WLU120-SC-M841,859.00 €HI-LIGHT-8 weiß SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-8 white SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S17-850120-24-M841,574.00 €HI-LIGHT-8 IR 850nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-8 IR 850nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S17-850120-24S-M841,609.00 €HI-LIGHT-8 IR 850nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-8 IR 850nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S17-850120-SC-M841,584.00 €HI-LIGHT-8 IR 850nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-8 IR 850nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S17-470120-24-M841,308.00 €HI-LIGHT-8 blau 470nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-8 blue 470nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S17-470120-24S-M841,343.00 €HI-LIGHT-8 blau 470nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-8 blue 470nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S17-470120-SC-M841,318.00 €HI-LIGHT-8 blau 470nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-8 blue 470nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S17-525120-24-M841,308.00 €HI-LIGHT-8 grün 525nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-8 green 525nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S17-525120-24S-M841,343.00 €HI-LIGHT-8 grün 525nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-8 green 525nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S17-525120-SC-M841,318.00 €HI-LIGHT-8 grün 525nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-8 green 525nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S195-635120-24-M84308.00 €HI-LIGHT-40 rot 635nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-40 red 635nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S195-635120-24S-M84343.00 €HI-LIGHT-40 rot 635nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-40 red 635nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S195-635120-SC-M84318.00 €HI-LIGHT-40 rot 635nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-40 red 635nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S195-WLU120-24-M84329.00 €HI-LIGHT-40 weiß 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-40 white 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S195-WLU120-24S-M84364.00 €HI-LIGHT-40 weiß 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-40 white 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S195-WLU120-SC-M84339.00 €HI-LIGHT-40 weiß SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-40 white SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S195-850120-24-M84318.00 €HI-LIGHT-40 IR 850nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-40 IR 850nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S195-850120-24S-M84353.00 €HI-LIGHT-40 IR 850nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-40 IR 850nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S195-850120-SC-M84328.00 €HI-LIGHT-40 IR 850nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-40 IR 850nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S195-470120-24-M84351.00 €HI-LIGHT-40 blau 470nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-40 blue 470nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S195-470120-24S-M84386.00 €HI-LIGHT-40 blau 470nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-40 blue 470nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S195-470120-SC-M84361.00 €HI-LIGHT-40 blau 470nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-40 blue 470nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S195-525120-24-M84351.00 €HI-LIGHT-40 grün 525nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-40 green 525nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S195-525120-24S-M84386.00 €HI-LIGHT-40 grün 525nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-40 green 525nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S195-525120-SC-M84361.00 €HI-LIGHT-40 grün 525nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-40 green 525nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S195-RGB120-24-M86458.00 €HI-LIGHT-40 RGB 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-poligHI-LIGHT-40 RGB 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole
S195-RGB120-SC-M86468.00 €HI-LIGHT-40 RGB SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-poligHI-LIGHT-40 RGB SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole
S182-635120-24-M84434.00 €HI-LIGHT-40/80 rot 635nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-40/80 red 635nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S182-635120-24S-M84469.00 €HI-LIGHT-40/80 rot 635nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-40/80 red 635nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S182-635120-SC-M84444.00 €HI-LIGHT-40/80 rot 635nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-40/80 red 635nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S182-WLU120-24-M84478.00 €HI-LIGHT-40/80 weiß 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-40/80 white 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S182-WLU120-24S-M84513.00 €HI-LIGHT-40/80 weiß 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-40/80 white 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S182-WLU120-SC-M84488.00 €HI-LIGHT-40/80 weiß SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-40/80 white SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S182-850120-24-M84453.00 €HI-LIGHT-40/80 IR 850nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-40/80 IR 850nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S182-850120-24S-M84488.00 €HI-LIGHT-40/80 IR 850nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-40/80 IR 850nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S182-850120-SC-M84463.00 €HI-LIGHT-40/80 IR 850nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-40/80 IR 850nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S182-470120-24-M84478.00 €HI-LIGHT-40/80 blau 470nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-40/80 blue 470nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S182-470120-24S-M84513.00 €HI-LIGHT-40/80 blau 470nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-40/80 blue 470nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S182-470120-SC-M84488.00 €HI-LIGHT-40/80 blau 470nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-40/80 blue 470nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S182-525120-24-M84478.00 €HI-LIGHT-40/80 grün 525nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-40/80 green 525nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S182-525120-24S-M84513.00 €HI-LIGHT-40/80 grün 525nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-40/80 green 525nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S182-525120-SC-M84488.00 €HI-LIGHT-40/80 grün 525nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-40/80 green 525nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S182-RGB120-24-M86687.00 €HI-LIGHT-40/80 RGB 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-poligHI-LIGHT-40/80 RGB 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole
S182-RGB120-SC-M86697.00 €HI-LIGHT-40/80 RGB SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-poligHI-LIGHT-40/80 RGB SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole
S183-635120-24-M84537.00 €HI-LIGHT-40/120 rot 635nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-40/120 red 635nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S183-635120-24S-M84572.00 €HI-LIGHT-40/120 rot 635nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-40/120 red 635nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S183-635120-SC-M84547.00 €HI-LIGHT-40/120 rot 635nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-40/120 red 635nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S183-WLU120-24-M84606.00 €HI-LIGHT-40/120 weiß 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-40/120 white 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S183-WLU120-24S-M84641.00 €HI-LIGHT-40/120 weiß 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-40/120 white 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S183-WLU120-SC-M84616.00 €HI-LIGHT-40/120 weiß SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-40/120 white SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S183-850120-24-M84566.00 €HI-LIGHT-40/120 IR 850nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-40/120 IR 850nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S183-850120-24S-M84601.00 €HI-LIGHT-40/120 IR 850nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-40/120 IR 850nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S183-850120-SC-M84576.00 €HI-LIGHT-40/120 IR 850nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-40/120 IR 850nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S183-470120-24-M84606.00 €HI-LIGHT-40/120 blau 470nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-40/120 blue 470nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S183-470120-24S-M84641.00 €HI-LIGHT-40/120 blau 470nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-40/120 blue 470nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S183-470120-SC-M84616.00 €HI-LIGHT-40/120 blau 470nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-40/120 blue 470nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S183-525120-24-M84606.00 €HI-LIGHT-40/120 grün 525nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-40/120 green 525nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S183-525120-24S-M84641.00 €HI-LIGHT-40/120 grün 525nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-40/120 green 525nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S183-525120-SC-M84616.00 €HI-LIGHT-40/120 grün 525nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-40/120 green 525nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S183-RGB120-24-M86911.00 €HI-LIGHT-40/120 RGB 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-poligHI-LIGHT-40/120 RGB 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole
S183-RGB120-SC-M86921.00 €HI-LIGHT-40/120 RGB SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-poligHI-LIGHT-40/120 RGB SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole
S196-635120-24-M84427.00 €HI-LIGHT-80 rot 635nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-80 red 635nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S196-635120-24S-M84462.00 €HI-LIGHT-80 rot 635nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-80 red 635nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S196-635120-SC-M84437.00 €HI-LIGHT-80 rot 635nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-80 red 635nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S196-WLU120-24-M84521.00 €HI-LIGHT-80 weiß 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-80 white 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S196-WLU120-24S-M84556.00 €HI-LIGHT-80 weiß 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-80 white 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S196-WLU120-SC-M84531.00 €HI-LIGHT-80 weiß SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-80 white SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S196-850120-24-M84469.00 €HI-LIGHT-80 IR 850nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-80 IR 850nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S196-850120-24S-M84504.00 €HI-LIGHT-80 IR 850nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-80 IR 850nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S196-850120-SC-M84479.00 €HI-LIGHT-80 IR 850nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-80 IR 850nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S196-470120-24-M84533.00 €HI-LIGHT-80 blau 470nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-80 blue 470nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S196-470120-24S-M84568.00 €HI-LIGHT-80 blau 470nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-80 blue 470nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S196-470120-SC-M84543.00 €HI-LIGHT-80 blau 470nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-80 blue 470nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S196-525120-24-M84533.00 €HI-LIGHT-80 grün 525nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-80 green 525nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S196-525120-24S-M84568.00 €HI-LIGHT-80 grün 525nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-80 green 525nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S196-525120-SC-M84543.00 €HI-LIGHT-80 grün 525nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-80 green 525nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S196-RGB120-24-M86985.00 €HI-LIGHT-80 RGB 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-poligHI-LIGHT-80 RGB 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole
S196-RGB120-SC-M86995.00 €HI-LIGHT-80 RGB SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-poligHI-LIGHT-80 RGB SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole
S199-635120-24-M84673.00 €HI-LIGHT-80/160 rot 635nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-80/160 red 635nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S199-635120-24S-M84708.00 €HI-LIGHT-80/160 rot 635nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-80/160 red 635nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S199-635120-SC-M84683.00 €HI-LIGHT-80/160 rot 635nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-80/160 red 635nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S199-WLU120-24-M84870.00 €HI-LIGHT-80/160 weiß 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-80/160 white 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S199-WLU120-24S-M84905.00 €HI-LIGHT-80/160 weiß 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-80/160 white 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S199-WLU120-SC-M84880.00 €HI-LIGHT-80/160 weiß SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-80/160 white SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S199-850120-24-M84757.00 €HI-LIGHT-80/160 IR 850nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-80/160 IR 850nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S199-850120-24S-M84792.00 €HI-LIGHT-80/160 IR 850nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-80/160 IR 850nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S199-850120-SC-M84767.00 €HI-LIGHT-80/160 IR 850nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-80/160 IR 850nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S199-470120-24-M84870.00 €HI-LIGHT-80/160 blau 470nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-80/160 blue 470nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S199-470120-24S-M84905.00 €HI-LIGHT-80/160 blau 470nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-80/160 blue 470nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S199-470120-SC-M84880.00 €HI-LIGHT-80/160 blau 470nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-80/160 blue 470nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S199-525120-24-M84870.00 €HI-LIGHT-80/160 grün 525nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-80/160 green 525nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S199-525120-24S-M84905.00 €HI-LIGHT-80/160 grün 525nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-80/160 green 525nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S199-525120-SC-M84880.00 €HI-LIGHT-80/160 grün 525nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-80/160 green 525nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S197-635120-24-M84583.00 €HI-LIGHT-120 rot 635nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-120 red 635nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S197-635120-24S-M84618.00 €HI-LIGHT-120 rot 635nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-120 red 635nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S197-635120-SC-M84593.00 €HI-LIGHT-120 rot 635nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-120 red 635nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S197-WLU120-24-M84794.00 €HI-LIGHT-120 weiß 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-120 white 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S197-WLU120-24S-M84829.00 €HI-LIGHT-120 weiß 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-120 white 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S197-WLU120-SC-M84804.00 €HI-LIGHT-120 weiß SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-120 white SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S197-850120-24-M84672.00 €HI-LIGHT-120 IR 850nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-120 IR 850nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S197-850120-24S-M84707.00 €HI-LIGHT-120 IR 850nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-120 IR 850nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S197-850120-SC-M84682.00 €HI-LIGHT-120 IR 850nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-120 IR 850nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S197-470120-24-M84817.00 €HI-LIGHT-120 blau 470nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-120 blue 470nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S197-470120-24S-M84852.00 €HI-LIGHT-120 blau 470nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-120 blue 470nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S197-470120-SC-M84827.00 €HI-LIGHT-120 blau 470nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-120 blue 470nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S197-525120-24-M84817.00 €HI-LIGHT-120 grün 525nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-120 green 525nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S197-525120-24S-M84852.00 €HI-LIGHT-120 grün 525nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-120 green 525nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S197-525120-SC-M84827.00 €HI-LIGHT-120 grün 525nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-120 green 525nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S197-RGB120-24-M86953.00 €HI-LIGHT-120 RGB 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-poligHI-LIGHT-120 RGB 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole
S197-RGB120-SC-M86963.00 €HI-LIGHT-120 RGB SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-poligHI-LIGHT-120 RGB SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole
S198-635120-24-M841,116.00 €HI-LIGHT-120/240 rot 635nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-120/240 red 635nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S198-635120-24S-M841,151.00 €HI-LIGHT-120/240 rot 635nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-120/240 red 635nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S198-635120-SC-M841,126.00 €HI-LIGHT-120/240 rot 635nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-120/240 red 635nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S198-WLU120-24-M841,560.00 €HI-LIGHT-120/240 weiß 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-120/240 white 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S198-WLU120-24S-M841,595.00 €HI-LIGHT-120/240 weiß 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-120/240 white 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S198-WLU120-SC-M841,570.00 €HI-LIGHT-120/240 weiß SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-120/240 white SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S198-850120-24-M841,307.00 €HI-LIGHT-120/240 IR 850nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-120/240 IR 850nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S198-850120-24S-M841,342.00 €HI-LIGHT-120/240 IR 850nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-120/240 IR 850nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S198-850120-SC-M841,317.00 €HI-LIGHT-120/240 IR 850nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-120/240 IR 850nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S198-470120-24-M841,560.00 €HI-LIGHT-120/240 blau 470nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-120/240 blue 470nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S198-470120-24S-M841,595.00 €HI-LIGHT-120/240 blau 470nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-120/240 blue 470nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S198-470120-SC-M841,570.00 €HI-LIGHT-120/240 blau 470nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-120/240 blue 470nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S198-525120-24-M841,560.00 €HI-LIGHT-120/240 grün 525nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-120/240 green 525nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S198-525120-24S-M841,595.00 €HI-LIGHT-120/240 grün 525nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-120/240 green 525nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S198-525120-SC-M841,570.00 €HI-LIGHT-120/240 grün 525nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-120/240 green 525nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S198-RGB120-24-M861,787.00 €HI-LIGHT-120/240 RGB 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-poligHI-LIGHT-120/240 RGB 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole
S198-RGB120-SC-M861,797.00 €HI-LIGHT-120/240 RGB SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-poligHI-LIGHT-120/240 RGB SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole
S180-635120-24-M841,122.00 €HI-LIGHT-180 rot 635nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-180 red 635nm 24V-Typ M8 plug 4-pole
S180-635120-24S-M841,157.00 €HI-LIGHT-180 rot 635nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-180 red 635nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S180-635120-SC-M841,132.00 €HI-LIGHT-180 rot 635nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-180 red 635nm SC-Typ M8 plug 4-pole
S180-WLU120-24-M841,356.00 €HI-LIGHT-180 weiß 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-180 white 24V-Typ M8 plug 4-pole
S180-WLU120-24S-M841,391.00 €HI-LIGHT-180 weiß 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-180 white 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S180-WLU120-SC-M841,366.00 €HI-LIGHT-180 weiß SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-180 white SC-Typ M8 plug 4-pole
S180-850120-24-M841,190.00 €HI-LIGHT-180 IR 850nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-180 IR 850nm 24V-Typ M8 plug 4-pole
S180-850120-24S-M841,225.00 €HI-LIGHT-180 IR 850nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-180 IR 850nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S180-850120-SC-M841,200.00 €HI-LIGHT-180 IR 850nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-180 IR 850nm SC-Typ M8 plug 4-pole
S180-470120-24-M841,356.00 €HI-LIGHT-180 blau 470nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-180 blue 470nm 24V-Typ M8 plug 4-pole
S180-470120-24S-M841,391.00 €HI-LIGHT-180 blau 470nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-180 blue 470nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S180-470120-SC-M841,366.00 €HI-LIGHT-180 blau 470nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-180 blue 470nm SC-Typ M8 plug 4-pole
S180-525120-24-M841,356.00 €HI-LIGHT-180 grün 525nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-180 green 525nm 24V-Typ M8 plug 4-pole
S180-525120-24S-M841,391.00 €HI-LIGHT-180 grün 525nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-180 green 525nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S180-525120-SC-M841,366.00 €HI-LIGHT-180 grün 525nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-180 green 525nm SC-Typ M8 plug 4-pole
S180-635120-24-M84-CO1,125.00 €HI-LIGHT-180-CO rot 635nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-180-CO red 635nm 24V-Typ M8 plug 4-pole
S180-635120-24S-M84-CO1,160.00 €HI-LIGHT-180-CO rot 635nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-180-CO red 635nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S180-635120-SC-M84-CO1,135.00 €HI-LIGHT-180-CO rot 635nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-180-CO red 635nm SC-Typ M8 plug 4-pole
S180-WLU120-24-M84-CO1,125.00 €HI-LIGHT-180-CO weiß 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-180-CO white 24V-Typ M8 plug 4-pole
S180-WLU120-24S-M84-CO1,160.00 €HI-LIGHT-180-CO weiß 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-180-CO white 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S180-WLU120-SC-M84-CO1,135.00 €HI-LIGHT-180-CO weiß SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-180-CO white SC-Typ M8 plug 4-pole
S180-850120-24-M84-CO1,190.00 €HI-LIGHT-180-CO IR 850nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-180-CO IR 850nm 24V-Typ M8 plug 4-pole
S180-850120-24S-M84-CO1,225.00 €HI-LIGHT-180-CO IR 850nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-180-CO IR 850nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S180-850120-SC-M84-CO1,200.00 €HI-LIGHT-180-CO IR 850nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-180-CO IR 850nm SC-Typ M8 plug 4-pole
S180-470120-24-M84-CO1,125.00 €HI-LIGHT-180-CO blau 470nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-180-CO blue 470nm 24V-Typ M8 plug 4-pole
S180-470120-24S-M84-CO1,160.00 €HI-LIGHT-180-CO blau 470nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-180-CO blue 470nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S180-470120-SC-M84-CO1,135.00 €HI-LIGHT-180-CO blau 470nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-180-CO blue 470nm SC-Typ M8 plug 4-pole
S180-525120-24-M84-CO1,125.00 €HI-LIGHT-180-CO grün 525nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-180-CO green 525nm 24V-Typ M8 plug 4-pole
S180-525120-24S-M84-CO1,160.00 €HI-LIGHT-180-CO grün 525nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-180-CO green 525nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S180-525120-SC-M84-CO1,135.00 €HI-LIGHT-180-CO grün 525nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-180-CO green 525nm SC-Typ M8 plug 4-pole
S50-635120-24-M84482.00 €HI-LIGHT-P2 rot 635nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-P2 red 635nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S50-635120-24S-M84517.00 €HI-LIGHT-P2 rot 635nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-P2 red 635nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S50-635120-SC-M84492.00 €HI-LIGHT-P2 rot 635nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-P2 red 635nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S50-WLU120-24-M84646.00 €HI-LIGHT-P2 weiß 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-P2 white 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S50-WLU120-24S-M84681.00 €HI-LIGHT-P2 weiß 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-P2 white 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S50-WLU120-SC-M84656.00 €HI-LIGHT-P2 weiß SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-P2 white SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S50-850120-24-M84526.00 €HI-LIGHT-P2 IR 850nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-P2 IR 850nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S50-850120-24S-M84561.00 €HI-LIGHT-P2 IR 850nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-P2 IR 850nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S50-850120-SC-M84536.00 €HI-LIGHT-P2 IR 850nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-P2 IR 850nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S50-470120-24-M84646.00 €HI-LIGHT-P2 blau 470nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-P2 blue 470nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S50-470120-24S-M84681.00 €HI-LIGHT-P2 blau 470nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-P2 blue 470nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S50-470120-SC-M84656.00 €HI-LIGHT-P2 blau 470nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-P2 blue 470nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S50-525120-24-M84646.00 €HI-LIGHT-P2 grün 525nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-P2 green 525nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S50-525120-24S-M84681.00 €HI-LIGHT-P2 grün 525nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-P2 green 525nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S50-525120-SC-M84656.00 €HI-LIGHT-P2 grün 525nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-P2 green 525nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S51-635120-24-M84635.00 €HI-LIGHT-P3 rot 635nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-P3 red 635nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S51-635120-24S-M84670.00 €HI-LIGHT-P3 rot 635nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-P3 red 635nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S51-635120-SC-M84645.00 €HI-LIGHT-P3 rot 635nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-P3 red 635nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S51-WLU120-24-M84687.00 €HI-LIGHT-P3 weiß 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-P3 white 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S51-WLU120-24S-M84722.00 €HI-LIGHT-P3 weiß 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-P3 white 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S51-WLU120-SC-M84697.00 €HI-LIGHT-P3 weiß SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-P3 white SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S51-850120-24-M84693.00 €HI-LIGHT-P3 IR 850nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-P3 IR 850nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S51-850120-24S-M84728.00 €HI-LIGHT-P3 IR 850nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-P3 IR 850nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S51-850120-SC-M84703.00 €HI-LIGHT-P3 IR 850nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-P3 IR 850nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S51-470120-24-M84687.00 €HI-LIGHT-P3 blau 470nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-P3 blue 470nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S51-470120-24S-M84722.00 €HI-LIGHT-P3 blau 470nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-P3 blue 470nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S51-470120-SC-M84697.00 €HI-LIGHT-P3 blau 470nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-P3 blue 470nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S51-525120-24-M84687.00 €HI-LIGHT-P3 grün 525nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-P3 green 525nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S51-525120-24S-M84722.00 €HI-LIGHT-P3 grün 525nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-P3 green 525nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S51-525120-SC-M84697.00 €HI-LIGHT-P3 grün 525nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-P3 green 525nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S40-635120-24-M84499.00 €HI-LIGHT-X rot 635nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-X red 635nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S40-635120-24S-M84534.00 €HI-LIGHT-X rot 635nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-X red 635nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S40-635120-SC-M84509.00 €HI-LIGHT-X rot 635nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-X red 635nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S40-WLU120-24-M84676.00 €HI-LIGHT-X weiß 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-X white 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S40-WLU120-24S-M84711.00 €HI-LIGHT-X weiß 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-X white 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S40-WLU120-SC-M84686.00 €HI-LIGHT-X weiß SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-X white SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S40-850120-24-M84548.00 €HI-LIGHT-X IR 850nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-X IR 850nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S40-850120-24S-M84583.00 €HI-LIGHT-X IR 850nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-X IR 850nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S40-850120-SC-M84558.00 €HI-LIGHT-X IR 850nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-X IR 850nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S40-470120-24-M84676.00 €HI-LIGHT-X blau 470nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-X blue 470nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S40-470120-24S-M84711.00 €HI-LIGHT-X blau 470nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-X blue 470nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S40-470120-SC-M84686.00 €HI-LIGHT-X blau 470nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-X blue 470nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S40-525120-24-M84676.00 €HI-LIGHT-X grün 525nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-X green 525nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S40-525120-24S-M84711.00 €HI-LIGHT-X grün 525nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-X green 525nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S40-525120-SC-M84686.00 €HI-LIGHT-X grün 525nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-X green 525nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S41-635120-24-M84866.00 €HI-LIGHT-XL rot 635nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-XL red 635nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S41-635120-24S-M84901.00 €HI-LIGHT-XL rot 635nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-XL red 635nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S41-635120-SC-M84876.00 €HI-LIGHT-XL rot 635nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-XL red 635nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S41-WLU120-24-M841,259.00 €HI-LIGHT-XL weiß 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-XL white 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S41-WLU120-24S-M841,294.00 €HI-LIGHT-XL weiß 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-XL white 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S41-WLU120-SC-M841,269.00 €HI-LIGHT-XL weiß SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-XL white SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S41-850120-24-M84943.00 €HI-LIGHT-XL IR 850nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-XL IR 850nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S41-850120-24S-M84978.00 €HI-LIGHT-XL IR 850nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-XL IR 850nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S41-850120-SC-M84953.00 €HI-LIGHT-XL IR 850nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-XL IR 850nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S41-470120-24-M841,259.00 €HI-LIGHT-XL blau 470nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-XL blue 470nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S41-470120-24S-M841,294.00 €HI-LIGHT-XL blau 470nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-XL blue 470nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S41-470120-SC-M841,269.00 €HI-LIGHT-XL blau 470nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-XL blue 470nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S41-525120-24-M841,259.00 €HI-LIGHT-XL grün 525nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-XL green 525nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S41-525120-24S-M841,294.00 €HI-LIGHT-XL grün 525nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-XL green 525nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S41-525120-SC-M841,269.00 €HI-LIGHT-XL grün 525nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LIGHT-XL green 525nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S230-635120-24-M84298.00 €HI-LINE-2TE rot 635nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LINE-2TE red 635nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S230-635120-24S-M84333.00 €HI-LINE-2TE rot 635nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LINE-2TE red 635nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S230-635120-SC-M84308.00 €HI-LINE-2TE rot 635nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LINE-2TE red 635nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S230-WLU120-24-M84356.00 €HI-LINE-2TE weiß 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LINE-2TE white 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S230-WLU120-24S-M84391.00 €HI-LINE-2TE weiß 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LINE-2TE white 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S230-WLU120-SC-M84366.00 €HI-LINE-2TE weiß SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LINE-2TE white SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S230-850120-24-M84333.00 €HI-LINE-2TE IR 850nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LINE-2TE IR 850nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S230-850120-24S-M84368.00 €HI-LINE-2TE IR 850nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LINE-2TE IR 850nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S230-850120-SC-M84343.00 €HI-LINE-2TE IR 850nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LINE-2TE IR 850nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S230-470120-24-M84356.00 €HI-LINE-2TE blau 470nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LINE-2TE blue 470nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S230-470120-24S-M84391.00 €HI-LINE-2TE blau 470nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LINE-2TE blue 470nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S230-470120-SC-M84366.00 €HI-LINE-2TE blau 470nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LINE-2TE blue 470nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S230-525120-24-M84356.00 €HI-LINE-2TE grün 525nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LINE-2TE green 525nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S230-525120-24S-M84391.00 €HI-LINE-2TE grün 525nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LINE-2TE green 525nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S230-525120-SC-M84366.00 €HI-LINE-2TE grün 525nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LINE-2TE green 525nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S231-635120-24-M84330.00 €HI-LINE-3TE rot 635nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LINE-3TE red 635nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S231-635120-24S-M84365.00 €HI-LINE-3TE rot 635nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LINE-3TE red 635nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S231-635120-SC-M84340.00 €HI-LINE-3TE rot 635nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LINE-3TE red 635nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S231-WLU120-24-M84387.00 €HI-LINE-3TE weiß 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LINE-3TE white 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S231-WLU120-24S-M84422.00 €HI-LINE-3TE weiß 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LINE-3TE white 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S231-WLU120-SC-M84397.00 €HI-LINE-3TE weiß SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LINE-3TE white SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S231-850120-24-M84375.00 €HI-LINE-3TE IR 850nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LINE-3TE IR 850nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S231-850120-24S-M84410.00 €HI-LINE-3TE IR 850nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LINE-3TE IR 850nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S231-850120-SC-M84385.00 €HI-LINE-3TE IR 850nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LINE-3TE IR 850nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S231-470120-24-M84387.00 €HI-LINE-3TE blau 470nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LINE-3TE blue 470nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S231-470120-24S-M84422.00 €HI-LINE-3TE blau 470nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LINE-3TE blue 470nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S231-470120-SC-M84397.00 €HI-LINE-3TE blau 470nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LINE-3TE blue 470nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S231-525120-24-M84387.00 €HI-LINE-3TE grün 525nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LINE-3TE green 525nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S231-525120-24S-M84422.00 €HI-LINE-3TE grün 525nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LINE-3TE green 525nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S231-525120-SC-M84397.00 €HI-LINE-3TE grün 525nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LINE-3TE green 525nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S232-635120-24-M84357.00 €HI-LINE-4TE rot 635nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LINE-4TE red 635nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S232-635120-24S-M84392.00 €HI-LINE-4TE rot 635nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LINE-4TE red 635nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S232-635120-SC-M84367.00 €HI-LINE-4TE rot 635nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LINE-4TE red 635nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S232-WLU120-24-M84412.00 €HI-LINE-4TE weiß 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LINE-4TE white 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S232-WLU120-24S-M84447.00 €HI-LINE-4TE weiß 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LINE-4TE white 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S232-WLU120-SC-M84422.00 €HI-LINE-4TE weiß SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LINE-4TE white SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S232-850120-24-M84398.00 €HI-LINE-4TE IR 850nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LINE-4TE IR 850nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S232-850120-24S-M84433.00 €HI-LINE-4TE IR 850nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LINE-4TE IR 850nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S232-850120-SC-M84408.00 €HI-LINE-4TE IR 850nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LINE-4TE IR 850nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S232-470120-24-M84412.00 €HI-LINE-4TE blau 470nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LINE-4TE blue 470nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S232-470120-24S-M84447.00 €HI-LINE-4TE blau 470nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LINE-4TE blue 470nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S232-470120-SC-M84422.00 €HI-LINE-4TE blau 470nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LINE-4TE blue 470nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S232-525120-24-M84412.00 €HI-LINE-4TE grün 525nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LINE-4TE green 525nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S232-525120-24S-M84447.00 €HI-LINE-4TE grün 525nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LINE-4TE green 525nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S232-525120-SC-M84422.00 €HI-LINE-4TE grün 525nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligHI-LINE-4TE green 525nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S251-635120-24-M84-1286.00 €HI-LINE-D1 rot 635nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligHI-LINE-D1 red 635nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S251-635120-SC-M84-1296.00 €HI-LINE-D1 rot 635nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligHI-LINE-D1 red 635nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S251-WLU120-24-M84-1309.00 €HI-LINE-D1 weiß 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligHI-LINE-D1 white 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S251-WLU120-SC-M84-1319.00 €HI-LINE-D1 weiß SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligHI-LINE-D1 white SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S251-850120-24-M84-1294.00 €HI-LINE-D1 IR 850nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligHI-LINE-D1 IR 850nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S251-850120-SC-M84-1304.00 €HI-LINE-D1 IR 850nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligHI-LINE-D1 IR 850nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S251-470120-24-M84-1309.00 €HI-LINE-D1 blau 470nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligHI-LINE-D1 blue 470nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S251-470120-SC-M84-1319.00 €HI-LINE-D1 blau 470nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligHI-LINE-D1 blue 470nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S251-525120-24-M84-1309.00 €HI-LINE-D1 grün 525nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligHI-LINE-D1 green 525nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S251-525120-SC-M84-1319.00 €HI-LINE-D1 grün 525nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligHI-LINE-D1 green 525nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S251-RGB120-24-M86-1340.00 €HI-LINE-D1 RGB 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 1-kanaligHI-LINE-D1 RGB 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 1-channel
S251-RGB120-SC-M86-1350.00 €HI-LINE-D1 RGB SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 1-kanaligHI-LINE-D1 RGB SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 1-channel
S252-635120-24-M84-1340.00 €HI-LINE-D2 rot 635nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligHI-LINE-D2 red 635nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S252-635120-SC-M84-1350.00 €HI-LINE-D2 rot 635nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligHI-LINE-D2 red 635nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S252-WLU120-24-M84-1390.00 €HI-LINE-D2 weiß 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligHI-LINE-D2 white 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S252-WLU120-SC-M84-1400.00 €HI-LINE-D2 weiß SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligHI-LINE-D2 white SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S252-850120-24-M84-1359.00 €HI-LINE-D2 IR 850nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligHI-LINE-D2 IR 850nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S252-850120-SC-M84-1369.00 €HI-LINE-D2 IR 850nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligHI-LINE-D2 IR 850nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S252-470120-24-M84-1390.00 €HI-LINE-D2 blau 470nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligHI-LINE-D2 blue 470nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S252-470120-SC-M84-1400.00 €HI-LINE-D2 blau 470nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligHI-LINE-D2 blue 470nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S252-525120-24-M84-1390.00 €HI-LINE-D2 grün 525nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligHI-LINE-D2 green 525nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S252-525120-SC-M84-1400.00 €HI-LINE-D2 grün 525nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligHI-LINE-D2 green 525nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S252-RGB120-24-M86-1439.00 €HI-LINE-D2 RGB 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 1-kanaligHI-LINE-D2 RGB 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 1-channel
S252-RGB120-SC-M86-1449.00 €HI-LINE-D2 RGB SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 1-kanaligHI-LINE-D2 RGB SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 1-channel
S253-635120-24-M84-1392.00 €HI-LINE-D3 rot 635nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligHI-LINE-D3 red 635nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S253-635120-SC-M84-1402.00 €HI-LINE-D3 rot 635nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligHI-LINE-D3 red 635nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S253-WLU120-24-M84-1464.00 €HI-LINE-D3 weiß 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligHI-LINE-D3 white 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S253-WLU120-SC-M84-1474.00 €HI-LINE-D3 weiß SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligHI-LINE-D3 white SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S253-850120-24-M84-1419.00 €HI-LINE-D3 IR 850nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligHI-LINE-D3 IR 850nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S253-850120-SC-M84-1429.00 €HI-LINE-D3 IR 850nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligHI-LINE-D3 IR 850nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S253-470120-24-M84-1464.00 €HI-LINE-D3 blau 470nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligHI-LINE-D3 blue 470nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S253-470120-SC-M84-1474.00 €HI-LINE-D3 blau 470nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligHI-LINE-D3 blue 470nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S253-525120-24-M84-1464.00 €HI-LINE-D3 grün 525nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligHI-LINE-D3 green 525nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S253-525120-SC-M84-1474.00 €HI-LINE-D3 grün 525nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligHI-LINE-D3 green 525nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S253-RGB120-24-M86-1537.00 €HI-LINE-D3 RGB 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 1-kanaligHI-LINE-D3 RGB 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 1-channel
S253-RGB120-SC-M86-1547.00 €HI-LINE-D3 RGB SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 1-kanaligHI-LINE-D3 RGB SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 1-channel
S254-635120-24-M84-1425.00 €HI-LINE-D4 rot 635nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligHI-LINE-D4 red 635nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S254-635120-SC-M84-1435.00 €HI-LINE-D4 rot 635nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligHI-LINE-D4 red 635nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S254-WLU120-24-M84-1531.00 €HI-LINE-D4 weiß 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligHI-LINE-D4 white 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S254-WLU120-SC-M84-1541.00 €HI-LINE-D4 weiß SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligHI-LINE-D4 white SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S254-850120-24-M84-1461.00 €HI-LINE-D4 IR 850nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligHI-LINE-D4 IR 850nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S254-850120-SC-M84-1471.00 €HI-LINE-D4 IR 850nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligHI-LINE-D4 IR 850nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S254-470120-24-M84-1531.00 €HI-LINE-D4 blau 470nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligHI-LINE-D4 blue 470nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S254-470120-SC-M84-1541.00 €HI-LINE-D4 blau 470nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligHI-LINE-D4 blue 470nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S254-525120-24-M84-1531.00 €HI-LINE-D4 grün 525nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligHI-LINE-D4 green 525nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S254-525120-SC-M84-1541.00 €HI-LINE-D4 grün 525nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligHI-LINE-D4 green 525nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S254-RGB120-24-M86-1611.00 €HI-LINE-D4 RGB 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 1-kanaligHI-LINE-D4 RGB 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 1-channel
S254-RGB120-SC-M86-1621.00 €HI-LINE-D4 RGB SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 1-kanaligHI-LINE-D4 RGB SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 1-channel
S39-635120-24-M84420.00 €PICCO-MD rot 635nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPICCO-MD red 635nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S39-635120-SC-M84430.00 €PICCO-MD rot 635nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPICCO-MD red 635nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S39-WLU120-24-M84540.00 €PICCO-MD weiß 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPICCO-MD white 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S39-WLU120-SC-M84550.00 €PICCO-MD weiß SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPICCO-MD white SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S39-850120-24-M84458.00 €PICCO-MD IR 850nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPICCO-MD IR 850nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S39-850120-SC-M84468.00 €PICCO-MD IR 850nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPICCO-MD IR 850nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S39-470120-24-M84540.00 €PICCO-MD blau 470nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPICCO-MD blue 470nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S39-470120-SC-M84550.00 €PICCO-MD blau 470nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPICCO-MD blue 470nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S39-525120-24-M84540.00 €PICCO-MD grün 525nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPICCO-MD green 525nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S39-525120-SC-M84550.00 €PICCO-MD grün 525nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPICCO-MD green 525nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S30-635120-24-M84-1-141,066.00 €DOME-170 rot 635nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig VP 14mmDOME-170 red 635nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel VP 14mm
S30-635120-24-M84-1-xx1,066.00 €DOME-170 rot 635nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig VP xxmmDOME-170 red 635nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel VP xxmm
S30-635120-24-M84-1-361,066.00 €DOME-170 rot 635nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig VP 36mmDOME-170 red 635nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel VP 36mm
S30-635120-24S-M84-1-141,101.00 €DOME-170 rot 635nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig VP 14mmDOME-170 red 635nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel VP 14mm
S30-635120-24S-M84-1-xx1,101.00 €DOME-170 rot 635nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig VP xxmmDOME-170 red 635nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel VP xxmm
S30-635120-24S-M84-1-361,101.00 €DOME-170 rot 635nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig VP 36mmDOME-170 red 635nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel VP 36mm
S30-635120-SC-M84-1-141,076.00 €DOME-170 rot 635nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig VP 14mmDOME-170 red 635nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel VP 14mm
S30-635120-SC-M84-1-xx1,076.00 €DOME-170 rot 635nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig VP xxmmDOME-170 red 635nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel VP xxmm
S30-635120-SC-M84-1-361,076.00 €DOME-170 rot 635nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig VP 36mmDOME-170 red 635nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel VP 36mm
S30-WLU120-24-M84-1-141,097.00 €DOME-170 weiß 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig VP 14mmDOME-170 white 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel VP 14mm
S30-WLU120-24-M84-1-xx1,097.00 €DOME-170 weiß 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig VP xxmmDOME-170 white 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel VP xxmm
S30-WLU120-24-M84-1-361,097.00 €DOME-170 weiß 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig VP 36mmDOME-170 white 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel VP 36mm
S30-WLU120-24S-M84-1-141,132.00 €DOME-170 weiß 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig VP 14mmDOME-170 white 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel VP 14mm
S30-WLU120-24S-M84-1-xx1,132.00 €DOME-170 weiß 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig VP xxmmDOME-170 white 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel VP xxmm
S30-WLU120-24S-M84-1-361,132.00 €DOME-170 weiß 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig VP 36mmDOME-170 white 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel VP 36mm
S30-WLU120-SC-M84-1-141,107.00 €DOME-170 weiß SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig VP 14mmDOME-170 white SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel VP 14mm
S30-WLU120-SC-M84-1-xx1,107.00 €DOME-170 weiß SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig VP xxmmDOME-170 white SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel VP xxmm
S30-WLU120-SC-M84-1-361,107.00 €DOME-170 weiß SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig VP 36mmDOME-170 white SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel VP 36mm
S30-850120-24-M84-1-141,097.00 €DOME-170 IR 850nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig VP 14mmDOME-170 IR 850nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel VP 14mm
S30-850120-24-M84-1-xx1,097.00 €DOME-170 IR 850nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig VP xxmmDOME-170 IR 850nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel VP xxmm
S30-850120-24-M84-1-361,097.00 €DOME-170 IR 850nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig VP 36mmDOME-170 IR 850nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel VP 36mm
S30-850120-24S-M84-1-141,132.00 €DOME-170 IR 850nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig VP 14mmDOME-170 IR 850nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel VP 14mm
S30-850120-24S-M84-1-xx1,132.00 €DOME-170 IR 850nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig VP xxmmDOME-170 IR 850nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel VP xxmm
S30-850120-24S-M84-1-361,132.00 €DOME-170 IR 850nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig VP 36mmDOME-170 IR 850nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel VP 36mm
S30-850120-SC-M84-1-141,107.00 €DOME-170 IR 850nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig VP 14mmDOME-170 IR 850nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel VP 14mm
S30-850120-SC-M84-1-xx1,107.00 €DOME-170 IR 850nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig VP xxmmDOME-170 IR 850nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel VP xxmm
S30-850120-SC-M84-1-361,107.00 €DOME-170 IR 850nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig VP 36mmDOME-170 IR 850nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel VP 36mm
S30-470120-24-M84-1-141,097.00 €DOME-170 blau 470nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig VP 14mmDOME-170 blue 470nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel VP 14mm
S30-470120-24-M84-1-xx1,097.00 €DOME-170 blau 470nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig VP xxmmDOME-170 blue 470nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel VP xxmm
S30-470120-24-M84-1-361,097.00 €DOME-170 blau 470nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig VP 36mmDOME-170 blue 470nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel VP 36mm
S30-470120-24S-M84-1-141,132.00 €DOME-170 blau 470nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig VP 14mmDOME-170 blue 470nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel VP 14mm
S30-470120-24S-M84-1-xx1,132.00 €DOME-170 blau 470nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig VP xxmmDOME-170 blue 470nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel VP xxmm
S30-470120-24S-M84-1-361,132.00 €DOME-170 blau 470nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig VP 36mmDOME-170 blue 470nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel VP 36mm
S30-470120-SC-M84-1-141,107.00 €DOME-170 blau 470nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig VP 14mmDOME-170 blue 470nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel VP 14mm
S30-470120-SC-M84-1-xx1,107.00 €DOME-170 blau 470nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig VP xxmmDOME-170 blue 470nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel VP xxmm
S30-470120-SC-M84-1-361,107.00 €DOME-170 blau 470nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig VP 36mmDOME-170 blue 470nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel VP 36mm
S30-525120-24-M84-1-141,097.00 €DOME-170 grün 525nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig VP 14mmDOME-170 green 525nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel VP 14mm
S30-525120-24-M84-1-xx1,097.00 €DOME-170 grün 525nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig VP xxmmDOME-170 green 525nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel VP xxmm
S30-525120-24-M84-1-361,097.00 €DOME-170 grün 525nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig VP 36mmDOME-170 green 525nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel VP 36mm
S30-525120-24S-M84-1-141,132.00 €DOME-170 grün 525nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig VP 14mmDOME-170 green 525nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel VP 14mm
S30-525120-24S-M84-1-xx1,132.00 €DOME-170 grün 525nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig VP xxmmDOME-170 green 525nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel VP xxmm
S30-525120-24S-M84-1-361,132.00 €DOME-170 grün 525nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig VP 36mmDOME-170 green 525nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel VP 36mm
S30-525120-SC-M84-1-141,107.00 €DOME-170 grün 525nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig VP 14mmDOME-170 green 525nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel VP 14mm
S30-525120-SC-M84-1-xx1,107.00 €DOME-170 grün 525nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig VP xxmmDOME-170 green 525nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel VP xxmm
S30-525120-SC-M84-1-361,107.00 €DOME-170 grün 525nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig VP 36mmDOME-170 green 525nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel VP 36mm
S30-635120-24-M86-4-141,153.00 €DOME-170 rot 635nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig VP 14mmDOME-170 red 635nm 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel VP 14mm
S30-635120-24-M86-4-xx1,153.00 €DOME-170 rot 635nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig VP xxmmDOME-170 red 635nm 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel VP xxmm
S30-635120-24-M86-4-361,153.00 €DOME-170 rot 635nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig VP 36mmDOME-170 red 635nm 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel VP 36mm
S30-635120-SC-M86-4-141,163.00 €DOME-170 rot 635nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig VP 14mmDOME-170 red 635nm SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel VP 14mm
S30-635120-SC-M86-4-xx1,163.00 €DOME-170 rot 635nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig VP xxmmDOME-170 red 635nm SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel VP xxmm
S30-635120-SC-M86-4-361,163.00 €DOME-170 rot 635nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig VP 36mmDOME-170 red 635nm SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel VP 36mm
S30-WLU120-24-M86-4-141,187.00 €DOME-170 weiß 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig VP 14mmDOME-170 white 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel VP 14mm
S30-WLU120-24-M86-4-xx1,187.00 €DOME-170 weiß 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig VP xxmmDOME-170 white 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel VP xxmm
S30-WLU120-24-M86-4-361,187.00 €DOME-170 weiß 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig VP 36mmDOME-170 white 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel VP 36mm
S30-WLU120-SC-M86-4-141,197.00 €DOME-170 weiß SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig VP 14mmDOME-170 white SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel VP 14mm
S30-WLU120-SC-M86-4-xx1,197.00 €DOME-170 weiß SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig VP xxmmDOME-170 white SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel VP xxmm
S30-WLU120-SC-M86-4-361,197.00 €DOME-170 weiß SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig VP 36mmDOME-170 white SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel VP 36mm
S30-850120-24-M86-4-141,187.00 €DOME-170 IR 850nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig VP 14mmDOME-170 IR 850nm 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel VP 14mm
S30-850120-24-M86-4-xx1,187.00 €DOME-170 IR 850nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig VP xxmmDOME-170 IR 850nm 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel VP xxmm
S30-850120-24-M86-4-361,187.00 €DOME-170 IR 850nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig VP 36mmDOME-170 IR 850nm 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel VP 36mm
S30-850120-SC-M86-4-141,197.00 €DOME-170 IR 850nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig VP 14mmDOME-170 IR 850nm SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel VP 14mm
S30-850120-SC-M86-4-xx1,197.00 €DOME-170 IR 850nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig VP xxmmDOME-170 IR 850nm SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel VP xxmm
S30-850120-SC-M86-4-361,197.00 €DOME-170 IR 850nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig VP 36mmDOME-170 IR 850nm SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel VP 36mm
S30-470120-24-M86-4-141,187.00 €DOME-170 blau 470nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig VP 14mmDOME-170 blue 470nm 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel VP 14mm
S30-470120-24-M86-4-xx1,187.00 €DOME-170 blau 470nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig VP xxmmDOME-170 blue 470nm 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel VP xxmm
S30-470120-24-M86-4-361,187.00 €DOME-170 blau 470nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig VP 36mmDOME-170 blue 470nm 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel VP 36mm
S30-470120-SC-M86-4-141,197.00 €DOME-170 blau 470nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig VP 14mmDOME-170 blue 470nm SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel VP 14mm
S30-470120-SC-M86-4-xx1,197.00 €DOME-170 blau 470nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig VP xxmmDOME-170 blue 470nm SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel VP xxmm
S30-470120-SC-M86-4-361,197.00 €DOME-170 blau 470nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig VP 36mmDOME-170 blue 470nm SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel VP 36mm
S30-525120-24-M86-4-141,187.00 €DOME-170 grün 525nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig VP 14mmDOME-170 green 525nm 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel VP 14mm
S30-525120-24-M86-4-xx1,187.00 €DOME-170 grün 525nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig VP xxmmDOME-170 green 525nm 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel VP xxmm
S30-525120-24-M86-4-361,187.00 €DOME-170 grün 525nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig VP 36mmDOME-170 green 525nm 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel VP 36mm
S30-525120-SC-M86-4-141,197.00 €DOME-170 grün 525nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig VP 14mmDOME-170 green 525nm SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel VP 14mm
S30-525120-SC-M86-4-xx1,197.00 €DOME-170 grün 525nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig VP xxmmDOME-170 green 525nm SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel VP xxmm
S30-525120-SC-M86-4-361,197.00 €DOME-170 grün 525nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig VP 36mmDOME-170 green 525nm SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel VP 36mm
S30-635120-24-M12-8-141,197.00 €DOME-170 rot 635nm 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig VP 14mmDOME-170 red 635nm 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel VP 14mm
S30-635120-24-M12-8-xx1,197.00 €DOME-170 rot 635nm 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig VP xxmmDOME-170 red 635nm 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel VP xxmm
S30-635120-24-M12-8-361,197.00 €DOME-170 rot 635nm 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig VP 36mmDOME-170 red 635nm 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel VP 36mm
S30-635120-SC-M12-8-141,207.00 €DOME-170 rot 635nm SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig VP 14mmDOME-170 red 635nm SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel VP 14mm
S30-635120-SC-M12-8-xx1,207.00 €DOME-170 rot 635nm SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig VP xxmmDOME-170 red 635nm SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel VP xxmm
S30-635120-SC-M12-8-361,207.00 €DOME-170 rot 635nm SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig VP 36mmDOME-170 red 635nm SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel VP 36mm
S30-WLU120-24-M12-8-141,230.00 €DOME-170 weiß 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig VP 14mmDOME-170 white 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel VP 14mm
S30-WLU120-24-M12-8-xx1,230.00 €DOME-170 weiß 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig VP xxmmDOME-170 white 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel VP xxmm
S30-WLU120-24-M12-8-361,230.00 €DOME-170 weiß 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig VP 36mmDOME-170 white 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel VP 36mm
S30-WLU120-SC-M12-8-141,240.00 €DOME-170 weiß SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig VP 14mmDOME-170 white SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel VP 14mm
S30-WLU120-SC-M12-8-xx1,240.00 €DOME-170 weiß SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig VP xxmmDOME-170 white SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel VP xxmm
S30-WLU120-SC-M12-8-361,240.00 €DOME-170 weiß SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig VP 36mmDOME-170 white SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel VP 36mm
S30-850120-24-M12-8-141,230.00 €DOME-170 IR 850nm 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig VP 14mmDOME-170 IR 850nm 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel VP 14mm
S30-850120-24-M12-8-xx1,230.00 €DOME-170 IR 850nm 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig VP xxmmDOME-170 IR 850nm 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel VP xxmm
S30-850120-24-M12-8-361,230.00 €DOME-170 IR 850nm 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig VP 36mmDOME-170 IR 850nm 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel VP 36mm
S30-850120-SC-M12-8-141,240.00 €DOME-170 IR 850nm SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig VP 14mmDOME-170 IR 850nm SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel VP 14mm
S30-850120-SC-M12-8-xx1,240.00 €DOME-170 IR 850nm SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig VP xxmmDOME-170 IR 850nm SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel VP xxmm
S30-850120-SC-M12-8-361,240.00 €DOME-170 IR 850nm SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig VP 36mmDOME-170 IR 850nm SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel VP 36mm
S30-470120-24-M12-8-141,230.00 €DOME-170 blau 470nm 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig VP 14mmDOME-170 blue 470nm 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel VP 14mm
S30-470120-24-M12-8-xx1,230.00 €DOME-170 blau 470nm 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig VP xxmmDOME-170 blue 470nm 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel VP xxmm
S30-470120-24-M12-8-361,230.00 €DOME-170 blau 470nm 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig VP 36mmDOME-170 blue 470nm 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel VP 36mm
S30-470120-SC-M12-8-141,240.00 €DOME-170 blau 470nm SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig VP 14mmDOME-170 blue 470nm SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel VP 14mm
S30-470120-SC-M12-8-xx1,240.00 €DOME-170 blau 470nm SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig VP xxmmDOME-170 blue 470nm SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel VP xxmm
S30-470120-SC-M12-8-361,240.00 €DOME-170 blau 470nm SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig VP 36mmDOME-170 blue 470nm SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel VP 36mm
S30-525120-24-M12-8-141,230.00 €DOME-170 grün 525nm 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig VP 14mmDOME-170 green 525nm 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel VP 14mm
S30-525120-24-M12-8-xx1,230.00 €DOME-170 grün 525nm 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig VP xxmmDOME-170 green 525nm 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel VP xxmm
S30-525120-24-M12-8-361,230.00 €DOME-170 grün 525nm 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig VP 36mmDOME-170 green 525nm 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel VP 36mm
S30-525120-SC-M12-8-141,240.00 €DOME-170 grün 525nm SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig VP 14mmDOME-170 green 525nm SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel VP 14mm
S30-525120-SC-M12-8-xx1,240.00 €DOME-170 grün 525nm SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig VP xxmmDOME-170 green 525nm SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel VP xxmm
S30-525120-SC-M12-8-361,240.00 €DOME-170 grün 525nm SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig VP 36mmDOME-170 green 525nm SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel VP 36mm
S30-635120-24-M12-16-141,278.00 €DOME-170 rot 635nm 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 16-kanalig VP 14mmDOME-170 red 635nm 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 16-channel VP 14mm
S30-635120-24-M12-16-xx1,278.00 €DOME-170 rot 635nm 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 16-kanalig VP xxmmDOME-170 red 635nm 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 16-channel VP xxmm
S30-635120-24-M12-16-361,278.00 €DOME-170 rot 635nm 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 16-kanalig VP 36mmDOME-170 red 635nm 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 16-channel VP 36mm
S30-635120-SC-M12-16-141,288.00 €DOME-170 rot 635nm SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 16-kanalig VP 14mmDOME-170 red 635nm SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 16-channel VP 14mm
S30-635120-SC-M12-16-xx1,288.00 €DOME-170 rot 635nm SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 16-kanalig VP xxmmDOME-170 red 635nm SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 16-channel VP xxmm
S30-635120-SC-M12-16-361,288.00 €DOME-170 rot 635nm SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 16-kanalig VP 36mmDOME-170 red 635nm SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 16-channel VP 36mm
S30-WLU120-24-M12-16-141,311.00 €DOME-170 weiß 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 16-kanalig VP 14mmDOME-170 white 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 16-channel VP 14mm
S30-WLU120-24-M12-16-xx1,311.00 €DOME-170 weiß 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 16-kanalig VP xxmmDOME-170 white 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 16-channel VP xxmm
S30-WLU120-24-M12-16-361,311.00 €DOME-170 weiß 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 16-kanalig VP 36mmDOME-170 white 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 16-channel VP 36mm
S30-WLU120-SC-M12-16-141,321.00 €DOME-170 weiß SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 16-kanalig VP 14mmDOME-170 white SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 16-channel VP 14mm
S30-WLU120-SC-M12-16-xx1,321.00 €DOME-170 weiß SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 16-kanalig VP xxmmDOME-170 white SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 16-channel VP xxmm
S30-WLU120-SC-M12-16-361,321.00 €DOME-170 weiß SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 16-kanalig VP 36mmDOME-170 white SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 16-channel VP 36mm
S30-850120-24-M12-16-141,311.00 €DOME-170 IR 850nm 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 16-kanalig VP 14mmDOME-170 IR 850nm 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 16-channel VP 14mm
S30-850120-24-M12-16-xx1,311.00 €DOME-170 IR 850nm 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 16-kanalig VP xxmmDOME-170 IR 850nm 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 16-channel VP xxmm
S30-850120-24-M12-16-361,311.00 €DOME-170 IR 850nm 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 16-kanalig VP 36mmDOME-170 IR 850nm 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 16-channel VP 36mm
S30-850120-SC-M12-16-141,321.00 €DOME-170 IR 850nm SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 16-kanalig VP 14mmDOME-170 IR 850nm SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 16-channel VP 14mm
S30-850120-SC-M12-16-xx1,321.00 €DOME-170 IR 850nm SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 16-kanalig VP xxmmDOME-170 IR 850nm SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 16-channel VP xxmm
S30-850120-SC-M12-16-361,321.00 €DOME-170 IR 850nm SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 16-kanalig VP 36mmDOME-170 IR 850nm SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 16-channel VP 36mm
S30-470120-24-M12-16-141,311.00 €DOME-170 blau 470nm 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 16-kanalig VP 14mmDOME-170 blue 470nm 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 16-channel VP 14mm
S30-470120-24-M12-16-xx1,311.00 €DOME-170 blau 470nm 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 16-kanalig VP xxmmDOME-170 blue 470nm 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 16-channel VP xxmm
S30-470120-24-M12-16-361,311.00 €DOME-170 blau 470nm 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 16-kanalig VP 36mmDOME-170 blue 470nm 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 16-channel VP 36mm
S30-470120-SC-M12-16-141,321.00 €DOME-170 blau 470nm SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 16-kanalig VP 14mmDOME-170 blue 470nm SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 16-channel VP 14mm
S30-470120-SC-M12-16-xx1,321.00 €DOME-170 blau 470nm SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 16-kanalig VP xxmmDOME-170 blue 470nm SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 16-channel VP xxmm
S30-470120-SC-M12-16-361,321.00 €DOME-170 blau 470nm SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 16-kanalig VP 36mmDOME-170 blue 470nm SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 16-channel VP 36mm
S30-525120-24-M12-16-141,311.00 €DOME-170 grün 525nm 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 16-kanalig VP 14mmDOME-170 green 525nm 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 16-channel VP 14mm
S30-525120-24-M12-16-xx1,311.00 €DOME-170 grün 525nm 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 16-kanalig VP xxmmDOME-170 green 525nm 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 16-channel VP xxmm
S30-525120-24-M12-16-361,311.00 €DOME-170 grün 525nm 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 16-kanalig VP 36mmDOME-170 green 525nm 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 16-channel VP 36mm
S30-525120-SC-M12-16-141,321.00 €DOME-170 grün 525nm SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 16-kanalig VP 14mmDOME-170 green 525nm SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 16-channel VP 14mm
S30-525120-SC-M12-16-xx1,321.00 €DOME-170 grün 525nm SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 16-kanalig VP xxmmDOME-170 green 525nm SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 16-channel VP xxmm
S30-525120-SC-M12-16-361,321.00 €DOME-170 grün 525nm SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 16-kanalig VP 36mmDOME-170 green 525nm SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 16-channel VP 36mm
S31-617120-24-M125-1-501,721.00 €DOME-325 rot 617nm 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 5-polig 1-kanalig VP 50mmDOME-325 red 617nm 24V-Type M12 plug 5-pole 1-channel VP 50mm
S31-617120-24S-M125-1-501,756.00 €DOME-325 rot 617nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M12 Stecker 5-polig 1-kanalig VP 50mmDOME-325 red 617nm 24V-Type with remote enable M12 plug 5-pole 1-channel VP 50mm
S31-617120-SC-M125-1-501,731.00 €DOME-325 rot 617nm SC-Typ M12 Stecker 5-polig 1-kanalig VP 50mmDOME-325 red 617nm SC-Type M12 plug 5-pole 1-channel VP 50mm
S31-WHP120-24-M125-1-501,831.00 €DOME-325 weiß 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 5-polig 1-kanalig VP 50mmDOME-325 white 24V-Type M12 plug 5-pole 1-channel VP 50mm
S31-WHP120-24S-M125-1-501,866.00 €DOME-325 weiß 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M12 Stecker 5-polig 1-kanalig VP 50mmDOME-325 white 24V-Type with remote enable M12 plug 5-pole 1-channel VP 50mm
S31-WHP120-SC-M125-1-501,841.00 €DOME-325 weiß SC-Typ M12 Stecker 5-polig 1-kanalig VP 50mmDOME-325 white SC-Type M12 plug 5-pole 1-channel VP 50mm
S31-850120-24-M125-1-502,219.00 €DOME-325 IR 850nm 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 5-polig 1-kanalig VP 50mmDOME-325 IR 850nm 24V-Type M12 plug 5-pole 1-channel VP 50mm
S31-850120-24S-M125-1-502,254.00 €DOME-325 IR 850nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M12 Stecker 5-polig 1-kanalig VP 50mmDOME-325 IR 850nm 24V-Type with remote enable M12 plug 5-pole 1-channel VP 50mm
S31-850120-SC-M125-1-502,229.00 €DOME-325 IR 850nm SC-Typ M12 Stecker 5-polig 1-kanalig VP 50mmDOME-325 IR 850nm SC-Type M12 plug 5-pole 1-channel VP 50mm
S31-470120-24-M125-1-501,831.00 €DOME-325 blau 470nm 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 5-polig 1-kanalig VP 50mmDOME-325 blue 470nm 24V-Type M12 plug 5-pole 1-channel VP 50mm
S31-470120-24S-M125-1-501,866.00 €DOME-325 blau 470nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M12 Stecker 5-polig 1-kanalig VP 50mmDOME-325 blue 470nm 24V-Type with remote enable M12 plug 5-pole 1-channel VP 50mm
S31-470120-SC-M125-1-501,841.00 €DOME-325 blau 470nm SC-Typ M12 Stecker 5-polig 1-kanalig VP 50mmDOME-325 blue 470nm SC-Type M12 plug 5-pole 1-channel VP 50mm
S31-525120-24-M125-1-501,831.00 €DOME-325 grün 525nm 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 5-polig 1-kanalig VP 50mmDOME-325 green 525nm 24V-Type M12 plug 5-pole 1-channel VP 50mm
S31-525120-24S-M125-1-501,866.00 €DOME-325 grün 525nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M12 Stecker 5-polig 1-kanalig VP 50mmDOME-325 green 525nm 24V-Type with remote enable M12 plug 5-pole 1-channel VP 50mm
S31-525120-SC-M125-1-501,841.00 €DOME-325 grün 525nm SC-Typ M12 Stecker 5-polig 1-kanalig VP 50mmDOME-325 green 525nm SC-Type M12 plug 5-pole 1-channel VP 50mm
S31-RGB120-24-M125-1-502,643.00 €DOME-325 RGB 120° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 5-polig 1-kanalig VP 50mmDOME-325 RGB 120° 24V-Type M12 plug 5-pole 1-channel VP 50mm
S31-RGB120-SC-M125-1-502,653.00 €DOME-325 RGB 120° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 5-polig 1-kanalig VP 50mmDOME-325 RGB 120° SC-Type M12 plug 5-pole 1-channel VP 50mm
S31-617120-24-M125-4-501,765.00 €DOME-325 rot 617nm 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 5-polig 4-kanalig VP 50mmDOME-325 red 617nm 24V-Type M12 plug 5-pole 4-channel VP 50mm
S31-617120-SC-M125-4-501,775.00 €DOME-325 rot 617nm SC-Typ M12 Stecker 5-polig 4-kanalig VP 50mmDOME-325 red 617nm SC-Type M12 plug 5-pole 4-channel VP 50mm
S31-WHP120-24-M125-4-501,875.00 €DOME-325 weiß 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 5-polig 4-kanalig VP 50mmDOME-325 white 24V-Type M12 plug 5-pole 4-channel VP 50mm
S31-WHP120-SC-M125-4-501,885.00 €DOME-325 weiß SC-Typ M12 Stecker 5-polig 4-kanalig VP 50mmDOME-325 white SC-Type M12 plug 5-pole 4-channel VP 50mm
S31-850120-24-M125-4-502,263.00 €DOME-325 IR 850nm 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 5-polig 4-kanalig VP 50mmDOME-325 IR 850nm 24V-Type M12 plug 5-pole 4-channel VP 50mm
S31-850120-SC-M125-4-502,273.00 €DOME-325 IR 850nm SC-Typ M12 Stecker 5-polig 4-kanalig VP 50mmDOME-325 IR 850nm SC-Type M12 plug 5-pole 4-channel VP 50mm
S31-470120-24-M125-4-501,875.00 €DOME-325 blau 470nm 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 5-polig 4-kanalig VP 50mmDOME-325 blue 470nm 24V-Type M12 plug 5-pole 4-channel VP 50mm
S31-470120-SC-M125-4-501,885.00 €DOME-325 blau 470nm SC-Typ M12 Stecker 5-polig 4-kanalig VP 50mmDOME-325 blue 470nm SC-Type M12 plug 5-pole 4-channel VP 50mm
S31-525120-24-M125-4-501,875.00 €DOME-325 grün 525nm 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 5-polig 4-kanalig VP 50mmDOME-325 green 525nm 24V-Type M12 plug 5-pole 4-channel VP 50mm
S31-525120-SC-M125-4-501,885.00 €DOME-325 grün 525nm SC-Typ M12 Stecker 5-polig 4-kanalig VP 50mmDOME-325 green 525nm SC-Type M12 plug 5-pole 4-channel VP 50mm
S31-RGB120-24-M12-4-502,696.00 €DOME-325 RGB 120° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 4-kanalig VP 50mmDOME-325 RGB 120° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 4-channel VP 50mm
S31-RGB120-SC-M12-4-502,706.00 €DOME-325 RGB 120° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 4-kanalig VP 50mmDOME-325 RGB 120° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 4-channel VP 50mm
S31-617120-24-M12-8-501,809.00 €DOME-325 rot 617nm 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig VP 50mmDOME-325 red 617nm 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel VP 50mm
S31-617120-SC-M12-8-501,819.00 €DOME-325 rot 617nm SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig VP 50mmDOME-325 red 617nm SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel VP 50mm
S31-WHP120-24-M12-8-501,919.00 €DOME-325 weiß 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig VP 50mmDOME-325 white 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel VP 50mm
S31-WHP120-SC-M12-8-501,929.00 €DOME-325 weiß SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig VP 50mmDOME-325 white SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel VP 50mm
S31-850120-24-M12-8-502,307.00 €DOME-325 IR 850nm 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig VP 50mmDOME-325 IR 850nm 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel VP 50mm
S31-850120-SC-M12-8-502,317.00 €DOME-325 IR 850nm SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig VP 50mmDOME-325 IR 850nm SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel VP 50mm
S31-470120-24-M12-8-501,919.00 €DOME-325 blau 470nm 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig VP 50mmDOME-325 blue 470nm 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel VP 50mm
S31-470120-SC-M12-8-501,929.00 €DOME-325 blau 470nm SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig VP 50mmDOME-325 blue 470nm SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel VP 50mm
S31-525120-24-M12-8-501,919.00 €DOME-325 grün 525nm 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig VP 50mmDOME-325 green 525nm 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel VP 50mm
S31-525120-SC-M12-8-501,929.00 €DOME-325 grün 525nm SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig VP 50mmDOME-325 green 525nm SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel VP 50mm
S29-RGB120-24-M5-1-07932.00 €MINI-DOME-60 RGB 120° 24V-Typ M5 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig VP 07mmMINI-DOME-60 RGB 120° 24V-Type M5 plug 4-pole 1-channel VP 07mm
S29-RGB120-24-M5-1-xx932.00 €MINI-DOME-60 RGB 120° 24V-Typ M5 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig VP xxmmMINI-DOME-60 RGB 120° 24V-Type M5 plug 4-pole 1-channel VP xxmm
S29-RGB120-24-M5-1-25932.00 €MINI-DOME-60 RGB 120° 24V-Typ M5 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig VP 25mmMINI-DOME-60 RGB 120° 24V-Type M5 plug 4-pole 1-channel VP 25mm
S29-RGB120-SC-M5-1-07952.00 €MINI-DOME-60 RGB 120° SC-Typ M5 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig VP 07mmMINI-DOME-60 RGB 120° SC-Type M5 plug 4-pole 1-channel VP 07mm
S29-RGB120-SC-M5-1-xx952.00 €MINI-DOME-60 RGB 120° SC-Typ M5 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig VP xxmmMINI-DOME-60 RGB 120° SC-Type M5 plug 4-pole 1-channel VP xxmm
S29-RGB120-SC-M5-1-25952.00 €MINI-DOME-60 RGB 120° SC-Typ M5 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig VP 25mmMINI-DOME-60 RGB 120° SC-Type M5 plug 4-pole 1-channel VP 25mm
S29-RGB120-24-M84-1-07932.00 €MINI-DOME-60 RGB 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig VP 07mmMINI-DOME-60 RGB 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel VP 07mm
S29-RGB120-24-M84-1-xx932.00 €MINI-DOME-60 RGB 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig VP xxmmMINI-DOME-60 RGB 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel VP xxmm
S29-RGB120-24-M84-1-25932.00 €MINI-DOME-60 RGB 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig VP 25mmMINI-DOME-60 RGB 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel VP 25mm
S29-RGB120-SC-M84-1-07952.00 €MINI-DOME-60 RGB 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig VP 07mmMINI-DOME-60 RGB 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel VP 07mm
S29-RGB120-SC-M84-1-xx952.00 €MINI-DOME-60 RGB 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig VP xxmmMINI-DOME-60 RGB 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel VP xxmm
S29-RGB120-SC-M84-1-25952.00 €MINI-DOME-60 RGB 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig VP 25mmMINI-DOME-60 RGB 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel VP 25mm
S28-635120-24-M84-1-12782.00 €MINI-DOME-100 rot 635nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig VP 12mmMINI-DOME-100 red 635nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel VP 12mm
S28-635120-24-M84-1-xx782.00 €MINI-DOME-100 rot 635nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig VP xxmmMINI-DOME-100 red 635nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel VP xxmm
S28-635120-24-M84-1-36782.00 €MINI-DOME-100 rot 635nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig VP 36mmMINI-DOME-100 red 635nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel VP 36mm
S28-635120-SC-M84-1-12802.00 €MINI-DOME-100 rot 635nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig VP 12mmMINI-DOME-100 red 635nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel VP 12mm
S28-635120-SC-M84-1-xx802.00 €MINI-DOME-100 rot 635nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig VP xxmmMINI-DOME-100 red 635nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel VP xxmm
S28-635120-SC-M84-1-36802.00 €MINI-DOME-100 rot 635nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig VP 36mmMINI-DOME-100 red 635nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel VP 36mm
S28-WLU120-24-M84-1-12815.00 €MINI-DOME-100 weiß 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig VP 12mmMINI-DOME-100 white 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel VP 12mm
S28-WLU120-24-M84-1-xx815.00 €MINI-DOME-100 weiß 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig VP xxmmMINI-DOME-100 white 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel VP xxmm
S28-WLU120-24-M84-1-36815.00 €MINI-DOME-100 weiß 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig VP 36mmMINI-DOME-100 white 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel VP 36mm
S28-WLU120-SC-M84-1-12835.00 €MINI-DOME-100 weiß SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig VP 12mmMINI-DOME-100 white SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel VP 12mm
S28-WLU120-SC-M84-1-xx835.00 €MINI-DOME-100 weiß SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig VP xxmmMINI-DOME-100 white SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel VP xxmm
S28-WLU120-SC-M84-1-36835.00 €MINI-DOME-100 weiß SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig VP 36mmMINI-DOME-100 white SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel VP 36mm
S28-850120-24-M84-1-12826.00 €MINI-DOME-100 IR 850nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig VP 12mmMINI-DOME-100 IR 850nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel VP 12mm
S28-850120-24-M84-1-xx826.00 €MINI-DOME-100 IR 850nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig VP xxmmMINI-DOME-100 IR 850nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel VP xxmm
S28-850120-24-M84-1-36826.00 €MINI-DOME-100 IR 850nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig VP 36mmMINI-DOME-100 IR 850nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel VP 36mm
S28-850120-SC-M84-1-12846.00 €MINI-DOME-100 IR 850nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig VP 12mmMINI-DOME-100 IR 850nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel VP 12mm
S28-850120-SC-M84-1-xx846.00 €MINI-DOME-100 IR 850nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig VP xxmmMINI-DOME-100 IR 850nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel VP xxmm
S28-850120-SC-M84-1-36846.00 €MINI-DOME-100 IR 850nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig VP 36mmMINI-DOME-100 IR 850nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel VP 36mm
S28-470120-24-M84-1-12815.00 €MINI-DOME-100 blau 470nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig VP 12mmMINI-DOME-100 blue 470nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel VP 12mm
S28-470120-24-M84-1-xx815.00 €MINI-DOME-100 blau 470nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig VP xxmmMINI-DOME-100 blue 470nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel VP xxmm
S28-470120-24-M84-1-36815.00 €MINI-DOME-100 blau 470nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig VP 36mmMINI-DOME-100 blue 470nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel VP 36mm
S28-470120-SC-M84-1-12835.00 €MINI-DOME-100 blau 470nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig VP 12mmMINI-DOME-100 blue 470nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel VP 12mm
S28-470120-SC-M84-1-xx835.00 €MINI-DOME-100 blau 470nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig VP xxmmMINI-DOME-100 blue 470nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel VP xxmm
S28-470120-SC-M84-1-36835.00 €MINI-DOME-100 blau 470nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig VP 36mmMINI-DOME-100 blue 470nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel VP 36mm
S28-525120-24-M84-1-12815.00 €MINI-DOME-100 grün 525nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig VP 12mmMINI-DOME-100 green 525nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel VP 12mm
S28-525120-24-M84-1-xx815.00 €MINI-DOME-100 grün 525nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig VP xxmmMINI-DOME-100 green 525nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel VP xxmm
S28-525120-24-M84-1-36815.00 €MINI-DOME-100 grün 525nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig VP 36mmMINI-DOME-100 green 525nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel VP 36mm
S28-525120-SC-M84-1-12835.00 €MINI-DOME-100 grün 525nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig VP 12mmMINI-DOME-100 green 525nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel VP 12mm
S28-525120-SC-M84-1-xx835.00 €MINI-DOME-100 grün 525nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig VP xxmmMINI-DOME-100 green 525nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel VP xxmm
S28-525120-SC-M84-1-36835.00 €MINI-DOME-100 grün 525nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig VP 36mmMINI-DOME-100 green 525nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel VP 36mm
S28-RGB120-24-M86-1-12936.00 €MINI-DOME-100 RGB 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 1-kanalig VP 12mmMINI-DOME-100 RGB 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 1-channel VP 12mm
S28-RGB120-24-M86-1-xx936.00 €MINI-DOME-100 RGB 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 1-kanalig VP xxmmMINI-DOME-100 RGB 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 1-channel VP xxmm
S28-RGB120-24-M86-1-36936.00 €MINI-DOME-100 RGB 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 1-kanalig VP 36mmMINI-DOME-100 RGB 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 1-channel VP 36mm
S28-RGB120-SC-M86-1-12956.00 €MINI-DOME-100 RGB 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 1-kanalig VP 12mmMINI-DOME-100 RGB 120° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 1-channel VP 12mm
S28-RGB120-SC-M86-1-xx956.00 €MINI-DOME-100 RGB 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 1-kanalig VP xxmmMINI-DOME-100 RGB 120° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 1-channel VP xxmm
S28-RGB120-SC-M86-1-36956.00 €MINI-DOME-100 RGB 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 1-kanalig VP 36mmMINI-DOME-100 RGB 120° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 1-channel VP 36mm
S28-635120-24-M86-4-12837.00 €MINI-DOME-100 rot 635nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig VP 12mmMINI-DOME-100 red 635nm 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel VP 12mm
S28-635120-24-M86-4-xx837.00 €MINI-DOME-100 rot 635nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig VP xxmmMINI-DOME-100 red 635nm 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel VP xxmm
S28-635120-24-M86-4-36837.00 €MINI-DOME-100 rot 635nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig VP 36mmMINI-DOME-100 red 635nm 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel VP 36mm
S28-635120-SC-M86-4-12857.00 €MINI-DOME-100 rot 635nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig VP 12mmMINI-DOME-100 red 635nm SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel VP 12mm
S28-635120-SC-M86-4-xx857.00 €MINI-DOME-100 rot 635nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig VP xxmmMINI-DOME-100 red 635nm SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel VP xxmm
S28-635120-SC-M86-4-36857.00 €MINI-DOME-100 rot 635nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig VP 36mmMINI-DOME-100 red 635nm SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel VP 36mm
S28-WLU120-24-M86-4-12869.00 €MINI-DOME-100 weiß 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig VP 12mmMINI-DOME-100 white 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel VP 12mm
S28-WLU120-24-M86-4-xx869.00 €MINI-DOME-100 weiß 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig VP xxmmMINI-DOME-100 white 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel VP xxmm
S28-WLU120-24-M86-4-36869.00 €MINI-DOME-100 weiß 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig VP 36mmMINI-DOME-100 white 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel VP 36mm
S28-WLU120-SC-M86-4-12889.00 €MINI-DOME-100 weiß SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig VP 12mmMINI-DOME-100 white SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel VP 12mm
S28-WLU120-SC-M86-4-xx889.00 €MINI-DOME-100 weiß SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig VP xxmmMINI-DOME-100 white SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel VP xxmm
S28-WLU120-SC-M86-4-36889.00 €MINI-DOME-100 weiß SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig VP 36mmMINI-DOME-100 white SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel VP 36mm
S28-850120-24-M86-4-12881.00 €MINI-DOME-100 IR 850nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig VP 12mmMINI-DOME-100 IR 850nm 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel VP 12mm
S28-850120-24-M86-4-xx881.00 €MINI-DOME-100 IR 850nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig VP xxmmMINI-DOME-100 IR 850nm 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel VP xxmm
S28-850120-24-M86-4-36881.00 €MINI-DOME-100 IR 850nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig VP 36mmMINI-DOME-100 IR 850nm 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel VP 36mm
S28-850120-SC-M86-4-12901.00 €MINI-DOME-100 IR 850nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig VP 12mmMINI-DOME-100 IR 850nm SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel VP 12mm
S28-850120-SC-M86-4-xx901.00 €MINI-DOME-100 IR 850nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig VP xxmmMINI-DOME-100 IR 850nm SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel VP xxmm
S28-850120-SC-M86-4-36901.00 €MINI-DOME-100 IR 850nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig VP 36mmMINI-DOME-100 IR 850nm SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel VP 36mm
S28-470120-24-M86-4-12869.00 €MINI-DOME-100 blau 470nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig VP 12mmMINI-DOME-100 blue 470nm 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel VP 12mm
S28-470120-24-M86-4-xx869.00 €MINI-DOME-100 blau 470nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig VP xxmmMINI-DOME-100 blue 470nm 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel VP xxmm
S28-470120-24-M86-4-36869.00 €MINI-DOME-100 blau 470nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig VP 36mmMINI-DOME-100 blue 470nm 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel VP 36mm
S28-470120-SC-M86-4-12889.00 €MINI-DOME-100 blau 470nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig VP 12mmMINI-DOME-100 blue 470nm SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel VP 12mm
S28-470120-SC-M86-4-xx889.00 €MINI-DOME-100 blau 470nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig VP xxmmMINI-DOME-100 blue 470nm SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel VP xxmm
S28-470120-SC-M86-4-36889.00 €MINI-DOME-100 blau 470nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig VP 36mmMINI-DOME-100 blue 470nm SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel VP 36mm
S28-525120-24-M86-4-12869.00 €MINI-DOME-100 grün 525nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig VP 12mmMINI-DOME-100 green 525nm 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel VP 12mm
S28-525120-24-M86-4-xx869.00 €MINI-DOME-100 grün 525nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig VP xxmmMINI-DOME-100 green 525nm 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel VP xxmm
S28-525120-24-M86-4-36869.00 €MINI-DOME-100 grün 525nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig VP 36mmMINI-DOME-100 green 525nm 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel VP 36mm
S28-525120-SC-M86-4-12889.00 €MINI-DOME-100 grün 525nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig VP 12mmMINI-DOME-100 green 525nm SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel VP 12mm
S28-525120-SC-M86-4-xx889.00 €MINI-DOME-100 grün 525nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig VP xxmmMINI-DOME-100 green 525nm SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel VP xxmm
S28-525120-SC-M86-4-36889.00 €MINI-DOME-100 grün 525nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig VP 36mmMINI-DOME-100 green 525nm SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel VP 36mm
S27-635120-24-M84-11,799.00 €TUNNEL-M rot 635nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTUNNEL-M red 635nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S27-635120-24S-M84-11,834.00 €TUNNEL-M rot 635nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTUNNEL-M red 635nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S27-635120-SC-M84-11,809.00 €TUNNEL-M rot 635nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTUNNEL-M red 635nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S27-WLU120-24-M84-11,969.00 €TUNNEL-M weiß 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTUNNEL-M white 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S27-WLU120-24S-M84-12,004.00 €TUNNEL-M weiß 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTUNNEL-M white 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S27-WLU120-SC-M84-11,979.00 €TUNNEL-M weiß SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTUNNEL-M white SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S27-850120-24-M84-11,877.00 €TUNNEL-M IR 850nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTUNNEL-M IR 850nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S27-850120-24S-M84-11,912.00 €TUNNEL-M IR 850nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTUNNEL-M IR 850nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S27-850120-SC-M84-11,887.00 €TUNNEL-M IR 850nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTUNNEL-M IR 850nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S27-470120-24-M84-11,969.00 €TUNNEL-M blau 470nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTUNNEL-M blue 470nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S27-470120-24S-M84-12,004.00 €TUNNEL-M blau 470nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTUNNEL-M blue 470nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S27-470120-SC-M84-11,979.00 €TUNNEL-M blau 470nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTUNNEL-M blue 470nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S27-525120-24-M84-11,969.00 €TUNNEL-M grün 525nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTUNNEL-M green 525nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S27-525120-24S-M84-12,004.00 €TUNNEL-M grün 525nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTUNNEL-M green 525nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S27-525120-SC-M84-11,979.00 €TUNNEL-M grün 525nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTUNNEL-M green 525nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
TLS187-615120-24-3584-1466.00 €ARCUS-35 rot 615nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARCUS-35 rot 615nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig
TLS187-615120-24S-3584-1496.00 €ARCUS-35 rot 615nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARCUS-35 rot 615nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig
TLS187-615120-SC-3584-1476.00 €ARCUS-35 rot 615nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARCUS-35 rot 615nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig
TLS187-WSL120-24-3584-1542.00 €ARCUS-35 weiß 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARCUS-35 weiß 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig
TLS187-WSL120-24S-3584-1572.00 €ARCUS-35 weiß 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARCUS-35 weiß 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig
TLS187-WSL120-SC-3584-1552.00 €ARCUS-35 weiß SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARCUS-35 weiß SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig
TLS187-85L120-24-3584-1536.00 €ARCUS-35 IR 850nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARCUS-35 IR 850nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig
TLS187-85L120-24S-3584-1566.00 €ARCUS-35 IR 850nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARCUS-35 IR 850nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig
TLS187-85L120-SC-3584-1546.00 €ARCUS-35 IR 850nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARCUS-35 IR 850nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig
TLS187-47L120-24-3584-1542.00 €ARCUS-35 blau 470nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARCUS-35 blau 470nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig
TLS187-47L120-24S-3584-1572.00 €ARCUS-35 blau 470nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARCUS-35 blau 470nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig
TLS187-47L120-SC-3584-1552.00 €ARCUS-35 blau 470nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARCUS-35 blau 470nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig
TLS187-52L120-24-3584-1542.00 €ARCUS-35 grün 525nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARCUS-35 grün 525nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig
TLS187-52L120-24S-3584-1572.00 €ARCUS-35 grün 525nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARCUS-35 grün 525nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig
TLS187-52L120-SC-3584-1552.00 €ARCUS-35 grün 525nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARCUS-35 grün 525nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig
S210-633120-24-M84-1567.00 €ARCUS-100 rot 633nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARCUS-100 red 633nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S210-633120-24S-M84-1597.00 €ARCUS-100 rot 633nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARCUS-100 red 633nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S210-633120-SC-M84-1577.00 €ARCUS-100 rot 633nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARCUS-100 red 633nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S210-WS120-24-M84-1567.00 €ARCUS-100 weiß 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARCUS-100 white 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S210-WS120-24S-M84-1597.00 €ARCUS-100 weiß 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARCUS-100 white 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S210-WS120-SC-M84-1577.00 €ARCUS-100 weiß SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARCUS-100 white SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S210-85M120-24-M84-1567.00 €ARCUS-100 IR 850nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARCUS-100 IR 850nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S210-85M120-24S-M84-1597.00 €ARCUS-100 IR 850nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARCUS-100 IR 850nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S210-85M120-SC-M84-1577.00 €ARCUS-100 IR 850nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARCUS-100 IR 850nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S210-47M120-24-M84-1567.00 €ARCUS-100 blau 470nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARCUS-100 blue 470nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S210-47M120-24S-M84-1597.00 €ARCUS-100 blau 470nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARCUS-100 blue 470nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S210-47M120-SC-M84-1577.00 €ARCUS-100 blau 470nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARCUS-100 blue 470nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S210-52M120-24-M84-1567.00 €ARCUS-100 grün 525nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARCUS-100 green 525nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S210-52M120-24S-M84-1597.00 €ARCUS-100 grün 525nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARCUS-100 green 525nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S210-52M120-SC-M84-1577.00 €ARCUS-100 grün 525nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARCUS-100 green 525nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S210-633120-24-M86-4609.00 €ARCUS-100 rot 633nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanaligARCUS-100 red 633nm 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel
S210-633120-SC-M86-4619.00 €ARCUS-100 rot 633nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanaligARCUS-100 red 633nm SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel
S210-WS120-24-M86-4609.00 €ARCUS-100 weiß 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanaligARCUS-100 white 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel
S210-WS120-SC-M86-4619.00 €ARCUS-100 weiß SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanaligARCUS-100 white SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel
S210-85M120-24-M86-4609.00 €ARCUS-100 IR 850nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanaligARCUS-100 IR 850nm 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel
S210-85M120-SC-M86-4619.00 €ARCUS-100 IR 850nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanaligARCUS-100 IR 850nm SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel
S210-47M120-24-M86-4609.00 €ARCUS-100 blau 470nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanaligARCUS-100 blue 470nm 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel
S210-47M120-SC-M86-4619.00 €ARCUS-100 blau 470nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanaligARCUS-100 blue 470nm SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel
S210-52M120-24-M86-4609.00 €ARCUS-100 grün 525nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanaligARCUS-100 green 525nm 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel
S210-52M120-SC-M86-4619.00 €ARCUS-100 grün 525nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanaligARCUS-100 green 525nm SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel
S201-615120-24-M84-11,014.00 €ARCUS-130-DL rot 615nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARCUS-130-DL red 615nm 24V-Type M8 Stecker 4-pole 1-channel
S201-615120-24S-M84-11,044.00 €ARCUS-130-DL rot 615nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARCUS-130-DL red 615nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 Stecker 4-pole 1-channel
S201-615120-SC-M84-11,024.00 €ARCUS-130-DL rot 615nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARCUS-130-DL red 615nm SC-Type M8 Stecker 4-pole 1-channel
S201-WSL120-24-M84-11,087.00 €ARCUS-130-DL weiß 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARCUS-130-DL white 24V-Type M8 Stecker 4-pole 1-channel
S201-WSL120-24S-M84-11,117.00 €ARCUS-130-DL weiß 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARCUS-130-DL white 24V-Type with remote enable M8 Stecker 4-pole 1-channel
S201-WSL120-SC-M84-11,097.00 €ARCUS-130-DL weiß SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARCUS-130-DL white SC-Type M8 Stecker 4-pole 1-channel
S201-85L120-24-M84-11,193.00 €ARCUS-130-DL IR 850nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARCUS-130-DL IR 850nm 24V-Type M8 Stecker 4-pole 1-channel
S201-85L120-24S-M84-11,223.00 €ARCUS-130-DL IR 850nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARCUS-130-DL IR 850nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 Stecker 4-pole 1-channel
S201-85L120-SC-M84-11,203.00 €ARCUS-130-DL IR 850nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARCUS-130-DL IR 850nm SC-Type M8 Stecker 4-pole 1-channel
S201-47L120-24-M84-11,087.00 €ARCUS-130-DL blau 470nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARCUS-130-DL blue 470nm 24V-Type M8 Stecker 4-pole 1-channel
S201-47L120-24S-M84-11,117.00 €ARCUS-130-DL blau 470nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARCUS-130-DL blue 470nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 Stecker 4-pole 1-channel
S201-47L120-SC-M84-11,097.00 €ARCUS-130-DL blau 470nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARCUS-130-DL blue 470nm SC-Type M8 Stecker 4-pole 1-channel
S201-52L120-24-M84-11,087.00 €ARCUS-130-DL grün 525nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARCUS-130-DL green 525nm 24V-Type M8 Stecker 4-pole 1-channel
S201-52L120-24S-M84-11,117.00 €ARCUS-130-DL grün 525nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARCUS-130-DL green 525nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 Stecker 4-pole 1-channel
S201-52L120-SC-M84-11,097.00 €ARCUS-130-DL grün 525nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARCUS-130-DL green 525nm SC-Type M8 Stecker 4-pole 1-channel
S201-615120-24-M84-21,048.00 €ARCUS-130-DL rot 615nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligARCUS-130-DL red 615nm 24V-Type M8 Stecker 4-pole 2-channel
S201-615120-SC-M84-21,058.00 €ARCUS-130-DL rot 615nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligARCUS-130-DL red 615nm SC-Type M8 Stecker 4-pole 2-channel
S201-WSL120-24-M84-21,120.00 €ARCUS-130-DL weiß 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligARCUS-130-DL white 24V-Type M8 Stecker 4-pole 2-channel
S201-WSL120-SC-M84-21,130.00 €ARCUS-130-DL weiß SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligARCUS-130-DL white SC-Type M8 Stecker 4-pole 2-channel
S201-85L120-24-M84-21,225.00 €ARCUS-130-DL IR 850nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligARCUS-130-DL IR 850nm 24V-Type M8 Stecker 4-pole 2-channel
S201-85L120-SC-M84-21,235.00 €ARCUS-130-DL IR 850nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligARCUS-130-DL IR 850nm SC-Type M8 Stecker 4-pole 2-channel
S201-47L120-24-M84-21,120.00 €ARCUS-130-DL blau 470nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligARCUS-130-DL blue 470nm 24V-Type M8 Stecker 4-pole 2-channel
S201-47L120-SC-M84-21,130.00 €ARCUS-130-DL blau 470nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligARCUS-130-DL blue 470nm SC-Type M8 Stecker 4-pole 2-channel
S201-52L120-24-M84-21,120.00 €ARCUS-130-DL grün 525nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligARCUS-130-DL green 525nm 24V-Type M8 Stecker 4-pole 2-channel
S201-52L120-SC-M84-21,130.00 €ARCUS-130-DL grün 525nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligARCUS-130-DL green 525nm SC-Type M8 Stecker 4-pole 2-channel
S201-615120-24-M86-41,092.00 €ARCUS-130-DL rot 615nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanaligARCUS-130-DL red 615nm 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel
S201-615120-SC-M86-41,102.00 €ARCUS-130-DL rot 615nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanaligARCUS-130-DL red 615nm SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel
S201-WSL120-24-M86-41,163.00 €ARCUS-130-DL weiß 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanaligARCUS-130-DL white 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel
S201-WSL120-SC-M86-41,173.00 €ARCUS-130-DL weiß SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanaligARCUS-130-DL white SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel
S201-85L120-24-M86-41,269.00 €ARCUS-130-DL IR 850nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanaligARCUS-130-DL IR 850nm 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel
S201-85L120-SC-M86-41,279.00 €ARCUS-130-DL IR 850nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanaligARCUS-130-DL IR 850nm SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel
S201-47L120-24-M86-41,163.00 €ARCUS-130-DL blau 470nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanaligARCUS-130-DL blue 470nm 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel
S201-47L120-SC-M86-41,173.00 €ARCUS-130-DL blau 470nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanaligARCUS-130-DL blue 470nm SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel
S201-52L120-24-M86-41,163.00 €ARCUS-130-DL grün 525nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanaligARCUS-130-DL green 525nm 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel
S201-52L120-SC-M86-41,173.00 €ARCUS-130-DL grün 525nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanaligARCUS-130-DL green 525nm SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel
S201-615120-24-M12-81,125.00 €ARCUS-130-DL rot 615nm 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanaligARCUS-130-DL red 615nm 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel
S201-615120-SC-M12-81,135.00 €ARCUS-130-DL rot 615nm SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanaligARCUS-130-DL red 615nm SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel
S201-WSL120-24-M12-81,197.00 €ARCUS-130-DL weiß 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanaligARCUS-130-DL white 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel
S201-WSL120-SC-M12-81,207.00 €ARCUS-130-DL weiß SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanaligARCUS-130-DL white SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel
S201-85L120-24-M12-81,303.00 €ARCUS-130-DL IR 850nm 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanaligARCUS-130-DL IR 850nm 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel
S201-85L120-SC-M12-81,313.00 €ARCUS-130-DL IR 850nm SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanaligARCUS-130-DL IR 850nm SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel
S201-47L120-24-M12-81,197.00 €ARCUS-130-DL blau 470nm 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanaligARCUS-130-DL blue 470nm 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel
S201-47L120-SC-M12-81,207.00 €ARCUS-130-DL blau 470nm SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanaligARCUS-130-DL blue 470nm SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel
S201-52L120-24-M12-81,197.00 €ARCUS-130-DL grün 525nm 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanaligARCUS-130-DL green 525nm 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel
S201-52L120-SC-M12-81,207.00 €ARCUS-130-DL grün 525nm SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanaligARCUS-130-DL green 525nm SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel
S200-615120-24-M84-1756.00 €ARCUS-130-SL rot 615nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARCUS-130-SL red 615nm 24V-Type M8 Stecker 4-pole 1-channel
S200-615120-24S-M84-1786.00 €ARCUS-130-SL rot 615nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARCUS-130-SL red 615nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 Stecker 4-pole 1-channel
S200-615120-SC-M84-1766.00 €ARCUS-130-SL rot 615nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARCUS-130-SL red 615nm SC-Type M8 Stecker 4-pole 1-channel
S200-WSL120-24-M84-1816.00 €ARCUS-130-SL weiß 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARCUS-130-SL white 24V-Type M8 Stecker 4-pole 1-channel
S200-WSL120-24S-M84-1846.00 €ARCUS-130-SL weiß 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARCUS-130-SL white 24V-Type with remote enable M8 Stecker 4-pole 1-channel
S200-WSL120-SC-M84-1826.00 €ARCUS-130-SL weiß SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARCUS-130-SL white SC-Type M8 Stecker 4-pole 1-channel
S200-85L120-24-M84-1879.00 €ARCUS-130-SL IR 850nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARCUS-130-SL IR 850nm 24V-Type M8 Stecker 4-pole 1-channel
S200-85L120-24S-M84-1909.00 €ARCUS-130-SL IR 850nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARCUS-130-SL IR 850nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 Stecker 4-pole 1-channel
S200-85L120-SC-M84-1889.00 €ARCUS-130-SL IR 850nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARCUS-130-SL IR 850nm SC-Type M8 Stecker 4-pole 1-channel
S200-47L120-24-M84-1816.00 €ARCUS-130-SL blau 470nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARCUS-130-SL blue 470nm 24V-Type M8 Stecker 4-pole 1-channel
S200-47L120-24S-M84-1846.00 €ARCUS-130-SL blau 470nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARCUS-130-SL blue 470nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 Stecker 4-pole 1-channel
S200-47L120-SC-M84-1826.00 €ARCUS-130-SL blau 470nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARCUS-130-SL blue 470nm SC-Type M8 Stecker 4-pole 1-channel
S200-52L120-24-M84-1816.00 €ARCUS-130-SL grün 525nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARCUS-130-SL green 525nm 24V-Type M8 Stecker 4-pole 1-channel
S200-52L120-24S-M84-1846.00 €ARCUS-130-SL grün 525nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARCUS-130-SL green 525nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 Stecker 4-pole 1-channel
S200-52L120-SC-M84-1826.00 €ARCUS-130-SL grün 525nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARCUS-130-SL green 525nm SC-Type M8 Stecker 4-pole 1-channel
S200-615120-24-M86-4800.00 €ARCUS-130-SL rot 633nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanaligARCUS-130-SL red 633nm 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel
S200-615120-SC-M86-4810.00 €ARCUS-130-SL rot 633nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanaligARCUS-130-SL red 633nm SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel
S200-WSL120-24-M86-4860.00 €ARCUS-130-SL weiß 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanaligARCUS-130-SL white 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel
S200-WSL120-SC-M86-4870.00 €ARCUS-130-SL weiß SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanaligARCUS-130-SL white SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel
S200-85L120-24-M86-4924.00 €ARCUS-130-SL IR 850nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanaligARCUS-130-SL IR 850nm 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel
S200-85L120-SC-M86-4934.00 €ARCUS-130-SL IR 850nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanaligARCUS-130-SL IR 850nm SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel
S200-47L120-24-M86-4860.00 €ARCUS-130-SL blau 470nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanaligARCUS-130-SL blue 470nm 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel
S200-47L120-SC-M86-4870.00 €ARCUS-130-SL blau 470nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanaligARCUS-130-SL blue 470nm SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel
S200-52L120-24-M86-4860.00 €ARCUS-130-SL grün 525nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanaligARCUS-130-SL green 525nm 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel
S200-52L120-SC-M86-4870.00 €ARCUS-130-SL grün 525nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanaligARCUS-130-SL green 525nm SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel
S209-615120-24-M84-11,752.00 €ARCUS-190 rot 615nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARCUS-190 red 615nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S209-615120-24S-M84-11,782.00 €ARCUS-190 rot 615nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARCUS-190 red 615nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S209-615120-SC-M84-11,762.00 €ARCUS-190 rot 615nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARCUS-190 red 615nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S209-WSL120-24-M84-11,752.00 €ARCUS-190 weiß 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARCUS-190 white 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S209-WSL120-24S-M84-11,782.00 €ARCUS-190 weiß 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARCUS-190 white 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S209-WSL120-SC-M84-11,762.00 €ARCUS-190 weiß SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARCUS-190 white SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S209-85L120-24-M84-11,752.00 €ARCUS-190 IR 850nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARCUS-190 IR 850nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S209-85L120-24S-M84-11,782.00 €ARCUS-190 IR 850nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARCUS-190 IR 850nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S209-85L120-SC-M84-11,762.00 €ARCUS-190 IR 850nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARCUS-190 IR 850nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S209-47L120-24-M84-11,752.00 €ARCUS-190 blau 470nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARCUS-190 blue 470nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S209-47L120-24S-M84-11,782.00 €ARCUS-190 blau 470nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARCUS-190 blue 470nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S209-47L120-SC-M84-11,762.00 €ARCUS-190 blau 470nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARCUS-190 blue 470nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S209-52L120-24-M84-11,752.00 €ARCUS-190 grün 525nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARCUS-190 green 525nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S209-52L120-24S-M84-11,782.00 €ARCUS-190 grün 525nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARCUS-190 green 525nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S209-52L120-SC-M84-11,762.00 €ARCUS-190 grün 525nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARCUS-190 green 525nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S209-615120-24-M84-21,773.00 €ARCUS-190 rot 615nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligARCUS-190 red 615nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S209-615120-SC-M84-21,783.00 €ARCUS-190 rot 615nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligARCUS-190 red 615nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S209-WSL120-24-M84-21,773.00 €ARCUS-190 weiß 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligARCUS-190 white 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S209-WSL120-SC-M84-21,783.00 €ARCUS-190 weiß SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligARCUS-190 white SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S209-85L120-24-M84-21,773.00 €ARCUS-190 IR 850nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligARCUS-190 IR 850nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S209-85L120-SC-M84-21,783.00 €ARCUS-190 IR 850nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligARCUS-190 IR 850nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S209-47L120-24-M84-21,773.00 €ARCUS-190 blau 470nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligARCUS-190 blue 470nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S209-47L120-SC-M84-21,783.00 €ARCUS-190 blau 470nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligARCUS-190 blue 470nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S209-52L120-24-M84-21,773.00 €ARCUS-190 grün 525nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligARCUS-190 green 525nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S209-52L120-SC-M84-21,783.00 €ARCUS-190 grün 525nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligARCUS-190 green 525nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S209-615120-24-M86-41,806.00 €ARCUS-190 rot 633nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanaligARCUS-190 red 633nm 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel
S209-615120-SC-M86-41,816.00 €ARCUS-190 rot 633nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanaligARCUS-190 red 633nm SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel
S209-WSL120-24-M86-41,806.00 €ARCUS-190 weiß 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanaligARCUS-190 white 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel
S209-WSL120-SC-M86-41,816.00 €ARCUS-190 weiß SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanaligARCUS-190 white SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel
S209-85L120-24-M86-41,806.00 €ARCUS-190 IR 850nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanaligARCUS-190 IR 850nm 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel
S209-85L120-SC-M86-41,816.00 €ARCUS-190 IR 850nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanaligARCUS-190 IR 850nm SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel
S209-47L120-24-M86-41,806.00 €ARCUS-190 blau 470nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanaligARCUS-190 blue 470nm 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel
S209-47L120-SC-M86-41,816.00 €ARCUS-190 blau 470nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanaligARCUS-190 blue 470nm SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel
S209-52L120-24-M86-41,806.00 €ARCUS-190 grün 525nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanaligARCUS-190 green 525nm 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel
S209-52L120-SC-M86-41,816.00 €ARCUS-190 grün 525nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanaligARCUS-190 green 525nm SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel
S22-615120-24-M84-1466.00 €ARCUS-M rot 615nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARCUS-M red 615nm 24V-Type M8 Stecker 4-pole 1-channel
S22-615120-24S-M84-1496.00 €ARCUS-M rot 615nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARCUS-M red 615nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 Stecker 4-pole 1-channel
S22-615120-SC-M84-1476.00 €ARCUS-M rot 615nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARCUS-M red 615nm SC-Type M8 Stecker 4-pole 1-channel
S22-WSL120-24-M84-1542.00 €ARCUS-M weiß 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARCUS-M white 24V-Type M8 Stecker 4-pole 1-channel
S22-WSL120-24S-M84-1572.00 €ARCUS-M weiß 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARCUS-M white 24V-Type with remote enable M8 Stecker 4-pole 1-channel
S22-WSL120-SC-M84-1552.00 €ARCUS-M weiß SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARCUS-M white SC-Type M8 Stecker 4-pole 1-channel
S22-85L120-24-M84-1536.00 €ARCUS-M IR 850nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARCUS-M IR 850nm 24V-Type M8 Stecker 4-pole 1-channel
S22-85L120-24S-M84-1566.00 €ARCUS-M IR 850nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARCUS-M IR 850nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 Stecker 4-pole 1-channel
S22-85L120-SC-M84-1546.00 €ARCUS-M IR 850nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARCUS-M IR 850nm SC-Type M8 Stecker 4-pole 1-channel
S22-47L120-24-M84-1542.00 €ARCUS-M blau 470nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARCUS-M blue 470nm 24V-Type M8 Stecker 4-pole 1-channel
S22-47L120-24S-M84-1572.00 €ARCUS-M blau 470nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARCUS-M blue 470nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 Stecker 4-pole 1-channel
S22-47L120-SC-M84-1552.00 €ARCUS-M blau 470nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARCUS-M blue 470nm SC-Type M8 Stecker 4-pole 1-channel
S22-52L120-24-M84-1542.00 €ARCUS-M grün 525nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARCUS-M green 525nm 24V-Type M8 Stecker 4-pole 1-channel
S22-52L120-24S-M84-1572.00 €ARCUS-M grün 525nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARCUS-M green 525nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 Stecker 4-pole 1-channel
S22-52L120-SC-M84-1552.00 €ARCUS-M grün 525nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARCUS-M green 525nm SC-Type M8 Stecker 4-pole 1-channel
S300-WCW080-11-24-M1241,009.00 €HIGHSPEED-ONE weiß 11° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 4-poligHIGHSPEED-ONE white 11° 24V-Type M12 plug 4-pole
S300-WCW080-11-SC-M1241,019.00 €HIGHSPEED-ONE weiß 11° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 4-poligHIGHSPEED-ONE white 11° SC-Type M12 plug 4-pole
S300-WCW080-20-24-M1241,009.00 €HIGHSPEED-ONE weiß 20° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 4-poligHIGHSPEED-ONE white 20° 24V-Type M12 plug 4-pole
S300-WCW080-20-SC-M1241,019.00 €HIGHSPEED-ONE weiß 20° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 4-poligHIGHSPEED-ONE white 20° SC-Type M12 plug 4-pole
S121-617030-24-M84165.00 €LOGO-2 rot 617nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligLOGO-2 red 617nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S121-617030-SC-M84175.00 €LOGO-2 rot 617nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligLOGO-2 red 617nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S121-617060-24-M84165.00 €LOGO-2 rot 617nm 60° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligLOGO-2 red 617nm 60° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S121-617060-SC-M84175.00 €LOGO-2 rot 617nm 60° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligLOGO-2 red 617nm 60° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S121-635120-24-M84165.00 €LOGO-2 rot 635nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligLOGO-2 red 635nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S121-635120-SC-M84175.00 €LOGO-2 rot 635nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligLOGO-2 red 635nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S121-WLU120-24-M84197.00 €LOGO-2 weiß 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligLOGO-2 white 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S121-WLU120-SC-M84207.00 €LOGO-2 weiß 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligLOGO-2 white 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S121-850030-24-M84186.00 €LOGO-2 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligLOGO-2 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S121-850030-SC-M84196.00 €LOGO-2 IR 850nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligLOGO-2 IR 850nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S121-850050-24-M84186.00 €LOGO-2 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligLOGO-2 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S121-850050-SC-M84196.00 €LOGO-2 IR 850nm 50° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligLOGO-2 IR 850nm 50° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S121-850120-24-M84186.00 €LOGO-2 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligLOGO-2 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S121-850120-SC-M84196.00 €LOGO-2 IR 850nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligLOGO-2 IR 850nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S121-470030-24-M84175.00 €LOGO-2 blau 470nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligLOGO-2 blue 470nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S121-470030-SC-M84185.00 €LOGO-2 blau 470nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligLOGO-2 blue 470nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S121-470120-24-M84175.00 €LOGO-2 blau 470nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligLOGO-2 blue 470nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S121-470120-SC-M84185.00 €LOGO-2 blau 470nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligLOGO-2 blue 470nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S121-525030-24-M84175.00 €LOGO-2 grün 525nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligLOGO-2 green 525nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S121-525030-SC-M84185.00 €LOGO-2 grün 525nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligLOGO-2 green 525nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S121-525120-24-M84175.00 €LOGO-2 grün 525nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligLOGO-2 green 525nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S121-525120-SC-M84185.00 €LOGO-2 grün 525nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligLOGO-2 green 525nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S121-365120-24-M84264.00 €LOGO-2 UV 365nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligLOGO-2 UV 365nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S121-365120-SC-M84274.00 €LOGO-2 UV 365nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligLOGO-2 UV 365nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S121-375120-24-M84264.00 €LOGO-2 UV 375nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligLOGO-2 UV 375nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S121-375120-SC-M84274.00 €LOGO-2 UV 375nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligLOGO-2 UV 375nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S125-625080-24-M84269.00 €LOGO-C rot 625nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligLOGO-C red 625nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S125-625080-24S-M84299.00 €LOGO-C rot 625nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligLOGO-C red 625nm SC-Type24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S125-625080-SC-M84279.00 €LOGO-C rot 625nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligLOGO-C red 625nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S125-WCW080-24-M84280.00 €LOGO-C weiß 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligLOGO-C white 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S125-WCW080-24S-M84310.00 €LOGO-C weiß 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligLOGO-C white SC-Type24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S125-WCW080-SC-M84290.00 €LOGO-C weiß SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligLOGO-C white SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S125-850090-24-M84301.00 €LOGO-C IR 850nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligLOGO-C IR 850nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S125-850090-24S-M84331.00 €LOGO-C IR 850nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligLOGO-C IR 850nm SC-Type24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S125-850090-SC-M84311.00 €LOGO-C IR 850nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligLOGO-C IR 850nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S125-470080-24-M84280.00 €LOGO-C blau 470nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligLOGO-C blue 470nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S125-470080-24S-M84310.00 €LOGO-C blau 470nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligLOGO-C blue 470nm SC-Type24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S125-470080-SC-M84290.00 €LOGO-C blau 470nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligLOGO-C blue 470nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S125-525080-24-M84280.00 €LOGO-C grün 525nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligLOGO-C green 525nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S125-525080-24S-M84310.00 €LOGO-C grün 525nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligLOGO-C green 525nm SC-Type24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S125-525080-SC-M84290.00 €LOGO-C grün 525nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligLOGO-C green 525nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S25-617030-24-M84442.00 €PICCO-MA rot 617nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPICCO-MA red 617nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S25-617030-SC-M84452.00 €PICCO-MA rot 617nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPICCO-MA red 617nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S25-617060-24-M84442.00 €PICCO-MA rot 617nm 60° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPICCO-MA red 617nm 60° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S25-617060-SC-M84452.00 €PICCO-MA rot 617nm 60° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPICCO-MA red 617nm 60° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S25-635120-24-M84420.00 €PICCO-MA rot 635nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPICCO-MA red 635nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S25-635120-SC-M84430.00 €PICCO-MA rot 635nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPICCO-MA red 635nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S25-WLU120-24-M84575.00 €PICCO-MA weiß 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPICCO-MA white 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S25-WLU120-SC-M84585.00 €PICCO-MA weiß 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPICCO-MA white 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S25-850030-24-M84490.00 €PICCO-MA IR 850nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPICCO-MA IR 850nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S25-850030-SC-M84500.00 €PICCO-MA IR 850nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPICCO-MA IR 850nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S25-850050-24-M84490.00 €PICCO-MA IR 850nm 50° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPICCO-MA IR 850nm 50° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S25-850050-SC-M84500.00 €PICCO-MA IR 850nm 50° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPICCO-MA IR 850nm 50° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S25-850120-24-M84466.00 €PICCO-MA IR 850nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPICCO-MA IR 850nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S25-850120-SC-M84476.00 €PICCO-MA IR 850nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPICCO-MA IR 850nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S25-470030-24-M84575.00 €PICCO-MA blau 470nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPICCO-MA blue 470nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S25-470030-SC-M84585.00 €PICCO-MA blau 470nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPICCO-MA blue 470nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S25-470120-24-M84575.00 €PICCO-MA blau 470nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPICCO-MA blue 470nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S25-470120-SC-M84585.00 €PICCO-MA blau 470nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPICCO-MA blue 470nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S25-525030-24-M84575.00 €PICCO-MA grün 525nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPICCO-MA green 525nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S25-525030-SC-M84585.00 €PICCO-MA grün 525nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPICCO-MA green 525nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S25-525120-24-M84575.00 €PICCO-MA grün 525nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPICCO-MA green 525nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S25-525120-SC-M84585.00 €PICCO-MA grün 525nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPICCO-MA green 525nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S208-625080-36-24-M84368.00 €POWER-PIN-M18 rot 625nm 36° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-PIN-M18 red 625nm 36° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S208-625080-36-24S-M84398.00 €POWER-PIN-M18 rot 625nm 36° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-PIN-M18 red 625nm 36° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S208-625080-36-SC-M84318.00 €POWER-PIN-M18 rot 625nm 36° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-PIN-M18 red 625nm 36° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S208-625080-23-24-M84368.00 €POWER-PIN-M18 rot 625nm 23° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-PIN-M18 red 625nm 23° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S208-625080-23-24S-M84398.00 €POWER-PIN-M18 rot 625nm 23° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-PIN-M18 red 625nm 23° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S208-625080-23-SC-M84318.00 €POWER-PIN-M18 rot 625nm 23° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-PIN-M18 red 625nm 23° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S208-625080-16-24-M84368.00 €POWER-PIN-M18 rot 625nm 16° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-PIN-M18 red 625nm 16° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S208-625080-16-24S-M84398.00 €POWER-PIN-M18 rot 625nm 16° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-PIN-M18 red 625nm 16° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S208-625080-16-SC-M84318.00 €POWER-PIN-M18 rot 625nm 16° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-PIN-M18 red 625nm 16° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S208-WCW080-36-24-M84398.00 €POWER-PIN-M18 weiß 36° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-PIN-M18 white 36° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S208-WCW080-36-24S-M84428.00 €POWER-PIN-M18 weiß 36° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-PIN-M18 white 36° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S208-WCW080-36-SC-M84348.00 €POWER-PIN-M18 weiß 36° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-PIN-M18 white 36° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S208-WCW080-23-24-M84398.00 €POWER-PIN-M18 weiß 23° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-PIN-M18 white 23° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S208-WCW080-23-24S-M84428.00 €POWER-PIN-M18 weiß 23° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-PIN-M18 white 23° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S208-WCW080-23-SC-M84348.00 €POWER-PIN-M18 weiß 23° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-PIN-M18 white 23° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S208-WCW080-16-24-M84398.00 €POWER-PIN-M18 weiß 16° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-PIN-M18 white 16° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S208-WCW080-16-24S-M84428.00 €POWER-PIN-M18 weiß 16° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-PIN-M18 white 16° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S208-WCW080-16-SC-M84348.00 €POWER-PIN-M18 weiß 16° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-PIN-M18 white 16° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S208-850090-36-24-M84408.00 €POWER-PIN-M18 IR 850nm 36° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-PIN-M18 IR 850nm 36° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S208-850090-36-24S-M84438.00 €POWER-PIN-M18 IR 850nm 36° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-PIN-M18 IR 850nm 36° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S208-850090-36-SC-M84358.00 €POWER-PIN-M18 IR 850nm 36° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-PIN-M18 IR 850nm 36° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S208-850090-23-24-M84408.00 €POWER-PIN-M18 IR 850nm 23° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-PIN-M18 IR 850nm 23° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S208-850090-23-24S-M84438.00 €POWER-PIN-M18 IR 850nm 23° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-PIN-M18 IR 850nm 23° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S208-850090-23-SC-M84358.00 €POWER-PIN-M18 IR 850nm 23° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-PIN-M18 IR 850nm 23° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S208-850090-16-24-M84408.00 €POWER-PIN-M18 IR 850nm 16° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-PIN-M18 IR 850nm 16° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S208-850090-16-24S-M84438.00 €POWER-PIN-M18 IR 850nm 16° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-PIN-M18 IR 850nm 16° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S208-850090-16-SC-M84358.00 €POWER-PIN-M18 IR 850nm 16° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-PIN-M18 IR 850nm 16° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S208-470080-36-24-M84398.00 €POWER-PIN-M18 blau 470nm 36° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-PIN-M18 blue 470nm 36° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S208-470080-36-24S-M84428.00 €POWER-PIN-M18 blau 470nm 36° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-PIN-M18 blue 470nm 36° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S208-470080-36-SC-M84348.00 €POWER-PIN-M18 blau 470nm 36° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-PIN-M18 blue 470nm 36° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S208-470080-23-24-M84398.00 €POWER-PIN-M18 blau 470nm 23° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-PIN-M18 blue 470nm 23° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S208-470080-23-24S-M84428.00 €POWER-PIN-M18 blau 470nm 23° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-PIN-M18 blue 470nm 23° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S208-470080-23-SC-M84348.00 €POWER-PIN-M18 blau 470nm 23° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-PIN-M18 blue 470nm 23° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S208-470080-16-24-M84398.00 €POWER-PIN-M18 blau 470nm 16° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-PIN-M18 blue 470nm 16° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S208-470080-16-24S-M84428.00 €POWER-PIN-M18 blau 470nm 16° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-PIN-M18 blue 470nm 16° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S208-470080-16-SC-M84348.00 €POWER-PIN-M18 blau 470nm 16° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-PIN-M18 blue 470nm 16° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S208-525080-36-24-M84398.00 €POWER-PIN-M18 grün 525nm 36° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-PIN-M18 green 525nm 36° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S208-525080-36-24S-M84428.00 €POWER-PIN-M18 grün 525nm 36° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-PIN-M18 green 525nm 36° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S208-525080-36-SC-M84348.00 €POWER-PIN-M18 grün 525nm 36° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-PIN-M18 green 525nm 36° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S208-525080-23-24-M84398.00 €POWER-PIN-M18 grün 525nm 23° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-PIN-M18 green 525nm 23° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S208-525080-23-24S-M84428.00 €POWER-PIN-M18 grün 525nm 23° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-PIN-M18 green 525nm 23° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S208-525080-23-SC-M84348.00 €POWER-PIN-M18 grün 525nm 23° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-PIN-M18 green 525nm 23° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S208-525080-16-24-M84398.00 €POWER-PIN-M18 grün 525nm 16° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-PIN-M18 green 525nm 16° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S208-525080-16-24S-M84428.00 €POWER-PIN-M18 grün 525nm 16° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-PIN-M18 green 525nm 16° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S208-525080-16-SC-M84348.00 €POWER-PIN-M18 grün 525nm 16° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-PIN-M18 green 525nm 16° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S146-625080-24-M84417.00 €SPOT-C-MOUNT rot 625nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligSPOT-C-MOUNT red 625nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S146-625080-24S-M84447.00 €SPOT-C-MOUNT rot 625nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligSPOT-C-MOUNT red 625nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S146-625080-SC-M84347.00 €SPOT-C-MOUNT rot 625nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligSPOT-C-MOUNT red 625nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S146-WCW080-24-M84417.00 €SPOT-C-MOUNT weiß 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligSPOT-C-MOUNT white 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S146-WCW080-24S-M84447.00 €SPOT-C-MOUNT weiß 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligSPOT-C-MOUNT white 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S146-WCW080-SC-M84347.00 €SPOT-C-MOUNT weiß SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligSPOT-C-MOUNT white SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S146-850090-24-M84427.00 €SPOT-C-MOUNT IR 850nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligSPOT-C-MOUNT IR 850nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S146-850090-24S-M84457.00 €SPOT-C-MOUNT IR 850nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligSPOT-C-MOUNT IR 850nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S146-850090-SC-M84357.00 €SPOT-C-MOUNT IR 850nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligSPOT-C-MOUNT IR 850nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S146-470080-24-M84417.00 €SPOT-C-MOUNT blau 470nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligSPOT-C-MOUNT blue 470nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S146-470080-24S-M84447.00 €SPOT-C-MOUNT blau 470nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligSPOT-C-MOUNT blue 470nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S146-470080-SC-M84347.00 €SPOT-C-MOUNT blau 470nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligSPOT-C-MOUNT blue 470nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S146-525080-24-M84417.00 €SPOT-C-MOUNT grün 525nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligSPOT-C-MOUNT green 525nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S146-525080-24S-M84447.00 €SPOT-C-MOUNT grün 525nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligSPOT-C-MOUNT green 525nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S146-525080-SC-M84347.00 €SPOT-C-MOUNT grün 525nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligSPOT-C-MOUNT green 525nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S145-625080-36-24-M84427.00 €SPOT-ONE rot 625nm 36° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligSPOT-ONE red 625nm 36° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S145-625080-36-24S-M84462.00 €SPOT-ONE rot 625nm 36° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligSPOT-ONE red 625nm 36° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S145-625080-36-SC-M84357.00 €SPOT-ONE rot 625nm 36° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligSPOT-ONE red 625nm 36° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S145-625080-23-24-M84427.00 €SPOT-ONE rot 625nm 23° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligSPOT-ONE red 625nm 23° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S145-625080-23-24S-M84462.00 €SPOT-ONE rot 625nm 23° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligSPOT-ONE red 625nm 23° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S145-625080-23-SC-M84357.00 €SPOT-ONE rot 625nm 23° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligSPOT-ONE red 625nm 23° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S145-625080-16-24-M84427.00 €SPOT-ONE rot 625nm 16° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligSPOT-ONE red 625nm 16° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S145-625080-16-24S-M84462.00 €SPOT-ONE rot 625nm 16° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligSPOT-ONE red 625nm 16° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S145-625080-16-SC-M84357.00 €SPOT-ONE rot 625nm 16° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligSPOT-ONE red 625nm 16° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S145-625080-05-24-M84427.00 €SPOT-ONE rot 625nm 5° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligSPOT-ONE red 625nm 5° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S145-625080-05-24S-M84462.00 €SPOT-ONE rot 625nm 5° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligSPOT-ONE red 625nm 5° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S145-625080-05-SC-M84357.00 €SPOT-ONE rot 625nm 5° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligSPOT-ONE red 625nm 5° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S145-WCW080-36-24-M84427.00 €SPOT-ONE weiß 36° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligSPOT-ONE white 36° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S145-WCW080-36-24S-M84462.00 €SPOT-ONE weiß 36° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligSPOT-ONE white 36° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S145-WCW080-36-SC-M84357.00 €SPOT-ONE weiß 36° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligSPOT-ONE white 36° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S145-WCW080-23-24-M84427.00 €SPOT-ONE weiß 23° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligSPOT-ONE white 23° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S145-WCW080-23-24S-M84462.00 €SPOT-ONE weiß 23° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligSPOT-ONE white 23° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S145-WCW080-23-SC-M84357.00 €SPOT-ONE weiß 23° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligSPOT-ONE white 23° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S145-WCW080-16-24-M84427.00 €SPOT-ONE weiß 16° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligSPOT-ONE white 16° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S145-WCW080-16-24S-M84462.00 €SPOT-ONE weiß 16° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligSPOT-ONE white 16° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S145-WCW080-16-SC-M84357.00 €SPOT-ONE weiß 16° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligSPOT-ONE white 16° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S145-WCW080-05-24-M84427.00 €SPOT-ONE weiß 5° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligSPOT-ONE white 5° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S145-WCW080-05-24S-M84462.00 €SPOT-ONE weiß 5° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligSPOT-ONE white 5° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S145-WCW080-05-SC-M84357.00 €SPOT-ONE weiß 5° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligSPOT-ONE white 5° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S145-850090-36-24-M84438.00 €SPOT-ONE IR 850nm 36° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligSPOT-ONE IR 850nm 36° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S145-850090-36-24S-M84473.00 €SPOT-ONE IR 850nm 36° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligSPOT-ONE IR 850nm 36° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S145-850090-36-SC-M84368.00 €SPOT-ONE IR 850nm 36° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligSPOT-ONE IR 850nm 36° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S145-850090-23-24-M84438.00 €SPOT-ONE IR 850nm 23° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligSPOT-ONE IR 850nm 23° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S145-850090-23-24S-M84473.00 €SPOT-ONE IR 850nm 23° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligSPOT-ONE IR 850nm 23° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S145-850090-23-SC-M84368.00 €SPOT-ONE IR 850nm 23° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligSPOT-ONE IR 850nm 23° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S145-850090-16-24-M84438.00 €SPOT-ONE IR 850nm 16° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligSPOT-ONE IR 850nm 16° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S145-850090-16-24S-M84473.00 €SPOT-ONE IR 850nm 16° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligSPOT-ONE IR 850nm 16° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S145-850090-16-SC-M84368.00 €SPOT-ONE IR 850nm 16° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligSPOT-ONE IR 850nm 16° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S145-850090-05-24-M84438.00 €SPOT-ONE IR 850nm 5° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligSPOT-ONE IR 850nm 5° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S145-850090-05-24S-M84473.00 €SPOT-ONE IR 850nm 5° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligSPOT-ONE IR 850nm 5° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S145-850090-05-SC-M84368.00 €SPOT-ONE IR 850nm 5° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligSPOT-ONE IR 850nm 5° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S145-470080-36-24-M84427.00 €SPOT-ONE blau 470nm 36° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligSPOT-ONE blue 470nm 36° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S145-470080-36-24S-M84462.00 €SPOT-ONE blau 470nm 36° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligSPOT-ONE blue 470nm 36° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S145-470080-36-SC-M84357.00 €SPOT-ONE blau 470nm 36° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligSPOT-ONE blue 470nm 36° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S145-470080-23-24-M84427.00 €SPOT-ONE blau 470nm 23° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligSPOT-ONE blue 470nm 23° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S145-470080-23-24S-M84462.00 €SPOT-ONE blau 470nm 23° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligSPOT-ONE blue 470nm 23° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S145-470080-23-SC-M84357.00 €SPOT-ONE blau 470nm 23° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligSPOT-ONE blue 470nm 23° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S145-470080-16-24-M84427.00 €SPOT-ONE blau 470nm 16° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligSPOT-ONE blue 470nm 16° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S145-470080-16-24S-M84462.00 €SPOT-ONE blau 470nm 16° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligSPOT-ONE blue 470nm 16° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S145-470080-16-SC-M84357.00 €SPOT-ONE blau 470nm 16° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligSPOT-ONE blue 470nm 16° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S145-470080-05-24-M84427.00 €SPOT-ONE blau 470nm 5° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligSPOT-ONE blue 470nm 5° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S145-470080-05-24S-M84462.00 €SPOT-ONE blau 470nm 5° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligSPOT-ONE blue 470nm 5° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S145-470080-05-SC-M84357.00 €SPOT-ONE blau 470nm 5° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligSPOT-ONE blue 470nm 5° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S145-525080-36-24-M84427.00 €SPOT-ONE grün 525nm 36° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligSPOT-ONE green 525nm 36° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S145-525080-36-24S-M84462.00 €SPOT-ONE grün 525nm 36° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligSPOT-ONE green 525nm 36° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S145-525080-36-SC-M84357.00 €SPOT-ONE grün 525nm 36° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligSPOT-ONE green 525nm 36° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S145-525080-23-24-M84427.00 €SPOT-ONE grün 525nm 23° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligSPOT-ONE green 525nm 23° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S145-525080-23-24S-M84462.00 €SPOT-ONE grün 525nm 23° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligSPOT-ONE green 525nm 23° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S145-525080-23-SC-M84357.00 €SPOT-ONE grün 525nm 23° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligSPOT-ONE green 525nm 23° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S145-525080-16-24-M84427.00 €SPOT-ONE grün 525nm 16° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligSPOT-ONE green 525nm 16° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S145-525080-16-24S-M84462.00 €SPOT-ONE grün 525nm 16° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligSPOT-ONE green 525nm 16° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S145-525080-16-SC-M84357.00 €SPOT-ONE grün 525nm 16° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligSPOT-ONE green 525nm 16° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S145-525080-05-24-M84427.00 €SPOT-ONE grün 525nm 5° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligSPOT-ONE green 525nm 5° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S145-525080-05-24S-M84462.00 €SPOT-ONE grün 525nm 5° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligSPOT-ONE green 525nm 5° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S145-525080-05-SC-M84357.00 €SPOT-ONE grün 525nm 5° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligSPOT-ONE green 525nm 5° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S181-617030-24-M841,346.00 €TOP-LIGHT-8-CO rot 617nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-8-CO red 617nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S181-617030-24S-M841,381.00 €TOP-LIGHT-8-CO rot 617nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-8-CO red 617nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S181-617030-SC-M841,356.00 €TOP-LIGHT-8-CO rot 617nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-8-CO red 617nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S181-617060-24-M841,346.00 €TOP-LIGHT-8-CO rot 617nm 60° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-8-CO red 617nm 60° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S181-617060-24S-M841,381.00 €TOP-LIGHT-8-CO rot 617nm 60° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-8-CO red 617nm 60° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S181-617060-SC-M841,356.00 €TOP-LIGHT-8-CO rot 617nm 60° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-8-CO red 617nm 60° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S181-635120-24-M841,282.00 €TOP-LIGHT-8-CO rot 635nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-8-CO red 635nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S181-635120-24S-M841,317.00 €TOP-LIGHT-8-CO rot 635nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-8-CO red 635nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S181-635120-SC-M841,292.00 €TOP-LIGHT-8-CO rot 635nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-8-CO red 635nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S181-WLU120-24-M841,823.00 €TOP-LIGHT-8-CO weiß 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-8-CO white 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S181-WLU120-24S-M841,858.00 €TOP-LIGHT-8-CO weiß 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-8-CO white 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S181-WLU120-SC-M841,833.00 €TOP-LIGHT-8-CO weiß 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-8-CO white 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S181-850030-24-M841,547.00 €TOP-LIGHT-8-CO IR 850nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-8-CO IR 850nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S181-850030-24S-M841,582.00 €TOP-LIGHT-8-CO IR 850nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-8-CO IR 850nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S181-850030-SC-M841,557.00 €TOP-LIGHT-8-CO IR 850nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-8-CO IR 850nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S181-850050-24-M841,547.00 €TOP-LIGHT-8-CO IR 850nm 50° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-8-CO IR 850nm 50° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S181-850050-24S-M841,582.00 €TOP-LIGHT-8-CO IR 850nm 50° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-8-CO IR 850nm 50° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S181-850050-SC-M841,557.00 €TOP-LIGHT-8-CO IR 850nm 50° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-8-CO IR 850nm 50° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S181-850120-24-M841,547.00 €TOP-LIGHT-8-CO IR 850nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-8-CO IR 850nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S181-850120-24S-M841,582.00 €TOP-LIGHT-8-CO IR 850nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-8-CO IR 850nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S181-850120-SC-M841,557.00 €TOP-LIGHT-8-CO IR 850nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-8-CO IR 850nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S181-470030-24-M841,346.00 €TOP-LIGHT-8-CO blau 470nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-8-CO blue 470nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S181-470030-24S-M841,381.00 €TOP-LIGHT-8-CO blau 470nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-8-CO blue 470nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S181-470030-SC-M841,356.00 €TOP-LIGHT-8-CO blau 470nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-8-CO blue 470nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S181-470120-24-M841,282.00 €TOP-LIGHT-8-CO blau 470nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-8-CO blue 470nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S181-470120-24S-M841,317.00 €TOP-LIGHT-8-CO blau 470nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-8-CO blue 470nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S181-470120-SC-M841,292.00 €TOP-LIGHT-8-CO blau 470nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-8-CO blue 470nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S181-525030-24-M841,346.00 €TOP-LIGHT-8-CO grün 525nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-8-CO green 525nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S181-525030-24S-M841,381.00 €TOP-LIGHT-8-CO grün 525nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-8-CO green 525nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S181-525030-SC-M841,356.00 €TOP-LIGHT-8-CO grün 525nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-8-CO green 525nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S181-525120-24-M841,282.00 €TOP-LIGHT-8-CO grün 525nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-8-CO green 525nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S181-525120-24S-M841,317.00 €TOP-LIGHT-8-CO grün 525nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-8-CO green 525nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S181-525120-SC-M841,292.00 €TOP-LIGHT-8-CO grün 525nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-8-CO green 525nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S190-617030-24-M84318.00 €TOP-LIGHT-40 rot 617nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-40 red 617nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S190-617030-24S-M84353.00 €TOP-LIGHT-40 rot 617nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-40 red 617nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S190-617030-SC-M84328.00 €TOP-LIGHT-40 rot 617nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-40 red 617nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S190-617060-24-M84210.00 €TOP-LIGHT-40 rot 617nm 60° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-40 red 617nm 60° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S190-617060-24S-M84245.00 €TOP-LIGHT-40 rot 617nm 60° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-40 red 617nm 60° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S190-617060-SC-M84220.00 €TOP-LIGHT-40 rot 617nm 60° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-40 red 617nm 60° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S190-635120-24-M84308.00 €TOP-LIGHT-40 rot 635nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-40 red 635nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S190-635120-24S-M84343.00 €TOP-LIGHT-40 rot 635nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-40 red 635nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S190-635120-SC-M84318.00 €TOP-LIGHT-40 rot 635nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-40 red 635nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S190-WLU120-24-M84329.00 €TOP-LIGHT-40 weiß 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-40 white 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S190-WLU120-24S-M84364.00 €TOP-LIGHT-40 weiß 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-40 white 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S190-WLU120-SC-M84339.00 €TOP-LIGHT-40 weiß 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-40 white 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S190-850030-24-M84322.00 €TOP-LIGHT-40 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-40 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S190-850030-24S-M84357.00 €TOP-LIGHT-40 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-40 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S190-850030-SC-M84332.00 €TOP-LIGHT-40 IR 850nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-40 IR 850nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S190-850050-24-M84322.00 €TOP-LIGHT-40 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-40 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S190-850050-24S-M84357.00 €TOP-LIGHT-40 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-40 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S190-850050-SC-M84332.00 €TOP-LIGHT-40 IR 850nm 50° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-40 IR 850nm 50° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S190-850120-24-M84318.00 €TOP-LIGHT-40 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-40 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S190-850120-24S-M84353.00 €TOP-LIGHT-40 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-40 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S190-850120-SC-M84328.00 €TOP-LIGHT-40 IR 850nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-40 IR 850nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S190-470030-24-M84318.00 €TOP-LIGHT-40 blau 470nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-40 blue 470nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S190-470030-24S-M84353.00 €TOP-LIGHT-40 blau 470nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-40 blue 470nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S190-470030-SC-M84328.00 €TOP-LIGHT-40 blau 470nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-40 blue 470nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S190-470120-24-M84318.00 €TOP-LIGHT-40 blau 470nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-40 blue 470nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S190-470120-24S-M84353.00 €TOP-LIGHT-40 blau 470nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-40 blue 470nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S190-470120-SC-M84328.00 €TOP-LIGHT-40 blau 470nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-40 blue 470nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S190-525030-24-M84318.00 €TOP-LIGHT-40 grün 525nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-40 green 525nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S190-525030-24S-M84353.00 €TOP-LIGHT-40 grün 525nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-40 green 525nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S190-525030-SC-M84328.00 €TOP-LIGHT-40 grün 525nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-40 green 525nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S190-525120-24-M84318.00 €TOP-LIGHT-40 grün 525nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-40 green 525nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S190-525120-24S-M84353.00 €TOP-LIGHT-40 grün 525nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-40 green 525nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S190-525120-SC-M84328.00 €TOP-LIGHT-40 grün 525nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-40 green 525nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S190-RGB120-24-M86458.00 €TOP-LIGHT-40 RGB 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-poligTOP-LIGHT-40 RGB 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole
S190-RGB120-SC-M86468.00 €TOP-LIGHT-40 RGB 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-poligTOP-LIGHT-40 RGB 120° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole
S187-617030-24-M84452.00 €TOP-LIGHT-40/80 rot 617nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-40/80 red 617nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S187-617030-24S-M84487.00 €TOP-LIGHT-40/80 rot 617nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-40/80 red 617nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S187-617030-SC-M84462.00 €TOP-LIGHT-40/80 rot 617nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-40/80 red 617nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S187-617060-24-M84452.00 €TOP-LIGHT-40/80 rot 617nm 60° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-40/80 red 617nm 60° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S187-617060-24S-M84487.00 €TOP-LIGHT-40/80 rot 617nm 60° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-40/80 red 617nm 60° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S187-617060-SC-M84462.00 €TOP-LIGHT-40/80 rot 617nm 60° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-40/80 red 617nm 60° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S187-635120-24-M84434.00 €TOP-LIGHT-40/80 rot 635nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-40/80 red 635nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S187-635120-24S-M84469.00 €TOP-LIGHT-40/80 rot 635nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-40/80 red 635nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S187-635120-SC-M84444.00 €TOP-LIGHT-40/80 rot 635nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-40/80 red 635nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S187-WLU120-24-M84478.00 €TOP-LIGHT-40/80 weiß 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-40/80 white 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S187-WLU120-24S-M84513.00 €TOP-LIGHT-40/80 weiß 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-40/80 white 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S187-WLU120-SC-M84488.00 €TOP-LIGHT-40/80 weiß 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-40/80 white 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S187-850030-24-M84462.00 €TOP-LIGHT-40/80 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-40/80 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S187-850030-24S-M84497.00 €TOP-LIGHT-40/80 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-40/80 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S187-850030-SC-M84472.00 €TOP-LIGHT-40/80 IR 850nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-40/80 IR 850nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S187-850050-24-M84462.00 €TOP-LIGHT-40/80 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-40/80 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S187-850050-24S-M84497.00 €TOP-LIGHT-40/80 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-40/80 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S187-850050-SC-M84472.00 €TOP-LIGHT-40/80 IR 850nm 50° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-40/80 IR 850nm 50° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S187-850120-24-M84453.00 €TOP-LIGHT-40/80 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-40/80 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S187-850120-24S-M84488.00 €TOP-LIGHT-40/80 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-40/80 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S187-850120-SC-M84463.00 €TOP-LIGHT-40/80 IR 850nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-40/80 IR 850nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S187-470030-24-M84478.00 €TOP-LIGHT-40/80 blau 470nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-40/80 blue 470nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S187-470030-24S-M84513.00 €TOP-LIGHT-40/80 blau 470nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-40/80 blue 470nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S187-470030-SC-M84488.00 €TOP-LIGHT-40/80 blau 470nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-40/80 blue 470nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S187-470120-24-M84478.00 €TOP-LIGHT-40/80 blau 470nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-40/80 blue 470nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S187-470120-24S-M84513.00 €TOP-LIGHT-40/80 blau 470nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-40/80 blue 470nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S187-470120-SC-M84488.00 €TOP-LIGHT-40/80 blau 470nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-40/80 blue 470nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S187-525030-24-M84478.00 €TOP-LIGHT-40/80 grün 525nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-40/80 green 525nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S187-525030-24S-M84513.00 €TOP-LIGHT-40/80 grün 525nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-40/80 green 525nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S187-525030-SC-M84488.00 €TOP-LIGHT-40/80 grün 525nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-40/80 green 525nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S187-525120-24-M84478.00 €TOP-LIGHT-40/80 grün 525nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-40/80 green 525nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S187-525120-24S-M84513.00 €TOP-LIGHT-40/80 grün 525nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-40/80 green 525nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S187-525120-SC-M84488.00 €TOP-LIGHT-40/80 grün 525nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-40/80 green 525nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S187-RGB120-24-M86687.00 €TOP-LIGHT-40/80 RGB 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-poligTOP-LIGHT-40/80 RGB 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole
S187-RGB120-SC-M86697.00 €TOP-LIGHT-40/80 RGB 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-poligTOP-LIGHT-40/80 RGB 120° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole
S188-617030-24-M84552.00 €TOP-LIGHT-40/120 rot 617nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-40/120 red 617nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S188-617030-24S-M84587.00 €TOP-LIGHT-40/120 rot 617nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-40/120 red 617nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S188-617030-SC-M84562.00 €TOP-LIGHT-40/120 rot 617nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-40/120 red 617nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S188-617060-24-M84552.00 €TOP-LIGHT-40/120 rot 617nm 60° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-40/120 red 617nm 60° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S188-617060-24S-M84587.00 €TOP-LIGHT-40/120 rot 617nm 60° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-40/120 red 617nm 60° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S188-617060-SC-M84562.00 €TOP-LIGHT-40/120 rot 617nm 60° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-40/120 red 617nm 60° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S188-635120-24-M84527.00 €TOP-LIGHT-40/120 rot 635nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-40/120 red 635nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S188-635120-24S-M84562.00 €TOP-LIGHT-40/120 rot 635nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-40/120 red 635nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S188-635120-SC-M84537.00 €TOP-LIGHT-40/120 rot 635nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-40/120 red 635nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S188-WLU120-24-M84593.00 €TOP-LIGHT-40/120 weiß 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-40/120 white 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S188-WLU120-24S-M84628.00 €TOP-LIGHT-40/120 weiß 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-40/120 white 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S188-WLU120-SC-M84603.00 €TOP-LIGHT-40/120 weiß 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-40/120 white 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S188-850030-24-M84569.00 €TOP-LIGHT-40/120 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-40/120 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S188-850030-24S-M84604.00 €TOP-LIGHT-40/120 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-40/120 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S188-850030-SC-M84579.00 €TOP-LIGHT-40/120 IR 850nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-40/120 IR 850nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S188-850050-24-M84569.00 €TOP-LIGHT-40/120 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-40/120 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S188-850050-24S-M84604.00 €TOP-LIGHT-40/120 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-40/120 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S188-850050-SC-M84579.00 €TOP-LIGHT-40/120 IR 850nm 50° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-40/120 IR 850nm 50° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S188-850120-24-M84554.00 €TOP-LIGHT-40/120 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-40/120 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S188-850120-24S-M84589.00 €TOP-LIGHT-40/120 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-40/120 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S188-850120-SC-M84564.00 €TOP-LIGHT-40/120 IR 850nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-40/120 IR 850nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S188-470030-24-M84593.00 €TOP-LIGHT-40/120 blau 470nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-40/120 blue 470nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S188-470030-24S-M84628.00 €TOP-LIGHT-40/120 blau 470nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-40/120 blue 470nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S188-470030-SC-M84603.00 €TOP-LIGHT-40/120 blau 470nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-40/120 blue 470nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S188-470120-24-M84593.00 €TOP-LIGHT-40/120 blau 470nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-40/120 blue 470nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S188-470120-24S-M84628.00 €TOP-LIGHT-40/120 blau 470nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-40/120 blue 470nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S188-470120-SC-M84603.00 €TOP-LIGHT-40/120 blau 470nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-40/120 blue 470nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S188-525030-24-M84593.00 €TOP-LIGHT-40/120 grün 525nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-40/120 green 525nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S188-525030-24S-M84628.00 €TOP-LIGHT-40/120 grün 525nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-40/120 green 525nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S188-525030-SC-M84603.00 €TOP-LIGHT-40/120 grün 525nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-40/120 green 525nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S188-525120-24-M84593.00 €TOP-LIGHT-40/120 grün 525nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-40/120 green 525nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S188-525120-24S-M84628.00 €TOP-LIGHT-40/120 grün 525nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-40/120 green 525nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S188-525120-SC-M84603.00 €TOP-LIGHT-40/120 grün 525nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-40/120 green 525nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S188-RGB120-24-M86894.00 €TOP-LIGHT-40/120 RGB 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-poligTOP-LIGHT-40/120 RGB 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole
S188-RGB120-SC-M86904.00 €TOP-LIGHT-40/120 RGB 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-poligTOP-LIGHT-40/120 RGB 120° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole
S191-617030-24-M84463.00 €TOP-LIGHT-80 rot 617nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-80 red 617nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S191-617030-24S-M84498.00 €TOP-LIGHT-80 rot 617nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-80 red 617nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S191-617030-SC-M84473.00 €TOP-LIGHT-80 rot 617nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-80 red 617nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S191-617060-24-M84463.00 €TOP-LIGHT-80 rot 617nm 60° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-80 red 617nm 60° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S191-617060-24S-M84498.00 €TOP-LIGHT-80 rot 617nm 60° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-80 red 617nm 60° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S191-617060-SC-M84473.00 €TOP-LIGHT-80 rot 617nm 60° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-80 red 617nm 60° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S191-635120-24-M84427.00 €TOP-LIGHT-80 rot 635nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-80 red 635nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S191-635120-24S-M84462.00 €TOP-LIGHT-80 rot 635nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-80 red 635nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S191-635120-SC-M84437.00 €TOP-LIGHT-80 rot 635nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-80 red 635nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S191-WLU120-24-M84521.00 €TOP-LIGHT-80 weiß 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-80 white 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S191-WLU120-24S-M84556.00 €TOP-LIGHT-80 weiß 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-80 white 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S191-WLU120-SC-M84531.00 €TOP-LIGHT-80 weiß 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-80 white 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S191-850030-24-M84488.00 €TOP-LIGHT-80 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-80 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S191-850030-24S-M84523.00 €TOP-LIGHT-80 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-80 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S191-850030-SC-M84498.00 €TOP-LIGHT-80 IR 850nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-80 IR 850nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S191-850050-24-M84488.00 €TOP-LIGHT-80 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-80 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S191-850050-24S-M84523.00 €TOP-LIGHT-80 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-80 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S191-850050-SC-M84498.00 €TOP-LIGHT-80 IR 850nm 50° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-80 IR 850nm 50° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S191-850120-24-M84469.00 €TOP-LIGHT-80 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-80 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S191-850120-24S-M84504.00 €TOP-LIGHT-80 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-80 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S191-850120-SC-M84479.00 €TOP-LIGHT-80 IR 850nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-80 IR 850nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S191-470030-24-M84533.00 €TOP-LIGHT-80 blau 470nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-80 blue 470nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S191-470030-24S-M84568.00 €TOP-LIGHT-80 blau 470nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-80 blue 470nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S191-470030-SC-M84543.00 €TOP-LIGHT-80 blau 470nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-80 blue 470nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S191-470120-24-M84533.00 €TOP-LIGHT-80 blau 470nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-80 blue 470nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S191-470120-24S-M84568.00 €TOP-LIGHT-80 blau 470nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-80 blue 470nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S191-470120-SC-M84543.00 €TOP-LIGHT-80 blau 470nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-80 blue 470nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S191-525030-24-M84533.00 €TOP-LIGHT-80 grün 525nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-80 green 525nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S191-525030-24S-M84568.00 €TOP-LIGHT-80 grün 525nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-80 green 525nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S191-525030-SC-M84543.00 €TOP-LIGHT-80 grün 525nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-80 green 525nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S191-525120-24-M84533.00 €TOP-LIGHT-80 grün 525nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-80 green 525nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S191-525120-24S-M84568.00 €TOP-LIGHT-80 grün 525nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-80 green 525nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S191-525120-SC-M84543.00 €TOP-LIGHT-80 grün 525nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-80 green 525nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S194-617030-24-M84751.00 €TOP-LIGHT-80/160 rot 617nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-80/160 red 617nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S194-617030-24S-M84786.00 €TOP-LIGHT-80/160 rot 617nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-80/160 red 617nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S194-617030-SC-M84761.00 €TOP-LIGHT-80/160 rot 617nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-80/160 red 617nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S194-617060-24-M84751.00 €TOP-LIGHT-80/160 rot 617nm 60° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-80/160 red 617nm 60° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S194-617060-24S-M84786.00 €TOP-LIGHT-80/160 rot 617nm 60° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-80/160 red 617nm 60° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S194-617060-SC-M84761.00 €TOP-LIGHT-80/160 rot 617nm 60° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-80/160 red 617nm 60° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S194-635120-24-M84673.00 €TOP-LIGHT-80/160 rot 635nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-80/160 red 635nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S194-635120-24S-M84708.00 €TOP-LIGHT-80/160 rot 635nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-80/160 red 635nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S194-635120-SC-M84683.00 €TOP-LIGHT-80/160 rot 635nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-80/160 red 635nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S194-WLU120-24-M84870.00 €TOP-LIGHT-80/160 weiß 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-80/160 white 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S194-WLU120-24S-M84905.00 €TOP-LIGHT-80/160 weiß 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-80/160 white 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S194-WLU120-SC-M84880.00 €TOP-LIGHT-80/160 weiß 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-80/160 white 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S194-850030-24-M84800.00 €TOP-LIGHT-80/160 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-80/160 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S194-850030-24S-M84835.00 €TOP-LIGHT-80/160 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-80/160 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S194-850030-SC-M84810.00 €TOP-LIGHT-80/160 IR 850nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-80/160 IR 850nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S194-850050-24-M84800.00 €TOP-LIGHT-80/160 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-80/160 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S194-850050-24S-M84835.00 €TOP-LIGHT-80/160 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-80/160 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S194-850050-SC-M84810.00 €TOP-LIGHT-80/160 IR 850nm 50° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-80/160 IR 850nm 50° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S194-850120-24-M84757.00 €TOP-LIGHT-80/160 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-80/160 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S194-850120-24S-M84792.00 €TOP-LIGHT-80/160 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-80/160 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S194-850120-SC-M84767.00 €TOP-LIGHT-80/160 IR 850nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-80/160 IR 850nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S194-470030-24-M84870.00 €TOP-LIGHT-80/160 blau 470nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-80/160 blue 470nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S194-470030-24S-M84905.00 €TOP-LIGHT-80/160 blau 470nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-80/160 blue 470nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S194-470030-SC-M84880.00 €TOP-LIGHT-80/160 blau 470nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-80/160 blue 470nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S194-470120-24-M84870.00 €TOP-LIGHT-80/160 blau 470nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-80/160 blue 470nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S194-470120-24S-M84905.00 €TOP-LIGHT-80/160 blau 470nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-80/160 blue 470nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S194-470120-SC-M84880.00 €TOP-LIGHT-80/160 blau 470nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-80/160 blue 470nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S194-525030-24-M84870.00 €TOP-LIGHT-80/160 grün 525nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-80/160 green 525nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S194-525030-24S-M84905.00 €TOP-LIGHT-80/160 grün 525nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-80/160 green 525nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S194-525030-SC-M84880.00 €TOP-LIGHT-80/160 grün 525nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-80/160 green 525nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S194-525120-24-M84870.00 €TOP-LIGHT-80/160 grün 525nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-80/160 green 525nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S194-525120-24S-M84905.00 €TOP-LIGHT-80/160 grün 525nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-80/160 green 525nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S194-525120-SC-M84880.00 €TOP-LIGHT-80/160 grün 525nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-80/160 green 525nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S189-617030-24-M84508.00 €TOP-LIGHT-80-CO rot 617nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-80-CO red 617nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S189-617030-24S-M84543.00 €TOP-LIGHT-80-CO rot 617nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-80-CO red 617nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S189-617030-SC-M84518.00 €TOP-LIGHT-80-CO rot 617nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-80-CO red 617nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S189-617060-24-M84508.00 €TOP-LIGHT-80-CO rot 617nm 60° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-80-CO red 617nm 60° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S189-617060-24S-M84543.00 €TOP-LIGHT-80-CO rot 617nm 60° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-80-CO red 617nm 60° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S189-617060-SC-M84518.00 €TOP-LIGHT-80-CO rot 617nm 60° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-80-CO red 617nm 60° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S189-635120-24-M84473.00 €TOP-LIGHT-80-CO rot 635nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-80-CO red 635nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S189-635120-24S-M84508.00 €TOP-LIGHT-80-CO rot 635nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-80-CO red 635nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S189-635120-SC-M84483.00 €TOP-LIGHT-80-CO rot 635nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-80-CO red 635nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S189-WLU120-24-M84567.00 €TOP-LIGHT-80-CO weiß 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-80-CO white 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S189-WLU120-24S-M84602.00 €TOP-LIGHT-80-CO weiß 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-80-CO white 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S189-WLU120-SC-M84577.00 €TOP-LIGHT-80-CO weiß 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-80-CO white 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S189-850030-24-M84533.00 €TOP-LIGHT-80-CO IR 850nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-80-CO IR 850nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S189-850030-24S-M84568.00 €TOP-LIGHT-80-CO IR 850nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-80-CO IR 850nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S189-850030-SC-M84543.00 €TOP-LIGHT-80-CO IR 850nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-80-CO IR 850nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S189-850050-24-M84533.00 €TOP-LIGHT-80-CO IR 850nm 50° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-80-CO IR 850nm 50° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S189-850050-24S-M84568.00 €TOP-LIGHT-80-CO IR 850nm 50° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-80-CO IR 850nm 50° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S189-850050-SC-M84543.00 €TOP-LIGHT-80-CO IR 850nm 50° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-80-CO IR 850nm 50° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S189-850120-24-M84515.00 €TOP-LIGHT-80-CO IR 850nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-80-CO IR 850nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S189-850120-24S-M84550.00 €TOP-LIGHT-80-CO IR 850nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-80-CO IR 850nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S189-850120-SC-M84525.00 €TOP-LIGHT-80-CO IR 850nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-80-CO IR 850nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S189-470030-24-M84579.00 €TOP-LIGHT-80-CO blau 470nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-80-CO blue 470nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S189-470030-24S-M84614.00 €TOP-LIGHT-80-CO blau 470nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-80-CO blue 470nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S189-470030-SC-M84589.00 €TOP-LIGHT-80-CO blau 470nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-80-CO blue 470nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S189-470120-24-M84579.00 €TOP-LIGHT-80-CO blau 470nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-80-CO blue 470nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S189-470120-24S-M84614.00 €TOP-LIGHT-80-CO blau 470nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-80-CO blue 470nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S189-470120-SC-M84589.00 €TOP-LIGHT-80-CO blau 470nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-80-CO blue 470nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S189-525030-24-M84579.00 €TOP-LIGHT-80-CO grün 525nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-80-CO green 525nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S189-525030-24S-M84614.00 €TOP-LIGHT-80-CO grün 525nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-80-CO green 525nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S189-525030-SC-M84589.00 €TOP-LIGHT-80-CO grün 525nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-80-CO green 525nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S189-525120-24-M84579.00 €TOP-LIGHT-80-CO grün 525nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-80-CO green 525nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S189-525120-24S-M84614.00 €TOP-LIGHT-80-CO grün 525nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-80-CO green 525nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S189-525120-SC-M84589.00 €TOP-LIGHT-80-CO grün 525nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-80-CO green 525nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S192-617030-24-M84659.00 €TOP-LIGHT-120 rot 617nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-120 red 617nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S192-617030-24S-M84694.00 €TOP-LIGHT-120 rot 617nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-120 red 617nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S192-617030-SC-M84669.00 €TOP-LIGHT-120 rot 617nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-120 red 617nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S192-617060-24-M84659.00 €TOP-LIGHT-120 rot 617nm 60° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-120 red 617nm 60° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S192-617060-24S-M84694.00 €TOP-LIGHT-120 rot 617nm 60° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-120 red 617nm 60° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S192-617060-SC-M84669.00 €TOP-LIGHT-120 rot 617nm 60° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-120 red 617nm 60° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S192-635120-24-M84583.00 €TOP-LIGHT-120 rot 635nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-120 red 635nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S192-635120-24S-M84618.00 €TOP-LIGHT-120 rot 635nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-120 red 635nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S192-635120-SC-M84593.00 €TOP-LIGHT-120 rot 635nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-120 red 635nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S192-WLU120-24-M84794.00 €TOP-LIGHT-120 weiß 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-120 white 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S192-WLU120-24S-M84829.00 €TOP-LIGHT-120 weiß 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-120 white 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S192-WLU120-SC-M84804.00 €TOP-LIGHT-120 weiß 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-120 white 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S192-850030-24-M84719.00 €TOP-LIGHT-120 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-120 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S192-850030-24S-M84754.00 €TOP-LIGHT-120 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-120 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S192-850030-SC-M84729.00 €TOP-LIGHT-120 IR 850nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-120 IR 850nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S192-850050-24-M84719.00 €TOP-LIGHT-120 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-120 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S192-850050-24S-M84754.00 €TOP-LIGHT-120 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-120 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S192-850050-SC-M84729.00 €TOP-LIGHT-120 IR 850nm 50° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-120 IR 850nm 50° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S192-850120-24-M84672.00 €TOP-LIGHT-120 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-120 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S192-850120-24S-M84707.00 €TOP-LIGHT-120 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-120 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S192-850120-SC-M84682.00 €TOP-LIGHT-120 IR 850nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-120 IR 850nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S192-470030-24-M84805.00 €TOP-LIGHT-120 blau 470nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-120 blue 470nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S192-470030-24S-M84840.00 €TOP-LIGHT-120 blau 470nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-120 blue 470nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S192-470030-SC-M84815.00 €TOP-LIGHT-120 blau 470nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-120 blue 470nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S192-470120-24-M84805.00 €TOP-LIGHT-120 blau 470nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-120 blue 470nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S192-470120-24S-M84840.00 €TOP-LIGHT-120 blau 470nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-120 blue 470nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S192-470120-SC-M84815.00 €TOP-LIGHT-120 blau 470nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-120 blue 470nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S192-525030-24-M84805.00 €TOP-LIGHT-120 grün 525nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-120 green 525nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S192-525030-24S-M84840.00 €TOP-LIGHT-120 grün 525nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-120 green 525nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S192-525030-SC-M84815.00 €TOP-LIGHT-120 grün 525nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-120 green 525nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S192-525120-24-M84805.00 €TOP-LIGHT-120 grün 525nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-120 green 525nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S192-525120-24S-M84840.00 €TOP-LIGHT-120 grün 525nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-120 green 525nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S192-525120-SC-M84815.00 €TOP-LIGHT-120 grün 525nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-120 green 525nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S192-RGB120-24-M86953.00 €TOP-LIGHT-120 RGB 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-poligTOP-LIGHT-120 RGB 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole
S192-RGB120-SC-M86963.00 €TOP-LIGHT-120 RGB 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-poligTOP-LIGHT-120 RGB 120° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole
S193-617030-24-M841,292.00 €TOP-LIGHT-120/240 rot 617nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-120/240 red 617nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S193-617030-24S-M841,327.00 €TOP-LIGHT-120/240 rot 617nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-120/240 red 617nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S193-617030-SC-M841,302.00 €TOP-LIGHT-120/240 rot 617nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-120/240 red 617nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S193-617060-24-M841,292.00 €TOP-LIGHT-120/240 rot 617nm 60° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-120/240 red 617nm 60° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S193-617060-24S-M841,327.00 €TOP-LIGHT-120/240 rot 617nm 60° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-120/240 red 617nm 60° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S193-617060-SC-M841,302.00 €TOP-LIGHT-120/240 rot 617nm 60° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-120/240 red 617nm 60° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S193-635120-24-M841,116.00 €TOP-LIGHT-120/240 rot 635nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-120/240 red 635nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S193-635120-24S-M841,151.00 €TOP-LIGHT-120/240 rot 635nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-120/240 red 635nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S193-635120-SC-M841,126.00 €TOP-LIGHT-120/240 rot 635nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-120/240 red 635nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S193-WLU120-24-M841,560.00 €TOP-LIGHT-120/240 weiß 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-120/240 white 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S193-WLU120-24S-M841,595.00 €TOP-LIGHT-120/240 weiß 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-120/240 white 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S193-WLU120-SC-M841,570.00 €TOP-LIGHT-120/240 weiß 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-120/240 white 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S193-850030-24-M841,402.00 €TOP-LIGHT-120/240 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-120/240 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S193-850030-24S-M841,437.00 €TOP-LIGHT-120/240 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-120/240 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S193-850030-SC-M841,412.00 €TOP-LIGHT-120/240 IR 850nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-120/240 IR 850nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S193-850050-24-M841,402.00 €TOP-LIGHT-120/240 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-120/240 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S193-850050-24S-M841,437.00 €TOP-LIGHT-120/240 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-120/240 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S193-850050-SC-M841,412.00 €TOP-LIGHT-120/240 IR 850nm 50° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-120/240 IR 850nm 50° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S193-850120-24-M841,307.00 €TOP-LIGHT-120/240 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-120/240 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S193-850120-24S-M841,342.00 €TOP-LIGHT-120/240 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-120/240 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S193-850120-SC-M841,317.00 €TOP-LIGHT-120/240 IR 850nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-120/240 IR 850nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S193-470030-24-M841,560.00 €TOP-LIGHT-120/240 blau 470nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-120/240 blue 470nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S193-470030-24S-M841,595.00 €TOP-LIGHT-120/240 blau 470nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-120/240 blue 470nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S193-470030-SC-M841,570.00 €TOP-LIGHT-120/240 blau 470nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-120/240 blue 470nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S193-470120-24-M841,560.00 €TOP-LIGHT-120/240 blau 470nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-120/240 blue 470nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S193-470120-24S-M841,595.00 €TOP-LIGHT-120/240 blau 470nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-120/240 blue 470nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S193-470120-SC-M841,570.00 €TOP-LIGHT-120/240 blau 470nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-120/240 blue 470nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S193-525030-24-M841,560.00 €TOP-LIGHT-120/240 grün 525nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-120/240 green 525nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S193-525030-24S-M841,595.00 €TOP-LIGHT-120/240 grün 525nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-120/240 green 525nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S193-525030-SC-M841,570.00 €TOP-LIGHT-120/240 grün 525nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-120/240 green 525nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S193-525120-24-M841,560.00 €TOP-LIGHT-120/240 grün 525nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-120/240 green 525nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S193-525120-24S-M841,595.00 €TOP-LIGHT-120/240 grün 525nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-120/240 green 525nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S193-525120-SC-M841,570.00 €TOP-LIGHT-120/240 grün 525nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-120/240 green 525nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S193-RGB120-24-M861,787.00 €TOP-LIGHT-120/240 RGB 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-poligTOP-LIGHT-120/240 RGB 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole
S193-RGB120-SC-M861,797.00 €TOP-LIGHT-120/240 RGB 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-poligTOP-LIGHT-120/240 RGB 120° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole
S44-617030-24-M84522.00 €TOP-LIGHT-P2 rot 617nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-P2 red 617nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S44-617030-24S-M84557.00 €TOP-LIGHT-P2 rot 617nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-P2 red 617nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S44-617030-SC-M84532.00 €TOP-LIGHT-P2 rot 617nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-P2 red 617nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S44-617060-24-M84522.00 €TOP-LIGHT-P2 rot 617nm 60° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-P2 red 617nm 60° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S44-617060-24S-M84557.00 €TOP-LIGHT-P2 rot 617nm 60° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-P2 red 617nm 60° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S44-617060-SC-M84532.00 €TOP-LIGHT-P2 rot 617nm 60° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-P2 red 617nm 60° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S44-635120-24-M84482.00 €TOP-LIGHT-P2 rot 635nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-P2 red 635nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S44-635120-24S-M84517.00 €TOP-LIGHT-P2 rot 635nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-P2 red 635nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S44-635120-SC-M84492.00 €TOP-LIGHT-P2 rot 635nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-P2 red 635nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S44-WLU120-24-M84696.00 €TOP-LIGHT-P2 weiß 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-P2 white 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S44-WLU120-24S-M84731.00 €TOP-LIGHT-P2 weiß 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-P2 white 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S44-WLU120-SC-M84706.00 €TOP-LIGHT-P2 weiß 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-P2 white 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S44-850030-24-M84539.00 €TOP-LIGHT-P2 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-P2 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S44-850030-24S-M84574.00 €TOP-LIGHT-P2 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-P2 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S44-850030-SC-M84549.00 €TOP-LIGHT-P2 IR 850nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-P2 IR 850nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S44-850050-24-M84539.00 €TOP-LIGHT-P2 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-P2 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S44-850050-24S-M84574.00 €TOP-LIGHT-P2 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-P2 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S44-850050-SC-M84549.00 €TOP-LIGHT-P2 IR 850nm 50° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-P2 IR 850nm 50° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S44-850120-24-M84526.00 €TOP-LIGHT-P2 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-P2 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S44-850120-24S-M84561.00 €TOP-LIGHT-P2 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-P2 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S44-850120-SC-M84536.00 €TOP-LIGHT-P2 IR 850nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-P2 IR 850nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S44-470030-24-M84696.00 €TOP-LIGHT-P2 blau 470nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-P2 blue 470nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S44-470030-24S-M84731.00 €TOP-LIGHT-P2 blau 470nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-P2 blue 470nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S44-470030-SC-M84706.00 €TOP-LIGHT-P2 blau 470nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-P2 blue 470nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S44-470120-24-M84696.00 €TOP-LIGHT-P2 blau 470nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-P2 blue 470nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S44-470120-24S-M84731.00 €TOP-LIGHT-P2 blau 470nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-P2 blue 470nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S44-470120-SC-M84706.00 €TOP-LIGHT-P2 blau 470nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-P2 blue 470nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S44-525030-24-M84696.00 €TOP-LIGHT-P2 grün 525nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-P2 green 525nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S44-525030-24S-M84731.00 €TOP-LIGHT-P2 grün 525nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-P2 green 525nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S44-525030-SC-M84706.00 €TOP-LIGHT-P2 grün 525nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-P2 green 525nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S44-525120-24-M84696.00 €TOP-LIGHT-P2 grün 525nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-P2 green 525nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S44-525120-24S-M84731.00 €TOP-LIGHT-P2 grün 525nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-P2 green 525nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S44-525120-SC-M84706.00 €TOP-LIGHT-P2 grün 525nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-P2 green 525nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S45-617030-24-M84691.00 €TOP-LIGHT-P3 rot 617nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-P3 red 617nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S45-617030-24S-M84726.00 €TOP-LIGHT-P3 rot 617nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-P3 red 617nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S45-617030-SC-M84701.00 €TOP-LIGHT-P3 rot 617nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-P3 red 617nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S45-617060-24-M84691.00 €TOP-LIGHT-P3 rot 617nm 60° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-P3 red 617nm 60° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S45-617060-24S-M84726.00 €TOP-LIGHT-P3 rot 617nm 60° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-P3 red 617nm 60° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S45-617060-SC-M84701.00 €TOP-LIGHT-P3 rot 617nm 60° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-P3 red 617nm 60° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S45-635120-24-M84635.00 €TOP-LIGHT-P3 rot 635nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-P3 red 635nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S45-635120-24S-M84670.00 €TOP-LIGHT-P3 rot 635nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-P3 red 635nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S45-635120-SC-M84645.00 €TOP-LIGHT-P3 rot 635nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-P3 red 635nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S45-WLU120-24-M84812.00 €TOP-LIGHT-P3 weiß 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-P3 white 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S45-WLU120-24S-M84847.00 €TOP-LIGHT-P3 weiß 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-P3 white 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S45-WLU120-SC-M84822.00 €TOP-LIGHT-P3 weiß 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-P3 white 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S45-850030-24-M84716.00 €TOP-LIGHT-P3 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-P3 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S45-850030-24S-M84751.00 €TOP-LIGHT-P3 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-P3 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S45-850030-SC-M84726.00 €TOP-LIGHT-P3 IR 850nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-P3 IR 850nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S45-850050-24-M84716.00 €TOP-LIGHT-P3 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-P3 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S45-850050-24S-M84751.00 €TOP-LIGHT-P3 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-P3 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S45-850050-SC-M84726.00 €TOP-LIGHT-P3 IR 850nm 50° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-P3 IR 850nm 50° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S45-850120-24-M84644.00 €TOP-LIGHT-P3 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-P3 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S45-850120-24S-M84679.00 €TOP-LIGHT-P3 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-P3 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S45-850120-SC-M84654.00 €TOP-LIGHT-P3 IR 850nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-P3 IR 850nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S45-470030-24-M84812.00 €TOP-LIGHT-P3 blau 470nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-P3 blue 470nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S45-470030-24S-M84847.00 €TOP-LIGHT-P3 blau 470nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-P3 blue 470nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S45-470030-SC-M84822.00 €TOP-LIGHT-P3 blau 470nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-P3 blue 470nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S45-470120-24-M84812.00 €TOP-LIGHT-P3 blau 470nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-P3 blue 470nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S45-470120-24S-M84847.00 €TOP-LIGHT-P3 blau 470nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-P3 blue 470nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S45-470120-SC-M84822.00 €TOP-LIGHT-P3 blau 470nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-P3 blue 470nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S45-525030-24-M84812.00 €TOP-LIGHT-P3 grün 525nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-P3 green 525nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S45-525030-24S-M84847.00 €TOP-LIGHT-P3 grün 525nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-P3 green 525nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S45-525030-SC-M84822.00 €TOP-LIGHT-P3 grün 525nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-P3 green 525nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S45-525120-24-M84812.00 €TOP-LIGHT-P3 grün 525nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-P3 green 525nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S45-525120-24S-M84847.00 €TOP-LIGHT-P3 grün 525nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-P3 green 525nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S45-525120-SC-M84822.00 €TOP-LIGHT-P3 grün 525nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-P3 green 525nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S42-617030-24-M84507.00 €TOP-LIGHT-X rot 617nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-X red 617nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S42-617030-24S-M84542.00 €TOP-LIGHT-X rot 617nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-X red 617nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S42-617030-SC-M84517.00 €TOP-LIGHT-X rot 617nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-X red 617nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S42-617060-24-M84507.00 €TOP-LIGHT-X rot 617nm 60° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-X red 617nm 60° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S42-617060-24S-M84542.00 €TOP-LIGHT-X rot 617nm 60° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-X red 617nm 60° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S42-617060-SC-M84517.00 €TOP-LIGHT-X rot 617nm 60° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-X red 617nm 60° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S42-635120-24-M84467.00 €TOP-LIGHT-X rot 635nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-X red 635nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S42-635120-24S-M84502.00 €TOP-LIGHT-X rot 635nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-X red 635nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S42-635120-SC-M84477.00 €TOP-LIGHT-X rot 635nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-X red 635nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S42-WLU120-24-M84649.00 €TOP-LIGHT-X weiß 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-X white 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S42-WLU120-24S-M84684.00 €TOP-LIGHT-X weiß 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-X white 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S42-WLU120-SC-M84659.00 €TOP-LIGHT-X weiß 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-X white 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S42-850030-24-M84530.00 €TOP-LIGHT-X IR 850nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-X IR 850nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S42-850030-24S-M84565.00 €TOP-LIGHT-X IR 850nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-X IR 850nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S42-850030-SC-M84540.00 €TOP-LIGHT-X IR 850nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-X IR 850nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S42-850050-24-M84530.00 €TOP-LIGHT-X IR 850nm 50° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-X IR 850nm 50° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S42-850050-24S-M84565.00 €TOP-LIGHT-X IR 850nm 50° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-X IR 850nm 50° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S42-850050-SC-M84540.00 €TOP-LIGHT-X IR 850nm 50° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-X IR 850nm 50° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S42-850120-24-M84490.00 €TOP-LIGHT-X IR 850nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-X IR 850nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S42-850120-24S-M84525.00 €TOP-LIGHT-X IR 850nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-X IR 850nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S42-850120-SC-M84500.00 €TOP-LIGHT-X IR 850nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-X IR 850nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S42-470030-24-M84649.00 €TOP-LIGHT-X blau 470nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-X blue 470nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S42-470030-24S-M84684.00 €TOP-LIGHT-X blau 470nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-X blue 470nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S42-470030-SC-M84659.00 €TOP-LIGHT-X blau 470nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-X blue 470nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S42-470120-24-M84649.00 €TOP-LIGHT-X blau 470nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-X blue 470nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S42-470120-24S-M84684.00 €TOP-LIGHT-X blau 470nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-X blue 470nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S42-470120-SC-M84659.00 €TOP-LIGHT-X blau 470nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-X blue 470nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S42-525030-24-M84649.00 €TOP-LIGHT-X grün 525nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-X green 525nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S42-525030-24S-M84684.00 €TOP-LIGHT-X grün 525nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-X green 525nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S42-525030-SC-M84659.00 €TOP-LIGHT-X grün 525nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-X green 525nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S42-525120-24-M84649.00 €TOP-LIGHT-X grün 525nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-X green 525nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S42-525120-24S-M84684.00 €TOP-LIGHT-X grün 525nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-X green 525nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S42-525120-SC-M84659.00 €TOP-LIGHT-X grün 525nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-X green 525nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S43-617030-24-M84891.00 €TOP-LIGHT-XL rot 617nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-XL red 617nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S43-617030-24S-M84926.00 €TOP-LIGHT-XL rot 617nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-XL red 617nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S43-617030-SC-M84901.00 €TOP-LIGHT-XL rot 617nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-XL red 617nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S43-617060-24-M84891.00 €TOP-LIGHT-XL rot 617nm 60° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-XL red 617nm 60° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S43-617060-24S-M84926.00 €TOP-LIGHT-XL rot 617nm 60° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-XL red 617nm 60° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S43-617060-SC-M84901.00 €TOP-LIGHT-XL rot 617nm 60° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-XL red 617nm 60° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S43-635120-24-M84818.00 €TOP-LIGHT-XL rot 635nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-XL red 635nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S43-635120-24S-M84853.00 €TOP-LIGHT-XL rot 635nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-XL red 635nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S43-635120-SC-M84828.00 €TOP-LIGHT-XL rot 635nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-XL red 635nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S43-WLU120-24-M841,194.00 €TOP-LIGHT-XL weiß 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-XL white 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S43-WLU120-24S-M841,229.00 €TOP-LIGHT-XL weiß 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-XL white 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S43-WLU120-SC-M841,204.00 €TOP-LIGHT-XL weiß 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-XL white 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S43-850030-24-M84936.00 €TOP-LIGHT-XL IR 850nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-XL IR 850nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S43-850030-24S-M84971.00 €TOP-LIGHT-XL IR 850nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-XL IR 850nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S43-850030-SC-M84946.00 €TOP-LIGHT-XL IR 850nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-XL IR 850nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S43-850050-24-M84936.00 €TOP-LIGHT-XL IR 850nm 50° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-XL IR 850nm 50° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S43-850050-24S-M84971.00 €TOP-LIGHT-XL IR 850nm 50° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-XL IR 850nm 50° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S43-850050-SC-M84946.00 €TOP-LIGHT-XL IR 850nm 50° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-XL IR 850nm 50° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S43-850120-24-M84896.00 €TOP-LIGHT-XL IR 850nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-XL IR 850nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S43-850120-24S-M84931.00 €TOP-LIGHT-XL IR 850nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-XL IR 850nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S43-850120-SC-M84906.00 €TOP-LIGHT-XL IR 850nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-XL IR 850nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S43-470030-24-M841,194.00 €TOP-LIGHT-XL blau 470nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-XL blue 470nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S43-470030-24S-M841,229.00 €TOP-LIGHT-XL blau 470nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-XL blue 470nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S43-470030-SC-M841,204.00 €TOP-LIGHT-XL blau 470nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-XL blue 470nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S43-470120-24-M841,194.00 €TOP-LIGHT-XL blau 470nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-XL blue 470nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S43-470120-24S-M841,229.00 €TOP-LIGHT-XL blau 470nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-XL blue 470nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S43-470120-SC-M841,204.00 €TOP-LIGHT-XL blau 470nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-XL blue 470nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S43-525030-24-M841,194.00 €TOP-LIGHT-XL grün 525nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-XL green 525nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S43-525030-24S-M841,229.00 €TOP-LIGHT-XL grün 525nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-XL green 525nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S43-525030-SC-M841,204.00 €TOP-LIGHT-XL grün 525nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-XL green 525nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S43-525120-24-M841,194.00 €TOP-LIGHT-XL grün 525nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-XL green 525nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S43-525120-24S-M841,229.00 €TOP-LIGHT-XL grün 525nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-XL green 525nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S43-525120-SC-M841,204.00 €TOP-LIGHT-XL grün 525nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LIGHT-XL green 525nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S131-617120-24-M84707.00 €POWER-LINE-1TE rot 617nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-1TE red 617nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S131-617120-SC-M84717.00 €POWER-LINE-1TE rot 617nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-1TE red 617nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S131-WHP120-24-M84707.00 €POWER-LINE-1TE weiß 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-1TE white 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S131-WHP120-SC-M84717.00 €POWER-LINE-1TE weiß SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-1TE white SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S131-850120-24-M84738.00 €POWER-LINE-1TE IR 850nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-1TE IR 850nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S131-850120-SC-M84748.00 €POWER-LINE-1TE IR 850nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-1TE IR 850nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S131-470120-24-M84707.00 €POWER-LINE-1TE blau 470nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-1TE blue 470nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S131-470120-SC-M84717.00 €POWER-LINE-1TE blau 470nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-1TE blue 470nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S131-525120-24-M84707.00 €POWER-LINE-1TE grün 525nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-1TE green 525nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S131-525120-SC-M84717.00 €POWER-LINE-1TE grün 525nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-1TE green 525nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S131-RGB120-24-M86861.00 €POWER-LINE-1TE RGB 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-poligPOWER-LINE-1TE RGB 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole
S131-RGB120-SC-M86871.00 €POWER-LINE-1TE RGB 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-poligPOWER-LINE-1TE RGB 120° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole
S132-617120-24-M84861.00 €POWER-LINE-2TE rot 617nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-2TE red 617nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S132-617120-SC-M84871.00 €POWER-LINE-2TE rot 617nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-2TE red 617nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S132-WHP120-24-M84861.00 €POWER-LINE-2TE weiß 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-2TE white 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S132-WHP120-SC-M84871.00 €POWER-LINE-2TE weiß SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-2TE white SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S132-850120-24-M84861.00 €POWER-LINE-2TE IR 850nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-2TE IR 850nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S132-850120-SC-M84871.00 €POWER-LINE-2TE IR 850nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-2TE IR 850nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S132-470120-24-M84861.00 €POWER-LINE-2TE blau 470nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-2TE blue 470nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S132-470120-SC-M84871.00 €POWER-LINE-2TE blau 470nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-2TE blue 470nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S132-525120-24-M84861.00 €POWER-LINE-2TE grün 525nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-2TE green 525nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S132-525120-SC-M84871.00 €POWER-LINE-2TE grün 525nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-2TE green 525nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S132-RGB120-24-M86960.00 €POWER-LINE-2TE RGB 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-poligPOWER-LINE-2TE RGB 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole
S132-RGB120-SC-M86970.00 €POWER-LINE-2TE RGB 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-poligPOWER-LINE-2TE RGB 120° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole
S133-617120-24-M84966.00 €POWER-LINE-3TE rot 617nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-3TE red 617nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S133-617120-SC-M84976.00 €POWER-LINE-3TE rot 617nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-3TE red 617nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S133-WHP120-24-M84966.00 €POWER-LINE-3TE weiß 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-3TE white 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S133-WHP120-SC-M84976.00 €POWER-LINE-3TE weiß SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-3TE white SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S133-850120-24-M841,048.00 €POWER-LINE-3TE IR 850nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-3TE IR 850nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S133-850120-SC-M841,058.00 €POWER-LINE-3TE IR 850nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-3TE IR 850nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S133-470120-24-M84966.00 €POWER-LINE-3TE blau 470nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-3TE blue 470nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S133-470120-SC-M84976.00 €POWER-LINE-3TE blau 470nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-3TE blue 470nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S133-525120-24-M84966.00 €POWER-LINE-3TE grün 525nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-3TE green 525nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S133-525120-SC-M84976.00 €POWER-LINE-3TE grün 525nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-3TE green 525nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S133-RGB120-24-M861,440.00 €POWER-LINE-3TE RGB 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-poligPOWER-LINE-3TE RGB 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole
S133-RGB120-SC-M861,450.00 €POWER-LINE-3TE RGB 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-poligPOWER-LINE-3TE RGB 120° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole
S135-617120-24-M841,726.00 €POWER-LINE-5TE rot 617nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-5TE red 617nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S135-617120-SC-M841,736.00 €POWER-LINE-5TE rot 617nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-5TE red 617nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S135-WHP120-24-M841,726.00 €POWER-LINE-5TE weiß 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-5TE white 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S135-WHP120-SC-M841,736.00 €POWER-LINE-5TE weiß SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-5TE white SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S135-850120-24-M841,726.00 €POWER-LINE-5TE IR 850nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-5TE IR 850nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S135-850120-SC-M841,736.00 €POWER-LINE-5TE IR 850nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-5TE IR 850nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S135-470120-24-M841,726.00 €POWER-LINE-5TE blau 470nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-5TE blue 470nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S135-470120-SC-M841,736.00 €POWER-LINE-5TE blau 470nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-5TE blue 470nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S135-525120-24-M841,726.00 €POWER-LINE-5TE grün 525nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-5TE green 525nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S135-525120-SC-M841,736.00 €POWER-LINE-5TE grün 525nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-5TE green 525nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S135-RGB120-24-M862,400.00 €POWER-LINE-5TE RGB 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-poligPOWER-LINE-5TE RGB 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole
S135-RGB120-SC-M862,410.00 €POWER-LINE-5TE RGB 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-poligPOWER-LINE-5TE RGB 120° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole
S136-617120-24-M842,072.00 €POWER-LINE-6TE rot 617nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-6TE red 617nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S136-617120-SC-M842,082.00 €POWER-LINE-6TE rot 617nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-6TE red 617nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S136-WHP120-24-M842,072.00 €POWER-LINE-6TE weiß 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-6TE white 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S136-WHP120-SC-M842,082.00 €POWER-LINE-6TE weiß SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-6TE white SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S136-850120-24-M842,072.00 €POWER-LINE-6TE IR 850nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-6TE IR 850nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S136-850120-SC-M842,082.00 €POWER-LINE-6TE IR 850nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-6TE IR 850nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S136-470120-24-M842,072.00 €POWER-LINE-6TE blau 470nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-6TE blue 470nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S136-470120-SC-M842,082.00 €POWER-LINE-6TE blau 470nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-6TE blue 470nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S136-525120-24-M842,072.00 €POWER-LINE-6TE grün 525nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-6TE green 525nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S136-525120-SC-M842,082.00 €POWER-LINE-6TE grün 525nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-6TE green 525nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S136-RGB120-24-M862,879.00 €POWER-LINE-6TE RGB 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-poligPOWER-LINE-6TE RGB 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole
S136-RGB120-SC-M862,889.00 €POWER-LINE-6TE RGB 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-poligPOWER-LINE-6TE RGB 120° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole
S331-625080-O-24-M84670.00 €POWER-LINE-80 rot 625nm 80° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-80 red 625nm 80° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S331-625080-O-24S-M84700.00 €POWER-LINE-80 rot 625nm 80° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-80 red 625nm 80° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S331-625080-O-SC-M84680.00 €POWER-LINE-80 rot 625nm 80° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-80 red 625nm 80° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S331-625080-45-24-M84702.00 €POWER-LINE-80 rot 625nm 45° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-80 red 625nm 45° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S331-625080-45-24S-M84732.00 €POWER-LINE-80 rot 625nm 45° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-80 red 625nm 45° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S331-625080-45-SC-M84712.00 €POWER-LINE-80 rot 625nm 45° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-80 red 625nm 45° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S331-625080-36-24-M84702.00 €POWER-LINE-80 rot 625nm 36° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-80 red 625nm 36° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S331-625080-36-24S-M84732.00 €POWER-LINE-80 rot 625nm 36° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-80 red 625nm 36° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S331-625080-36-SC-M84712.00 €POWER-LINE-80 rot 625nm 36° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-80 red 625nm 36° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S331-625080-23-24-M84702.00 €POWER-LINE-80 rot 625nm 23° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-80 red 625nm 23° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S331-625080-23-24S-M84732.00 €POWER-LINE-80 rot 625nm 23° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-80 red 625nm 23° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S331-625080-23-SC-M84712.00 €POWER-LINE-80 rot 625nm 23° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-80 red 625nm 23° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S331-625080-16-24-M84702.00 €POWER-LINE-80 rot 625nm 16° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-80 red 625nm 16° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S331-625080-16-24S-M84732.00 €POWER-LINE-80 rot 625nm 16° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-80 red 625nm 16° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S331-625080-16-SC-M84712.00 €POWER-LINE-80 rot 625nm 16° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-80 red 625nm 16° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S331-WCW080-O-24-M84670.00 €POWER-LINE-80 weiß 80° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-80 white 80° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S331-WCW080-O-24S-M84700.00 €POWER-LINE-80 weiß 80° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-80 white 80° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S331-WCW080-O-SC-M84680.00 €POWER-LINE-80 weiß 80° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-80 white 80° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S331-WCW080-45-24-M84702.00 €POWER-LINE-80 weiß 45° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-80 white 45° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S331-WCW080-45-24S-M84732.00 €POWER-LINE-80 weiß 45° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-80 white 45° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S331-WCW080-45-SC-M84712.00 €POWER-LINE-80 weiß 45° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-80 white 45° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S331-WCW080-36-24-M84702.00 €POWER-LINE-80 weiß 36° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-80 white 36° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S331-WCW080-36-24S-M84732.00 €POWER-LINE-80 weiß 36° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-80 white 36° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S331-WCW080-36-SC-M84712.00 €POWER-LINE-80 weiß 36° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-80 white 36° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S331-WCW080-23-24-M84702.00 €POWER-LINE-80 weiß 23° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-80 white 23° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S331-WCW080-23-24S-M84732.00 €POWER-LINE-80 weiß 23° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-80 white 23° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S331-WCW080-23-SC-M84712.00 €POWER-LINE-80 weiß 23° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-80 white 23° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S331-WCW080-16-24-M84702.00 €POWER-LINE-80 weiß 16° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-80 white 16° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S331-WCW080-16-24S-M84732.00 €POWER-LINE-80 weiß 16° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-80 white 16° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S331-WCW080-16-SC-M84712.00 €POWER-LINE-80 weiß 16° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-80 white 16° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S331-850090-O-24-M84670.00 €POWER-LINE-80 IR 850nm 80° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-80 IR 850nm 80° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S331-850090-O-24S-M84700.00 €POWER-LINE-80 IR 850nm 80° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-80 IR 850nm 80° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S331-850090-O-SC-M84680.00 €POWER-LINE-80 IR 850nm 80° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-80 IR 850nm 80° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S331-850090-45-24-M84702.00 €POWER-LINE-80 IR 850nm 45° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-80 IR 850nm 45° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S331-850090-45-24S-M84732.00 €POWER-LINE-80 IR 850nm 45° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-80 IR 850nm 45° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S331-850090-45-SC-M84712.00 €POWER-LINE-80 IR 850nm 45° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-80 IR 850nm 45° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S331-850090-36-24-M84702.00 €POWER-LINE-80 IR 850nm 36° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-80 IR 850nm 36° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S331-850090-36-24S-M84732.00 €POWER-LINE-80 IR 850nm 36° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-80 IR 850nm 36° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S331-850090-36-SC-M84712.00 €POWER-LINE-80 IR 850nm 36° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-80 IR 850nm 36° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S331-850090-23-24-M84702.00 €POWER-LINE-80 IR 850nm 23° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-80 IR 850nm 23° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S331-850090-23-24S-M84732.00 €POWER-LINE-80 IR 850nm 23° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-80 IR 850nm 23° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S331-850090-23-SC-M84712.00 €POWER-LINE-80 IR 850nm 23° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-80 IR 850nm 23° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S331-850090-16-24-M84702.00 €POWER-LINE-80 IR 850nm 16° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-80 IR 850nm 16° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S331-850090-16-24S-M84732.00 €POWER-LINE-80 IR 850nm 16° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-80 IR 850nm 16° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S331-850090-16-SC-M84712.00 €POWER-LINE-80 IR 850nm 16° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-80 IR 850nm 16° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S331-470080-O-24-M84670.00 €POWER-LINE-80 blau 470nm 80° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-80 blue 470nm 80° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S331-470080-O-24S-M84700.00 €POWER-LINE-80 blau 470nm 80° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-80 blue 470nm 80° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S331-470080-O-SC-M84680.00 €POWER-LINE-80 blau 470nm 80° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-80 blue 470nm 80° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S331-470080-45-24-M84702.00 €POWER-LINE-80 blau 470nm 45° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-80 blue 470nm 45° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S331-470080-45-24S-M84732.00 €POWER-LINE-80 blau 470nm 45° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-80 blue 470nm 45° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S331-470080-45-SC-M84712.00 €POWER-LINE-80 blau 470nm 45° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-80 blue 470nm 45° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S331-470080-36-24-M84702.00 €POWER-LINE-80 blau 470nm 36° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-80 blue 470nm 36° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S331-470080-36-24S-M84732.00 €POWER-LINE-80 blau 470nm 36° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-80 blue 470nm 36° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S331-470080-36-SC-M84712.00 €POWER-LINE-80 blau 470nm 36° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-80 blue 470nm 36° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S331-470080-23-24-M84702.00 €POWER-LINE-80 blau 470nm 23° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-80 blue 470nm 23° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S331-470080-23-24S-M84732.00 €POWER-LINE-80 blau 470nm 23° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-80 blue 470nm 23° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S331-470080-23-SC-M84712.00 €POWER-LINE-80 blau 470nm 23° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-80 blue 470nm 23° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S331-470080-16-24-M84702.00 €POWER-LINE-80 blau 470nm 16° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-80 blue 470nm 16° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S331-470080-16-24S-M84732.00 €POWER-LINE-80 blau 470nm 16° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-80 blue 470nm 16° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S331-470080-16-SC-M84712.00 €POWER-LINE-80 blau 470nm 16° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-80 blue 470nm 16° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S331-525080-O-24-M84670.00 €POWER-LINE-80 grün 525nm 80° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-80 green 525nm 80° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S331-525080-O-24S-M84700.00 €POWER-LINE-80 grün 525nm 80° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-80 green 525nm 80° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S331-525080-O-SC-M84680.00 €POWER-LINE-80 grün 525nm 80° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-80 green 525nm 80° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S331-525080-45-24-M84702.00 €POWER-LINE-80 grün 525nm 45° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-80 green 525nm 45° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S331-525080-45-24S-M84732.00 €POWER-LINE-80 grün 525nm 45° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-80 green 525nm 45° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S331-525080-45-SC-M84712.00 €POWER-LINE-80 grün 525nm 45° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-80 green 525nm 45° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S331-525080-36-24-M84702.00 €POWER-LINE-80 grün 525nm 36° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-80 green 525nm 36° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S331-525080-36-24S-M84732.00 €POWER-LINE-80 grün 525nm 36° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-80 green 525nm 36° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S331-525080-36-SC-M84712.00 €POWER-LINE-80 grün 525nm 36° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-80 green 525nm 36° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S331-525080-23-24-M84702.00 €POWER-LINE-80 grün 525nm 23° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-80 green 525nm 23° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S331-525080-23-24S-M84732.00 €POWER-LINE-80 grün 525nm 23° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-80 green 525nm 23° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S331-525080-23-SC-M84712.00 €POWER-LINE-80 grün 525nm 23° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-80 green 525nm 23° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S331-525080-16-24-M84702.00 €POWER-LINE-80 grün 525nm 16° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-80 green 525nm 16° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S331-525080-16-24S-M84732.00 €POWER-LINE-80 grün 525nm 16° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-80 green 525nm 16° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S331-525080-16-SC-M84712.00 €POWER-LINE-80 grün 525nm 16° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-80 green 525nm 16° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S332-625080-O-24-M84725.00 €POWER-LINE-160 rot 625nm 80° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-160 red 625nm 80° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S332-625080-O-24S-M84755.00 €POWER-LINE-160 rot 625nm 80° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-160 red 625nm 80° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S332-625080-O-SC-M84735.00 €POWER-LINE-160 rot 625nm 80° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-160 red 625nm 80° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S332-625080-45-24-M84773.00 €POWER-LINE-160 rot 625nm 45° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-160 red 625nm 45° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S332-625080-45-24S-M84803.00 €POWER-LINE-160 rot 625nm 45° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-160 red 625nm 45° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S332-625080-45-SC-M84783.00 €POWER-LINE-160 rot 625nm 45° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-160 red 625nm 45° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S332-625080-36-24-M84773.00 €POWER-LINE-160 rot 625nm 36° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-160 red 625nm 36° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S332-625080-36-24S-M84803.00 €POWER-LINE-160 rot 625nm 36° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-160 red 625nm 36° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S332-625080-36-SC-M84783.00 €POWER-LINE-160 rot 625nm 36° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-160 red 625nm 36° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S332-625080-23-24-M84773.00 €POWER-LINE-160 rot 625nm 23° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-160 red 625nm 23° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S332-625080-23-24S-M84803.00 €POWER-LINE-160 rot 625nm 23° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-160 red 625nm 23° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S332-625080-23-SC-M84783.00 €POWER-LINE-160 rot 625nm 23° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-160 red 625nm 23° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S332-625080-16-24-M84773.00 €POWER-LINE-160 rot 625nm 16° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-160 red 625nm 16° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S332-625080-16-24S-M84803.00 €POWER-LINE-160 rot 625nm 16° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-160 red 625nm 16° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S332-625080-16-SC-M84783.00 €POWER-LINE-160 rot 625nm 16° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-160 red 625nm 16° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S332-WCW080-O-24-M84725.00 €POWER-LINE-160 weiß 80° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-160 white 80° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S332-WCW080-O-24S-M84755.00 €POWER-LINE-160 weiß 80° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-160 white 80° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S332-WCW080-O-SC-M84735.00 €POWER-LINE-160 weiß 80° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-160 white 80° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S332-WCW080-45-24-M84773.00 €POWER-LINE-160 weiß 45° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-160 white 45° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S332-WCW080-45-24S-M84803.00 €POWER-LINE-160 weiß 45° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-160 white 45° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S332-WCW080-45-SC-M84783.00 €POWER-LINE-160 weiß 45° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-160 white 45° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S332-WCW080-36-24-M84773.00 €POWER-LINE-160 weiß 36° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-160 white 36° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S332-WCW080-36-24S-M84803.00 €POWER-LINE-160 weiß 36° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-160 white 36° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S332-WCW080-36-SC-M84783.00 €POWER-LINE-160 weiß 36° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-160 white 36° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S332-WCW080-23-24-M84773.00 €POWER-LINE-160 weiß 23° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-160 white 23° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S332-WCW080-23-24S-M84803.00 €POWER-LINE-160 weiß 23° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-160 white 23° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S332-WCW080-23-SC-M84783.00 €POWER-LINE-160 weiß 23° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-160 white 23° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S332-WCW080-16-24-M84773.00 €POWER-LINE-160 weiß 16° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-160 white 16° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S332-WCW080-16-24S-M84803.00 €POWER-LINE-160 weiß 16° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-160 white 16° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S332-WCW080-16-SC-M84783.00 €POWER-LINE-160 weiß 16° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-160 white 16° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S332-850090-O-24-M84725.00 €POWER-LINE-160 IR 850nm 80° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-160 IR 850nm 80° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S332-850090-O-24S-M84755.00 €POWER-LINE-160 IR 850nm 80° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-160 IR 850nm 80° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S332-850090-O-SC-M84735.00 €POWER-LINE-160 IR 850nm 80° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-160 IR 850nm 80° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S332-850090-45-24-M84773.00 €POWER-LINE-160 IR 850nm 45° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-160 IR 850nm 45° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S332-850090-45-24S-M84803.00 €POWER-LINE-160 IR 850nm 45° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-160 IR 850nm 45° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S332-850090-45-SC-M84783.00 €POWER-LINE-160 IR 850nm 45° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-160 IR 850nm 45° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S332-850090-36-24-M84773.00 €POWER-LINE-160 IR 850nm 36° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-160 IR 850nm 36° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S332-850090-36-24S-M84803.00 €POWER-LINE-160 IR 850nm 36° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-160 IR 850nm 36° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S332-850090-36-SC-M84783.00 €POWER-LINE-160 IR 850nm 36° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-160 IR 850nm 36° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S332-850090-23-24-M84773.00 €POWER-LINE-160 IR 850nm 23° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-160 IR 850nm 23° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S332-850090-23-24S-M84803.00 €POWER-LINE-160 IR 850nm 23° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-160 IR 850nm 23° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S332-850090-23-SC-M84783.00 €POWER-LINE-160 IR 850nm 23° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-160 IR 850nm 23° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S332-850090-16-24-M84773.00 €POWER-LINE-160 IR 850nm 16° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-160 IR 850nm 16° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S332-850090-16-24S-M84803.00 €POWER-LINE-160 IR 850nm 16° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-160 IR 850nm 16° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S332-850090-16-SC-M84783.00 €POWER-LINE-160 IR 850nm 16° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-160 IR 850nm 16° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S332-470080-O-24-M84725.00 €POWER-LINE-160 blau 470nm 80° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-160 blue 470nm 80° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S332-470080-O-24S-M84755.00 €POWER-LINE-160 blau 470nm 80° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-160 blue 470nm 80° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S332-470080-O-SC-M84735.00 €POWER-LINE-160 blau 470nm 80° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-160 blue 470nm 80° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S332-470080-45-24-M84773.00 €POWER-LINE-160 blau 470nm 45° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-160 blue 470nm 45° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S332-470080-45-24S-M84803.00 €POWER-LINE-160 blau 470nm 45° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-160 blue 470nm 45° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S332-470080-45-SC-M84783.00 €POWER-LINE-160 blau 470nm 45° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-160 blue 470nm 45° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S332-470080-36-24-M84773.00 €POWER-LINE-160 blau 470nm 36° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-160 blue 470nm 36° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S332-470080-36-24S-M84803.00 €POWER-LINE-160 blau 470nm 36° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-160 blue 470nm 36° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S332-470080-36-SC-M84783.00 €POWER-LINE-160 blau 470nm 36° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-160 blue 470nm 36° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S332-470080-23-24-M84773.00 €POWER-LINE-160 blau 470nm 23° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-160 blue 470nm 23° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S332-470080-23-24S-M84803.00 €POWER-LINE-160 blau 470nm 23° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-160 blue 470nm 23° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S332-470080-23-SC-M84783.00 €POWER-LINE-160 blau 470nm 23° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-160 blue 470nm 23° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S332-470080-16-24-M84773.00 €POWER-LINE-160 blau 470nm 16° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-160 blue 470nm 16° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S332-470080-16-24S-M84803.00 €POWER-LINE-160 blau 470nm 16° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-160 blue 470nm 16° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S332-470080-16-SC-M84783.00 €POWER-LINE-160 blau 470nm 16° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-160 blue 470nm 16° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S332-525080-O-24-M84725.00 €POWER-LINE-160 grün 525nm 80° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-160 green 525nm 80° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S332-525080-O-24S-M84755.00 €POWER-LINE-160 grün 525nm 80° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-160 green 525nm 80° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S332-525080-O-SC-M84735.00 €POWER-LINE-160 grün 525nm 80° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-160 green 525nm 80° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S332-525080-45-24-M84773.00 €POWER-LINE-160 grün 525nm 45° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-160 green 525nm 45° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S332-525080-45-24S-M84803.00 €POWER-LINE-160 grün 525nm 45° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-160 green 525nm 45° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S332-525080-45-SC-M84783.00 €POWER-LINE-160 grün 525nm 45° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-160 green 525nm 45° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S332-525080-36-24-M84773.00 €POWER-LINE-160 grün 525nm 36° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-160 green 525nm 36° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S332-525080-36-24S-M84803.00 €POWER-LINE-160 grün 525nm 36° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-160 green 525nm 36° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S332-525080-36-SC-M84783.00 €POWER-LINE-160 grün 525nm 36° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-160 green 525nm 36° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S332-525080-23-24-M84773.00 €POWER-LINE-160 grün 525nm 23° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-160 green 525nm 23° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S332-525080-23-24S-M84803.00 €POWER-LINE-160 grün 525nm 23° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-160 green 525nm 23° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S332-525080-23-SC-M84783.00 €POWER-LINE-160 grün 525nm 23° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-160 green 525nm 23° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S332-525080-16-24-M84773.00 €POWER-LINE-160 grün 525nm 16° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-160 green 525nm 16° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S332-525080-16-24S-M84803.00 €POWER-LINE-160 grün 525nm 16° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-160 green 525nm 16° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S332-525080-16-SC-M84783.00 €POWER-LINE-160 grün 525nm 16° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-160 green 525nm 16° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S333-625080-O-24-M84779.00 €POWER-LINE-240 rot 625nm 80° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-240 red 625nm 80° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S333-625080-O-24S-M84809.00 €POWER-LINE-240 rot 625nm 80° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-240 red 625nm 80° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S333-625080-O-SC-M84789.00 €POWER-LINE-240 rot 625nm 80° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-240 red 625nm 80° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S333-625080-45-24-M84843.00 €POWER-LINE-240 rot 625nm 45° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-240 red 625nm 45° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S333-625080-45-24S-M84873.00 €POWER-LINE-240 rot 625nm 45° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-240 red 625nm 45° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S333-625080-45-SC-M84853.00 €POWER-LINE-240 rot 625nm 45° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-240 red 625nm 45° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S333-625080-36-24-M84843.00 €POWER-LINE-240 rot 625nm 36° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-240 red 625nm 36° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S333-625080-36-24S-M84873.00 €POWER-LINE-240 rot 625nm 36° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-240 red 625nm 36° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S333-625080-36-SC-M84853.00 €POWER-LINE-240 rot 625nm 36° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-240 red 625nm 36° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S333-625080-23-24-M84843.00 €POWER-LINE-240 rot 625nm 23° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-240 red 625nm 23° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S333-625080-23-24S-M84873.00 €POWER-LINE-240 rot 625nm 23° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-240 red 625nm 23° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S333-625080-23-SC-M84853.00 €POWER-LINE-240 rot 625nm 23° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-240 red 625nm 23° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S333-625080-16-24-M84843.00 €POWER-LINE-240 rot 625nm 16° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-240 red 625nm 16° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S333-625080-16-24S-M84873.00 €POWER-LINE-240 rot 625nm 16° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-240 red 625nm 16° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S333-625080-16-SC-M84853.00 €POWER-LINE-240 rot 625nm 16° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-240 red 625nm 16° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S333-WCW080-O-24-M84779.00 €POWER-LINE-240 weiß 80° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-240 white 80° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S333-WCW080-O-24S-M84809.00 €POWER-LINE-240 weiß 80° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-240 white 80° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S333-WCW080-O-SC-M84789.00 €POWER-LINE-240 weiß 80° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-240 white 80° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S333-WCW080-45-24-M84843.00 €POWER-LINE-240 weiß 45° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-240 white 45° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S333-WCW080-45-24S-M84873.00 €POWER-LINE-240 weiß 45° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-240 white 45° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S333-WCW080-45-SC-M84853.00 €POWER-LINE-240 weiß 45° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-240 white 45° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S333-WCW080-36-24-M84843.00 €POWER-LINE-240 weiß 36° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-240 white 36° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S333-WCW080-36-24S-M84873.00 €POWER-LINE-240 weiß 36° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-240 white 36° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S333-WCW080-36-SC-M84853.00 €POWER-LINE-240 weiß 36° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-240 white 36° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S333-WCW080-23-24-M84843.00 €POWER-LINE-240 weiß 23° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-240 white 23° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S333-WCW080-23-24S-M84873.00 €POWER-LINE-240 weiß 23° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-240 white 23° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S333-WCW080-23-SC-M84853.00 €POWER-LINE-240 weiß 23° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-240 white 23° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S333-WCW080-16-24-M84843.00 €POWER-LINE-240 weiß 16° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-240 white 16° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S333-WCW080-16-24S-M84873.00 €POWER-LINE-240 weiß 16° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-240 white 16° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S333-WCW080-16-SC-M84853.00 €POWER-LINE-240 weiß 16° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-240 white 16° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S333-850090-O-24-M84779.00 €POWER-LINE-240 IR 850nm 80° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-240 IR 850nm 80° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S333-850090-O-24S-M84809.00 €POWER-LINE-240 IR 850nm 80° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-240 IR 850nm 80° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S333-850090-O-SC-M84789.00 €POWER-LINE-240 IR 850nm 80° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-240 IR 850nm 80° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S333-850090-45-24-M84843.00 €POWER-LINE-240 IR 850nm 45° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-240 IR 850nm 45° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S333-850090-45-24S-M84873.00 €POWER-LINE-240 IR 850nm 45° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-240 IR 850nm 45° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S333-850090-45-SC-M84853.00 €POWER-LINE-240 IR 850nm 45° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-240 IR 850nm 45° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S333-850090-36-24-M84843.00 €POWER-LINE-240 IR 850nm 36° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-240 IR 850nm 36° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S333-850090-36-24S-M84873.00 €POWER-LINE-240 IR 850nm 36° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-240 IR 850nm 36° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S333-850090-36-SC-M84853.00 €POWER-LINE-240 IR 850nm 36° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-240 IR 850nm 36° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S333-850090-23-24-M84843.00 €POWER-LINE-240 IR 850nm 23° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-240 IR 850nm 23° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S333-850090-23-24S-M84873.00 €POWER-LINE-240 IR 850nm 23° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-240 IR 850nm 23° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S333-850090-23-SC-M84853.00 €POWER-LINE-240 IR 850nm 23° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-240 IR 850nm 23° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S333-850090-16-24-M84843.00 €POWER-LINE-240 IR 850nm 16° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-240 IR 850nm 16° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S333-850090-16-24S-M84873.00 €POWER-LINE-240 IR 850nm 16° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-240 IR 850nm 16° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S333-850090-16-SC-M84853.00 €POWER-LINE-240 IR 850nm 16° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-240 IR 850nm 16° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S333-470080-O-24-M84779.00 €POWER-LINE-240 blau 470nm 80° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-240 blue 470nm 80° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S333-470080-O-24S-M84809.00 €POWER-LINE-240 blau 470nm 80° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-240 blue 470nm 80° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S333-470080-O-SC-M84789.00 €POWER-LINE-240 blau 470nm 80° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-240 blue 470nm 80° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S333-470080-45-24-M84843.00 €POWER-LINE-240 blau 470nm 45° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-240 blue 470nm 45° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S333-470080-45-24S-M84873.00 €POWER-LINE-240 blau 470nm 45° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-240 blue 470nm 45° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S333-470080-45-SC-M84853.00 €POWER-LINE-240 blau 470nm 45° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-240 blue 470nm 45° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S333-470080-36-24-M84843.00 €POWER-LINE-240 blau 470nm 36° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-240 blue 470nm 36° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S333-470080-36-24S-M84873.00 €POWER-LINE-240 blau 470nm 36° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-240 blue 470nm 36° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S333-470080-36-SC-M84853.00 €POWER-LINE-240 blau 470nm 36° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-240 blue 470nm 36° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S333-470080-23-24-M84843.00 €POWER-LINE-240 blau 470nm 23° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-240 blue 470nm 23° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S333-470080-23-24S-M84873.00 €POWER-LINE-240 blau 470nm 23° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-240 blue 470nm 23° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S333-470080-23-SC-M84853.00 €POWER-LINE-240 blau 470nm 23° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-240 blue 470nm 23° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S333-470080-16-24-M84843.00 €POWER-LINE-240 blau 470nm 16° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-240 blue 470nm 16° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S333-470080-16-24S-M84873.00 €POWER-LINE-240 blau 470nm 16° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-240 blue 470nm 16° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S333-470080-16-SC-M84853.00 €POWER-LINE-240 blau 470nm 16° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-240 blue 470nm 16° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S333-525080-O-24-M84779.00 €POWER-LINE-240 grün 525nm 80° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-240 green 525nm 80° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S333-525080-O-24S-M84809.00 €POWER-LINE-240 grün 525nm 80° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-240 green 525nm 80° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S333-525080-O-SC-M84789.00 €POWER-LINE-240 grün 525nm 80° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-240 green 525nm 80° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S333-525080-45-24-M84843.00 €POWER-LINE-240 grün 525nm 45° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-240 green 525nm 45° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S333-525080-45-24S-M84873.00 €POWER-LINE-240 grün 525nm 45° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-240 green 525nm 45° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S333-525080-45-SC-M84853.00 €POWER-LINE-240 grün 525nm 45° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-240 green 525nm 45° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S333-525080-36-24-M84843.00 €POWER-LINE-240 grün 525nm 36° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-240 green 525nm 36° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S333-525080-36-24S-M84873.00 €POWER-LINE-240 grün 525nm 36° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-240 green 525nm 36° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S333-525080-36-SC-M84853.00 €POWER-LINE-240 grün 525nm 36° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-240 green 525nm 36° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S333-525080-23-24-M84843.00 €POWER-LINE-240 grün 525nm 23° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-240 green 525nm 23° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S333-525080-23-24S-M84873.00 €POWER-LINE-240 grün 525nm 23° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-240 green 525nm 23° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S333-525080-23-SC-M84853.00 €POWER-LINE-240 grün 525nm 23° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-240 green 525nm 23° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S333-525080-16-24-M84843.00 €POWER-LINE-240 grün 525nm 16° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-240 green 525nm 16° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S333-525080-16-24S-M84873.00 €POWER-LINE-240 grün 525nm 16° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-240 green 525nm 16° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S333-525080-16-SC-M84853.00 €POWER-LINE-240 grün 525nm 16° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-240 green 525nm 16° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S334-625080-O-24-M841,024.00 €POWER-LINE-320 rot 625nm 80° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-320 red 625nm 80° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S334-625080-O-24S-M841,054.00 €POWER-LINE-320 rot 625nm 80° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-320 red 625nm 80° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S334-625080-O-SC-M841,034.00 €POWER-LINE-320 rot 625nm 80° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-320 red 625nm 80° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S334-625080-45-24-M841,104.00 €POWER-LINE-320 rot 625nm 45° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-320 red 625nm 45° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S334-625080-45-24S-M841,134.00 €POWER-LINE-320 rot 625nm 45° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-320 red 625nm 45° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S334-625080-45-SC-M841,114.00 €POWER-LINE-320 rot 625nm 45° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-320 red 625nm 45° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S334-625080-36-24-M841,104.00 €POWER-LINE-320 rot 625nm 36° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-320 red 625nm 36° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S334-625080-36-24S-M841,134.00 €POWER-LINE-320 rot 625nm 36° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-320 red 625nm 36° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S334-625080-36-SC-M841,114.00 €POWER-LINE-320 rot 625nm 36° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-320 red 625nm 36° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S334-625080-23-24-M841,104.00 €POWER-LINE-320 rot 625nm 23° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-320 red 625nm 23° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S334-625080-23-24S-M841,134.00 €POWER-LINE-320 rot 625nm 23° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-320 red 625nm 23° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S334-625080-23-SC-M841,114.00 €POWER-LINE-320 rot 625nm 23° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-320 red 625nm 23° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S334-625080-16-24-M841,104.00 €POWER-LINE-320 rot 625nm 16° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-320 red 625nm 16° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S334-625080-16-24S-M841,134.00 €POWER-LINE-320 rot 625nm 16° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-320 red 625nm 16° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S334-625080-16-SC-M841,114.00 €POWER-LINE-320 rot 625nm 16° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-320 red 625nm 16° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S334-WCW080-O-24-M841,024.00 €POWER-LINE-320 weiß 80° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-320 white 80° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S334-WCW080-O-24S-M841,054.00 €POWER-LINE-320 weiß 80° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-320 white 80° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S334-WCW080-O-SC-M841,034.00 €POWER-LINE-320 weiß 80° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-320 white 80° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S334-WCW080-45-24-M841,104.00 €POWER-LINE-320 weiß 45° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-320 white 45° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S334-WCW080-45-24S-M841,134.00 €POWER-LINE-320 weiß 45° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-320 white 45° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S334-WCW080-45-SC-M841,114.00 €POWER-LINE-320 weiß 45° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-320 white 45° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S334-WCW080-36-24-M841,104.00 €POWER-LINE-320 weiß 36° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-320 white 36° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S334-WCW080-36-24S-M841,134.00 €POWER-LINE-320 weiß 36° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-320 white 36° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S334-WCW080-36-SC-M841,114.00 €POWER-LINE-320 weiß 36° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-320 white 36° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S334-WCW080-23-24-M841,104.00 €POWER-LINE-320 weiß 23° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-320 white 23° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S334-WCW080-23-24S-M841,134.00 €POWER-LINE-320 weiß 23° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-320 white 23° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S334-WCW080-23-SC-M841,114.00 €POWER-LINE-320 weiß 23° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-320 white 23° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S334-WCW080-16-24-M841,104.00 €POWER-LINE-320 weiß 16° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-320 white 16° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S334-WCW080-16-24S-M841,134.00 €POWER-LINE-320 weiß 16° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-320 white 16° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S334-WCW080-16-SC-M841,114.00 €POWER-LINE-320 weiß 16° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-320 white 16° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S334-850090-O-24-M841,024.00 €POWER-LINE-320 IR 850nm 80° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-320 IR 850nm 80° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S334-850090-O-24S-M841,054.00 €POWER-LINE-320 IR 850nm 80° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-320 IR 850nm 80° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S334-850090-O-SC-M841,034.00 €POWER-LINE-320 IR 850nm 80° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-320 IR 850nm 80° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S334-850090-45-24-M841,104.00 €POWER-LINE-320 IR 850nm 45° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-320 IR 850nm 45° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S334-850090-45-24S-M841,134.00 €POWER-LINE-320 IR 850nm 45° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-320 IR 850nm 45° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S334-850090-45-SC-M841,114.00 €POWER-LINE-320 IR 850nm 45° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-320 IR 850nm 45° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S334-850090-36-24-M841,104.00 €POWER-LINE-320 IR 850nm 36° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-320 IR 850nm 36° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S334-850090-36-24S-M841,134.00 €POWER-LINE-320 IR 850nm 36° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-320 IR 850nm 36° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S334-850090-36-SC-M841,114.00 €POWER-LINE-320 IR 850nm 36° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-320 IR 850nm 36° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S334-850090-23-24-M841,104.00 €POWER-LINE-320 IR 850nm 23° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-320 IR 850nm 23° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S334-850090-23-24S-M841,134.00 €POWER-LINE-320 IR 850nm 23° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-320 IR 850nm 23° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S334-850090-23-SC-M841,114.00 €POWER-LINE-320 IR 850nm 23° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-320 IR 850nm 23° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S334-850090-16-24-M841,104.00 €POWER-LINE-320 IR 850nm 16° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-320 IR 850nm 16° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S334-850090-16-24S-M841,134.00 €POWER-LINE-320 IR 850nm 16° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-320 IR 850nm 16° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S334-850090-16-SC-M841,114.00 €POWER-LINE-320 IR 850nm 16° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-320 IR 850nm 16° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S334-470080-O-24-M841,024.00 €POWER-LINE-320 blau 470nm 80° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-320 blue 470nm 80° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S334-470080-O-24S-M841,054.00 €POWER-LINE-320 blau 470nm 80° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-320 blue 470nm 80° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S334-470080-O-SC-M841,034.00 €POWER-LINE-320 blau 470nm 80° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-320 blue 470nm 80° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S334-470080-45-24-M841,104.00 €POWER-LINE-320 blau 470nm 45° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-320 blue 470nm 45° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S334-470080-45-24S-M841,134.00 €POWER-LINE-320 blau 470nm 45° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-320 blue 470nm 45° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S334-470080-45-SC-M841,114.00 €POWER-LINE-320 blau 470nm 45° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-320 blue 470nm 45° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S334-470080-36-24-M841,104.00 €POWER-LINE-320 blau 470nm 36° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-320 blue 470nm 36° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S334-470080-36-24S-M841,134.00 €POWER-LINE-320 blau 470nm 36° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-320 blue 470nm 36° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S334-470080-36-SC-M841,114.00 €POWER-LINE-320 blau 470nm 36° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-320 blue 470nm 36° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S334-470080-23-24-M841,104.00 €POWER-LINE-320 blau 470nm 23° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-320 blue 470nm 23° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S334-470080-23-24S-M841,134.00 €POWER-LINE-320 blau 470nm 23° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-320 blue 470nm 23° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S334-470080-23-SC-M841,114.00 €POWER-LINE-320 blau 470nm 23° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-320 blue 470nm 23° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S334-470080-16-24-M841,104.00 €POWER-LINE-320 blau 470nm 16° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-320 blue 470nm 16° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S334-470080-16-24S-M841,134.00 €POWER-LINE-320 blau 470nm 16° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-320 blue 470nm 16° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S334-470080-16-SC-M841,114.00 €POWER-LINE-320 blau 470nm 16° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-320 blue 470nm 16° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S334-525080-O-24-M841,024.00 €POWER-LINE-320 grün 525nm 80° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-320 green 525nm 80° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S334-525080-O-24S-M841,054.00 €POWER-LINE-320 grün 525nm 80° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-320 green 525nm 80° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S334-525080-O-SC-M841,034.00 €POWER-LINE-320 grün 525nm 80° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-320 green 525nm 80° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S334-525080-45-24-M841,104.00 €POWER-LINE-320 grün 525nm 45° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-320 green 525nm 45° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S334-525080-45-24S-M841,134.00 €POWER-LINE-320 grün 525nm 45° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-320 green 525nm 45° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S334-525080-45-SC-M841,114.00 €POWER-LINE-320 grün 525nm 45° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-320 green 525nm 45° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S334-525080-36-24-M841,104.00 €POWER-LINE-320 grün 525nm 36° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-320 green 525nm 36° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S334-525080-36-24S-M841,134.00 €POWER-LINE-320 grün 525nm 36° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-320 green 525nm 36° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S334-525080-36-SC-M841,114.00 €POWER-LINE-320 grün 525nm 36° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-320 green 525nm 36° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S334-525080-23-24-M841,104.00 €POWER-LINE-320 grün 525nm 23° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-320 green 525nm 23° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S334-525080-23-24S-M841,134.00 €POWER-LINE-320 grün 525nm 23° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-320 green 525nm 23° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S334-525080-23-SC-M841,114.00 €POWER-LINE-320 grün 525nm 23° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-320 green 525nm 23° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S334-525080-16-24-M841,104.00 €POWER-LINE-320 grün 525nm 16° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-320 green 525nm 16° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S334-525080-16-24S-M841,134.00 €POWER-LINE-320 grün 525nm 16° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-320 green 525nm 16° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S334-525080-16-SC-M841,114.00 €POWER-LINE-320 grün 525nm 16° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-320 green 525nm 16° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S335-625080-O-24-M841,191.00 €POWER-LINE-400 rot 625nm 80° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-400 red 625nm 80° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S335-625080-O-24S-M841,221.00 €POWER-LINE-400 rot 625nm 80° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-400 red 625nm 80° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S335-625080-O-SC-M841,201.00 €POWER-LINE-400 rot 625nm 80° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-400 red 625nm 80° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S335-625080-45-24-M841,287.00 €POWER-LINE-400 rot 625nm 45° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-400 red 625nm 45° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S335-625080-45-24S-M841,317.00 €POWER-LINE-400 rot 625nm 45° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-400 red 625nm 45° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S335-625080-45-SC-M841,297.00 €POWER-LINE-400 rot 625nm 45° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-400 red 625nm 45° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S335-625080-36-24-M841,287.00 €POWER-LINE-400 rot 625nm 36° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-400 red 625nm 36° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S335-625080-36-24S-M841,317.00 €POWER-LINE-400 rot 625nm 36° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-400 red 625nm 36° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S335-625080-36-SC-M841,297.00 €POWER-LINE-400 rot 625nm 36° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-400 red 625nm 36° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S335-625080-23-24-M841,287.00 €POWER-LINE-400 rot 625nm 23° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-400 red 625nm 23° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S335-625080-23-24S-M841,317.00 €POWER-LINE-400 rot 625nm 23° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-400 red 625nm 23° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S335-625080-23-SC-M841,297.00 €POWER-LINE-400 rot 625nm 23° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-400 red 625nm 23° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S335-625080-16-24-M841,287.00 €POWER-LINE-400 rot 625nm 16° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-400 red 625nm 16° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S335-625080-16-24S-M841,317.00 €POWER-LINE-400 rot 625nm 16° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-400 red 625nm 16° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S335-625080-16-SC-M841,297.00 €POWER-LINE-400 rot 625nm 16° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-400 red 625nm 16° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S335-WCW080-O-24-M841,191.00 €POWER-LINE-400 weiß 80° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-400 white 80° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S335-WCW080-O-24S-M841,221.00 €POWER-LINE-400 weiß 80° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-400 white 80° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S335-WCW080-O-SC-M841,201.00 €POWER-LINE-400 weiß 80° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-400 white 80° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S335-WCW080-45-24-M841,287.00 €POWER-LINE-400 weiß 45° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-400 white 45° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S335-WCW080-45-24S-M841,317.00 €POWER-LINE-400 weiß 45° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-400 white 45° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S335-WCW080-45-SC-M841,297.00 €POWER-LINE-400 weiß 45° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-400 white 45° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S335-WCW080-36-24-M841,287.00 €POWER-LINE-400 weiß 36° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-400 white 36° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S335-WCW080-36-24S-M841,317.00 €POWER-LINE-400 weiß 36° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-400 white 36° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S335-WCW080-36-SC-M841,297.00 €POWER-LINE-400 weiß 36° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-400 white 36° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S335-WCW080-23-24-M841,287.00 €POWER-LINE-400 weiß 23° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-400 white 23° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S335-WCW080-23-24S-M841,317.00 €POWER-LINE-400 weiß 23° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-400 white 23° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S335-WCW080-23-SC-M841,297.00 €POWER-LINE-400 weiß 23° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-400 white 23° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S335-WCW080-16-24-M841,287.00 €POWER-LINE-400 weiß 16° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-400 white 16° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S335-WCW080-16-24S-M841,317.00 €POWER-LINE-400 weiß 16° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-400 white 16° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S335-WCW080-16-SC-M841,297.00 €POWER-LINE-400 weiß 16° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-400 white 16° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S335-850090-O-24-M841,191.00 €POWER-LINE-400 IR 850nm 80° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-400 IR 850nm 80° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S335-850090-O-24S-M841,221.00 €POWER-LINE-400 IR 850nm 80° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-400 IR 850nm 80° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S335-850090-O-SC-M841,201.00 €POWER-LINE-400 IR 850nm 80° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-400 IR 850nm 80° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S335-850090-45-24-M841,287.00 €POWER-LINE-400 IR 850nm 45° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-400 IR 850nm 45° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S335-850090-45-24S-M841,317.00 €POWER-LINE-400 IR 850nm 45° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-400 IR 850nm 45° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S335-850090-45-SC-M841,297.00 €POWER-LINE-400 IR 850nm 45° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-400 IR 850nm 45° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S335-850090-36-24-M841,287.00 €POWER-LINE-400 IR 850nm 36° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-400 IR 850nm 36° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S335-850090-36-24S-M841,317.00 €POWER-LINE-400 IR 850nm 36° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-400 IR 850nm 36° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S335-850090-36-SC-M841,297.00 €POWER-LINE-400 IR 850nm 36° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-400 IR 850nm 36° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S335-850090-23-24-M841,287.00 €POWER-LINE-400 IR 850nm 23° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-400 IR 850nm 23° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S335-850090-23-24S-M841,317.00 €POWER-LINE-400 IR 850nm 23° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-400 IR 850nm 23° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S335-850090-23-SC-M841,297.00 €POWER-LINE-400 IR 850nm 23° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-400 IR 850nm 23° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S335-850090-16-24-M841,287.00 €POWER-LINE-400 IR 850nm 16° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-400 IR 850nm 16° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S335-850090-16-24S-M841,317.00 €POWER-LINE-400 IR 850nm 16° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-400 IR 850nm 16° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S335-850090-16-SC-M841,297.00 €POWER-LINE-400 IR 850nm 16° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-400 IR 850nm 16° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S335-470080-O-24-M841,191.00 €POWER-LINE-400 blau 470nm 80° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-400 blue 470nm 80° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S335-470080-O-24S-M841,221.00 €POWER-LINE-400 blau 470nm 80° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-400 blue 470nm 80° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S335-470080-O-SC-M841,201.00 €POWER-LINE-400 blau 470nm 80° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-400 blue 470nm 80° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S335-470080-45-24-M841,287.00 €POWER-LINE-400 blau 470nm 45° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-400 blue 470nm 45° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S335-470080-45-24S-M841,317.00 €POWER-LINE-400 blau 470nm 45° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-400 blue 470nm 45° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S335-470080-45-SC-M841,297.00 €POWER-LINE-400 blau 470nm 45° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-400 blue 470nm 45° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S335-470080-36-24-M841,287.00 €POWER-LINE-400 blau 470nm 36° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-400 blue 470nm 36° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S335-470080-36-24S-M841,317.00 €POWER-LINE-400 blau 470nm 36° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-400 blue 470nm 36° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S335-470080-36-SC-M841,297.00 €POWER-LINE-400 blau 470nm 36° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-400 blue 470nm 36° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S335-470080-23-24-M841,287.00 €POWER-LINE-400 blau 470nm 23° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-400 blue 470nm 23° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S335-470080-23-24S-M841,317.00 €POWER-LINE-400 blau 470nm 23° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-400 blue 470nm 23° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S335-470080-23-SC-M841,297.00 €POWER-LINE-400 blau 470nm 23° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-400 blue 470nm 23° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S335-470080-16-24-M841,287.00 €POWER-LINE-400 blau 470nm 16° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-400 blue 470nm 16° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S335-470080-16-24S-M841,317.00 €POWER-LINE-400 blau 470nm 16° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-400 blue 470nm 16° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S335-470080-16-SC-M841,297.00 €POWER-LINE-400 blau 470nm 16° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-400 blue 470nm 16° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S335-525080-O-24-M841,191.00 €POWER-LINE-400 grün 525nm 80° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-400 green 525nm 80° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S335-525080-O-24S-M841,221.00 €POWER-LINE-400 grün 525nm 80° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-400 green 525nm 80° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S335-525080-O-SC-M841,201.00 €POWER-LINE-400 grün 525nm 80° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-400 green 525nm 80° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S335-525080-45-24-M841,287.00 €POWER-LINE-400 grün 525nm 45° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-400 green 525nm 45° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S335-525080-45-24S-M841,317.00 €POWER-LINE-400 grün 525nm 45° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-400 green 525nm 45° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S335-525080-45-SC-M841,297.00 €POWER-LINE-400 grün 525nm 45° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-400 green 525nm 45° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S335-525080-36-24-M841,287.00 €POWER-LINE-400 grün 525nm 36° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-400 green 525nm 36° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S335-525080-36-24S-M841,317.00 €POWER-LINE-400 grün 525nm 36° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-400 green 525nm 36° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S335-525080-36-SC-M841,297.00 €POWER-LINE-400 grün 525nm 36° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-400 green 525nm 36° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S335-525080-23-24-M841,287.00 €POWER-LINE-400 grün 525nm 23° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-400 green 525nm 23° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S335-525080-23-24S-M841,317.00 €POWER-LINE-400 grün 525nm 23° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-400 green 525nm 23° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S335-525080-23-SC-M841,297.00 €POWER-LINE-400 grün 525nm 23° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-400 green 525nm 23° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S335-525080-16-24-M841,287.00 €POWER-LINE-400 grün 525nm 16° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-400 green 525nm 16° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S335-525080-16-24S-M841,317.00 €POWER-LINE-400 grün 525nm 16° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-400 green 525nm 16° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S335-525080-16-SC-M841,297.00 €POWER-LINE-400 grün 525nm 16° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-400 green 525nm 16° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S336-625080-O-24-M841,255.00 €POWER-LINE-480 rot 625nm 80° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-480 red 625nm 80° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S336-625080-O-24S-M841,285.00 €POWER-LINE-480 rot 625nm 80° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-480 red 625nm 80° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S336-625080-O-SC-M841,265.00 €POWER-LINE-480 rot 625nm 80° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-480 red 625nm 80° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S336-625080-45-24-M841,367.00 €POWER-LINE-480 rot 625nm 45° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-480 red 625nm 45° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S336-625080-45-24S-M841,397.00 €POWER-LINE-480 rot 625nm 45° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-480 red 625nm 45° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S336-625080-45-SC-M841,377.00 €POWER-LINE-480 rot 625nm 45° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-480 red 625nm 45° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S336-625080-36-24-M841,367.00 €POWER-LINE-480 rot 625nm 36° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-480 red 625nm 36° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S336-625080-36-24S-M841,397.00 €POWER-LINE-480 rot 625nm 36° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-480 red 625nm 36° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S336-625080-36-SC-M841,377.00 €POWER-LINE-480 rot 625nm 36° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-480 red 625nm 36° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S336-625080-23-24-M841,367.00 €POWER-LINE-480 rot 625nm 23° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-480 red 625nm 23° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S336-625080-23-24S-M841,397.00 €POWER-LINE-480 rot 625nm 23° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-480 red 625nm 23° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S336-625080-23-SC-M841,377.00 €POWER-LINE-480 rot 625nm 23° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-480 red 625nm 23° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S336-625080-16-24-M841,367.00 €POWER-LINE-480 rot 625nm 16° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-480 red 625nm 16° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S336-625080-16-24S-M841,397.00 €POWER-LINE-480 rot 625nm 16° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-480 red 625nm 16° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S336-625080-16-SC-M841,377.00 €POWER-LINE-480 rot 625nm 16° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-480 red 625nm 16° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S336-WCW080-O-24-M841,255.00 €POWER-LINE-480 weiß 80° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-480 white 80° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S336-WCW080-O-24S-M841,285.00 €POWER-LINE-480 weiß 80° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-480 white 80° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S336-WCW080-O-SC-M841,265.00 €POWER-LINE-480 weiß 80° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-480 white 80° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S336-WCW080-45-24-M841,367.00 €POWER-LINE-480 weiß 45° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-480 white 45° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S336-WCW080-45-24S-M841,397.00 €POWER-LINE-480 weiß 45° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-480 white 45° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S336-WCW080-45-SC-M841,377.00 €POWER-LINE-480 weiß 45° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-480 white 45° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S336-WCW080-36-24-M841,367.00 €POWER-LINE-480 weiß 36° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-480 white 36° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S336-WCW080-36-24S-M841,397.00 €POWER-LINE-480 weiß 36° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-480 white 36° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S336-WCW080-36-SC-M841,377.00 €POWER-LINE-480 weiß 36° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-480 white 36° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S336-WCW080-23-24-M841,367.00 €POWER-LINE-480 weiß 23° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-480 white 23° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S336-WCW080-23-24S-M841,397.00 €POWER-LINE-480 weiß 23° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-480 white 23° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S336-WCW080-23-SC-M841,377.00 €POWER-LINE-480 weiß 23° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-480 white 23° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S336-WCW080-16-24-M841,367.00 €POWER-LINE-480 weiß 16° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-480 white 16° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S336-WCW080-16-24S-M841,397.00 €POWER-LINE-480 weiß 16° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-480 white 16° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S336-WCW080-16-SC-M841,377.00 €POWER-LINE-480 weiß 16° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-480 white 16° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S336-850090-O-24-M841,255.00 €POWER-LINE-480 IR 850nm 80° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-480 IR 850nm 80° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S336-850090-O-24S-M841,285.00 €POWER-LINE-480 IR 850nm 80° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-480 IR 850nm 80° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S336-850090-O-SC-M841,265.00 €POWER-LINE-480 IR 850nm 80° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-480 IR 850nm 80° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S336-850090-45-24-M841,367.00 €POWER-LINE-480 IR 850nm 45° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-480 IR 850nm 45° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S336-850090-45-24S-M841,397.00 €POWER-LINE-480 IR 850nm 45° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-480 IR 850nm 45° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S336-850090-45-SC-M841,377.00 €POWER-LINE-480 IR 850nm 45° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-480 IR 850nm 45° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S336-850090-36-24-M841,367.00 €POWER-LINE-480 IR 850nm 36° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-480 IR 850nm 36° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S336-850090-36-24S-M841,397.00 €POWER-LINE-480 IR 850nm 36° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-480 IR 850nm 36° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S336-850090-36-SC-M841,377.00 €POWER-LINE-480 IR 850nm 36° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-480 IR 850nm 36° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S336-850090-23-24-M841,367.00 €POWER-LINE-480 IR 850nm 23° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-480 IR 850nm 23° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S336-850090-23-24S-M841,397.00 €POWER-LINE-480 IR 850nm 23° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-480 IR 850nm 23° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S336-850090-23-SC-M841,377.00 €POWER-LINE-480 IR 850nm 23° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-480 IR 850nm 23° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S336-850090-16-24-M841,367.00 €POWER-LINE-480 IR 850nm 16° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-480 IR 850nm 16° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S336-850090-16-24S-M841,397.00 €POWER-LINE-480 IR 850nm 16° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-480 IR 850nm 16° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S336-850090-16-SC-M841,377.00 €POWER-LINE-480 IR 850nm 16° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-480 IR 850nm 16° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S336-470080-O-24-M841,255.00 €POWER-LINE-480 blau 470nm 80° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-480 blue 470nm 80° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S336-470080-O-24S-M841,285.00 €POWER-LINE-480 blau 470nm 80° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-480 blue 470nm 80° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S336-470080-O-SC-M841,265.00 €POWER-LINE-480 blau 470nm 80° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-480 blue 470nm 80° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S336-470080-45-24-M841,367.00 €POWER-LINE-480 blau 470nm 45° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-480 blue 470nm 45° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S336-470080-45-24S-M841,397.00 €POWER-LINE-480 blau 470nm 45° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-480 blue 470nm 45° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S336-470080-45-SC-M841,377.00 €POWER-LINE-480 blau 470nm 45° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-480 blue 470nm 45° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S336-470080-36-24-M841,367.00 €POWER-LINE-480 blau 470nm 36° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-480 blue 470nm 36° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S336-470080-36-24S-M841,397.00 €POWER-LINE-480 blau 470nm 36° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-480 blue 470nm 36° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S336-470080-36-SC-M841,377.00 €POWER-LINE-480 blau 470nm 36° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-480 blue 470nm 36° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S336-470080-23-24-M841,367.00 €POWER-LINE-480 blau 470nm 23° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-480 blue 470nm 23° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S336-470080-23-24S-M841,397.00 €POWER-LINE-480 blau 470nm 23° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-480 blue 470nm 23° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S336-470080-23-SC-M841,377.00 €POWER-LINE-480 blau 470nm 23° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-480 blue 470nm 23° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S336-470080-16-24-M841,367.00 €POWER-LINE-480 blau 470nm 16° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-480 blue 470nm 16° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S336-470080-16-24S-M841,397.00 €POWER-LINE-480 blau 470nm 16° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-480 blue 470nm 16° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S336-470080-16-SC-M841,377.00 €POWER-LINE-480 blau 470nm 16° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-480 blue 470nm 16° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S336-525080-O-24-M841,255.00 €POWER-LINE-480 grün 525nm 80° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-480 green 525nm 80° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S336-525080-O-24S-M841,285.00 €POWER-LINE-480 grün 525nm 80° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-480 green 525nm 80° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S336-525080-O-SC-M841,265.00 €POWER-LINE-480 grün 525nm 80° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-480 green 525nm 80° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S336-525080-45-24-M841,367.00 €POWER-LINE-480 grün 525nm 45° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-480 green 525nm 45° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S336-525080-45-24S-M841,397.00 €POWER-LINE-480 grün 525nm 45° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-480 green 525nm 45° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S336-525080-45-SC-M841,377.00 €POWER-LINE-480 grün 525nm 45° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-480 green 525nm 45° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S336-525080-36-24-M841,367.00 €POWER-LINE-480 grün 525nm 36° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-480 green 525nm 36° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S336-525080-36-24S-M841,397.00 €POWER-LINE-480 grün 525nm 36° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-480 green 525nm 36° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S336-525080-36-SC-M841,377.00 €POWER-LINE-480 grün 525nm 36° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-480 green 525nm 36° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S336-525080-23-24-M841,367.00 €POWER-LINE-480 grün 525nm 23° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-480 green 525nm 23° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S336-525080-23-24S-M841,397.00 €POWER-LINE-480 grün 525nm 23° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-480 green 525nm 23° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S336-525080-23-SC-M841,377.00 €POWER-LINE-480 grün 525nm 23° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-480 green 525nm 23° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S336-525080-16-24-M841,367.00 €POWER-LINE-480 grün 525nm 16° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-480 green 525nm 16° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S336-525080-16-24S-M841,397.00 €POWER-LINE-480 grün 525nm 16° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-480 green 525nm 16° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole
S336-525080-16-SC-M841,377.00 €POWER-LINE-480 grün 525nm 16° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligPOWER-LINE-480 green 525nm 16° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S220-617030-24-M84253.00 €TOP-LINE-2TE rot 617nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LINE-2TE red 617nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S220-617030-SC-M84263.00 €TOP-LINE-2TE rot 617nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LINE-2TE red 617nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S220-617060-24-M84253.00 €TOP-LINE-2TE rot 617nm 60° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LINE-2TE red 617nm 60° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S220-617060-SC-M84263.00 €TOP-LINE-2TE rot 617nm 60° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LINE-2TE red 617nm 60° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S220-635120-24-M84253.00 €TOP-LINE-2TE rot 635nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LINE-2TE red 635nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S220-635120-SC-M84263.00 €TOP-LINE-2TE rot 635nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LINE-2TE red 635nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S220-WLU120-24-M84280.00 €TOP-LINE-2TE weiß 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LINE-2TE white 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S220-WLU120-SC-M84290.00 €TOP-LINE-2TE weiß 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LINE-2TE white 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S220-850030-24-M84280.00 €TOP-LINE-2TE IR 850nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LINE-2TE IR 850nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S220-850030-SC-M84290.00 €TOP-LINE-2TE IR 850nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LINE-2TE IR 850nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S220-850050-24-M84280.00 €TOP-LINE-2TE IR 850nm 50° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LINE-2TE IR 850nm 50° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S220-850050-SC-M84290.00 €TOP-LINE-2TE IR 850nm 50° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LINE-2TE IR 850nm 50° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S220-850120-24-M84280.00 €TOP-LINE-2TE IR 850nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LINE-2TE IR 850nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S220-850120-SC-M84290.00 €TOP-LINE-2TE IR 850nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LINE-2TE IR 850nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S220-470030-24-M84280.00 €TOP-LINE-2TE blau 470nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LINE-2TE blue 470nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S220-470030-SC-M84290.00 €TOP-LINE-2TE blau 470nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LINE-2TE blue 470nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S220-470120-24-M84280.00 €TOP-LINE-2TE blau 470nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LINE-2TE blue 470nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S220-470120-SC-M84290.00 €TOP-LINE-2TE blau 470nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LINE-2TE blue 470nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S220-525030-24-M84280.00 €TOP-LINE-2TE grün 525nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LINE-2TE green 525nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S220-525030-SC-M84290.00 €TOP-LINE-2TE grün 525nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LINE-2TE green 525nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S220-525120-24-M84280.00 €TOP-LINE-2TE grün 525nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LINE-2TE green 525nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S220-525120-SC-M84290.00 €TOP-LINE-2TE grün 525nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LINE-2TE green 525nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S220-375120-24-M84343.00 €TOP-LINE-2TE UV 375nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LINE-2TE UV 375nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S220-375120-SC-M84353.00 €TOP-LINE-2TE UV 375nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LINE-2TE UV 375nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S221-617030-24-M84297.00 €TOP-LINE-3TE rot 617nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LINE-3TE red 617nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S221-617030-SC-M84307.00 €TOP-LINE-3TE rot 617nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LINE-3TE red 617nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S221-617060-24-M84297.00 €TOP-LINE-3TE rot 617nm 60° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LINE-3TE red 617nm 60° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S221-617060-SC-M84307.00 €TOP-LINE-3TE rot 617nm 60° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LINE-3TE red 617nm 60° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S221-635120-24-M84297.00 €TOP-LINE-3TE rot 635nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LINE-3TE red 635nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S221-635120-SC-M84307.00 €TOP-LINE-3TE rot 635nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LINE-3TE red 635nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S221-WLU120-24-M84332.00 €TOP-LINE-3TE weiß 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LINE-3TE white 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S221-WLU120-SC-M84342.00 €TOP-LINE-3TE weiß 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LINE-3TE white 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S221-850030-24-M84332.00 €TOP-LINE-3TE IR 850nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LINE-3TE IR 850nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S221-850030-SC-M84342.00 €TOP-LINE-3TE IR 850nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LINE-3TE IR 850nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S221-850050-24-M84332.00 €TOP-LINE-3TE IR 850nm 50° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LINE-3TE IR 850nm 50° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S221-850050-SC-M84342.00 €TOP-LINE-3TE IR 850nm 50° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LINE-3TE IR 850nm 50° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S221-850120-24-M84332.00 €TOP-LINE-3TE IR 850nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LINE-3TE IR 850nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S221-850120-SC-M84342.00 €TOP-LINE-3TE IR 850nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LINE-3TE IR 850nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S221-470030-24-M84332.00 €TOP-LINE-3TE blau 470nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LINE-3TE blue 470nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S221-470030-SC-M84342.00 €TOP-LINE-3TE blau 470nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LINE-3TE blue 470nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S221-470120-24-M84332.00 €TOP-LINE-3TE blau 470nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LINE-3TE blue 470nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S221-470120-SC-M84342.00 €TOP-LINE-3TE blau 470nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LINE-3TE blue 470nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S221-525030-24-M84332.00 €TOP-LINE-3TE grün 525nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LINE-3TE green 525nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S221-525030-SC-M84342.00 €TOP-LINE-3TE grün 525nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LINE-3TE green 525nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S221-525120-24-M84332.00 €TOP-LINE-3TE grün 525nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LINE-3TE green 525nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S221-525120-SC-M84342.00 €TOP-LINE-3TE grün 525nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LINE-3TE green 525nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S221-375120-24-M84426.00 €TOP-LINE-3TE UV 375nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LINE-3TE UV 375nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S221-375120-SC-M84436.00 €TOP-LINE-3TE UV 375nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LINE-3TE UV 375nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S222-617030-24-M84343.00 €TOP-LINE-4TE rot 617nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LINE-4TE red 617nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S222-617030-SC-M84353.00 €TOP-LINE-4TE rot 617nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LINE-4TE red 617nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S222-617060-24-M84343.00 €TOP-LINE-4TE rot 617nm 60° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LINE-4TE red 617nm 60° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S222-617060-SC-M84353.00 €TOP-LINE-4TE rot 617nm 60° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LINE-4TE red 617nm 60° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S222-635120-24-M84343.00 €TOP-LINE-4TE rot 635nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LINE-4TE red 635nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S222-635120-SC-M84353.00 €TOP-LINE-4TE rot 635nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LINE-4TE red 635nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S222-WLU120-24-M84384.00 €TOP-LINE-4TE weiß 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LINE-4TE white 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S222-WLU120-SC-M84394.00 €TOP-LINE-4TE weiß 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LINE-4TE white 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S222-850030-24-M84384.00 €TOP-LINE-4TE IR 850nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LINE-4TE IR 850nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S222-850030-SC-M84394.00 €TOP-LINE-4TE IR 850nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LINE-4TE IR 850nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S222-850050-24-M84384.00 €TOP-LINE-4TE IR 850nm 50° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LINE-4TE IR 850nm 50° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S222-850050-SC-M84394.00 €TOP-LINE-4TE IR 850nm 50° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LINE-4TE IR 850nm 50° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S222-850120-24-M84384.00 €TOP-LINE-4TE IR 850nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LINE-4TE IR 850nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S222-850120-SC-M84394.00 €TOP-LINE-4TE IR 850nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LINE-4TE IR 850nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S222-470030-24-M84384.00 €TOP-LINE-4TE blau 470nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LINE-4TE blue 470nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S222-470030-SC-M84394.00 €TOP-LINE-4TE blau 470nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LINE-4TE blue 470nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S222-470120-24-M84384.00 €TOP-LINE-4TE blau 470nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LINE-4TE blue 470nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S222-470120-SC-M84394.00 €TOP-LINE-4TE blau 470nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LINE-4TE blue 470nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S222-525030-24-M84384.00 €TOP-LINE-4TE grün 525nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LINE-4TE green 525nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S222-525030-SC-M84394.00 €TOP-LINE-4TE grün 525nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LINE-4TE green 525nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S222-525120-24-M84384.00 €TOP-LINE-4TE grün 525nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LINE-4TE green 525nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S222-525120-SC-M84394.00 €TOP-LINE-4TE grün 525nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LINE-4TE green 525nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S222-375120-24-M84512.00 €TOP-LINE-4TE UV 375nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LINE-4TE UV 375nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S222-375120-SC-M84522.00 €TOP-LINE-4TE UV 375nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LINE-4TE UV 375nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S223-617030-24-M84429.00 €TOP-LINE-5TE rot 617nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LINE-5TE red 617nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S223-617030-SC-M84439.00 €TOP-LINE-5TE rot 617nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LINE-5TE red 617nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S223-617060-24-M84429.00 €TOP-LINE-5TE rot 617nm 60° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LINE-5TE red 617nm 60° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S223-617060-SC-M84439.00 €TOP-LINE-5TE rot 617nm 60° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LINE-5TE red 617nm 60° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S223-635120-24-M84429.00 €TOP-LINE-5TE rot 635nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LINE-5TE red 635nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S223-635120-SC-M84439.00 €TOP-LINE-5TE rot 635nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LINE-5TE red 635nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S223-WLU120-24-M84480.00 €TOP-LINE-5TE weiß 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LINE-5TE white 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S223-WLU120-SC-M84490.00 €TOP-LINE-5TE weiß 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LINE-5TE white 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S223-850030-24-M84480.00 €TOP-LINE-5TE IR 850nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LINE-5TE IR 850nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S223-850030-SC-M84490.00 €TOP-LINE-5TE IR 850nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LINE-5TE IR 850nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S223-850050-24-M84480.00 €TOP-LINE-5TE IR 850nm 50° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LINE-5TE IR 850nm 50° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S223-850050-SC-M84490.00 €TOP-LINE-5TE IR 850nm 50° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LINE-5TE IR 850nm 50° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S223-850120-24-M84466.00 €TOP-LINE-5TE IR 850nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LINE-5TE IR 850nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S223-850120-SC-M84476.00 €TOP-LINE-5TE IR 850nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LINE-5TE IR 850nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S223-470030-24-M84480.00 €TOP-LINE-5TE blau 470nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LINE-5TE blue 470nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S223-470030-SC-M84490.00 €TOP-LINE-5TE blau 470nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LINE-5TE blue 470nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S223-470120-24-M84480.00 €TOP-LINE-5TE blau 470nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LINE-5TE blue 470nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S223-470120-SC-M84490.00 €TOP-LINE-5TE blau 470nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LINE-5TE blue 470nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S223-525030-24-M84480.00 €TOP-LINE-5TE grün 525nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LINE-5TE green 525nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S223-525030-SC-M84490.00 €TOP-LINE-5TE grün 525nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LINE-5TE green 525nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S223-525120-24-M84480.00 €TOP-LINE-5TE grün 525nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LINE-5TE green 525nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S223-525120-SC-M84490.00 €TOP-LINE-5TE grün 525nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LINE-5TE green 525nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S223-375120-24-M84642.00 €TOP-LINE-5TE UV 375nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LINE-5TE UV 375nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S223-375120-SC-M84652.00 €TOP-LINE-5TE UV 375nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligTOP-LINE-5TE UV 375nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole
S241-617030-24-M84-1297.00 €TOP-LINE-D1 rot 617nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D1 red 617nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S241-617030-24S-M84-1332.00 €TOP-LINE-D1 rot 617nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D1 red 617nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S241-617030-SC-M84-1307.00 €TOP-LINE-D1 rot 617nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D1 red 617nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S241-617060-24-M84-1297.00 €TOP-LINE-D1 rot 617nm 60° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D1 red 617nm 60° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S241-617060-24S-M84-1332.00 €TOP-LINE-D1 rot 617nm 60° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D1 red 617nm 60° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S241-617060-SC-M84-1307.00 €TOP-LINE-D1 rot 617nm 60° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D1 red 617nm 60° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S241-635120-24-M84-1286.00 €TOP-LINE-D1 rot 635nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D1 red 635nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S241-635120-24S-M84-1321.00 €TOP-LINE-D1 rot 635nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D1 red 635nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S241-635120-SC-M84-1296.00 €TOP-LINE-D1 rot 635nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D1 red 635nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S241-WLU120-24-M84-1309.00 €TOP-LINE-D1 weiß 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D1 white 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S241-WLU120-24S-M84-1344.00 €TOP-LINE-D1 weiß 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D1 white 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S241-WLU120-SC-M84-1319.00 €TOP-LINE-D1 weiß 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D1 white 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S241-850030-24-M84-1308.00 €TOP-LINE-D1 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D1 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S241-850030-24S-M84-1343.00 €TOP-LINE-D1 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D1 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S241-850030-SC-M84-1318.00 €TOP-LINE-D1 IR 850nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D1 IR 850nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S241-850050-24-M84-1308.00 €TOP-LINE-D1 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D1 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S241-850050-24S-M84-1343.00 €TOP-LINE-D1 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D1 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S241-850050-SC-M84-1318.00 €TOP-LINE-D1 IR 850nm 50° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D1 IR 850nm 50° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S241-850120-24-M84-1295.00 €TOP-LINE-D1 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D1 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S241-850120-24S-M84-1330.00 €TOP-LINE-D1 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D1 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S241-850120-SC-M84-1305.00 €TOP-LINE-D1 IR 850nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D1 IR 850nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S241-470030-24-M84-1309.00 €TOP-LINE-D1 blau 470nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D1 blue 470nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S241-470030-24S-M84-1344.00 €TOP-LINE-D1 blau 470nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D1 blue 470nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S241-470030-SC-M84-1319.00 €TOP-LINE-D1 blau 470nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D1 blue 470nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S241-470120-24-M84-1309.00 €TOP-LINE-D1 blau 470nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D1 blue 470nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S241-470120-24S-M84-1344.00 €TOP-LINE-D1 blau 470nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D1 blue 470nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S241-470120-SC-M84-1319.00 €TOP-LINE-D1 blau 470nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D1 blue 470nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S241-525030-24-M84-1309.00 €TOP-LINE-D1 grün 525nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D1 green 525nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S241-525030-24S-M84-1344.00 €TOP-LINE-D1 grün 525nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D1 green 525nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S241-525030-SC-M84-1319.00 €TOP-LINE-D1 grün 525nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D1 green 525nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S241-525120-24-M84-1309.00 €TOP-LINE-D1 grün 525nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D1 green 525nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S241-525120-24S-M84-1344.00 €TOP-LINE-D1 grün 525nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D1 green 525nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S241-525120-SC-M84-1319.00 €TOP-LINE-D1 grün 525nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D1 green 525nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S241-375120-24-M84-1738.00 €TOP-LINE-D1 UV 375nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D1 UV 375nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S241-375120-24S-M84-1773.00 €TOP-LINE-D1 UV 375nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D1 UV 375nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S241-375120-SC-M84-1748.00 €TOP-LINE-D1 UV 375nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D1 UV 375nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S241-RGB120-24-M86-1363.00 €TOP-LINE-D1 RGB 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D1 RGB 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 1-channel
S241-RGB120-SC-M86-1373.00 €TOP-LINE-D1 RGB SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D1 RGB SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 1-channel
S241-617030-24-M84-2319.00 €TOP-LINE-D1 rot 617nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligTOP-LINE-D1 red 617nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S241-617030-SC-M84-2329.00 €TOP-LINE-D1 rot 617nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligTOP-LINE-D1 red 617nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S241-617060-24-M84-2319.00 €TOP-LINE-D1 rot 617nm 60° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligTOP-LINE-D1 red 617nm 60° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S241-617060-SC-M84-2329.00 €TOP-LINE-D1 rot 617nm 60° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligTOP-LINE-D1 red 617nm 60° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S241-635120-24-M84-2308.00 €TOP-LINE-D1 rot 635nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligTOP-LINE-D1 red 635nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S241-635120-SC-M84-2318.00 €TOP-LINE-D1 rot 635nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligTOP-LINE-D1 red 635nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S241-WLU120-24-M84-2330.00 €TOP-LINE-D1 weiß 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligTOP-LINE-D1 white 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S241-WLU120-SC-M84-2340.00 €TOP-LINE-D1 weiß 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligTOP-LINE-D1 white 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S241-850030-24-M84-2329.00 €TOP-LINE-D1 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligTOP-LINE-D1 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S241-850030-SC-M84-2339.00 €TOP-LINE-D1 IR 850nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligTOP-LINE-D1 IR 850nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S241-850050-24-M84-2329.00 €TOP-LINE-D1 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligTOP-LINE-D1 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S241-850050-SC-M84-2339.00 €TOP-LINE-D1 IR 850nm 50° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligTOP-LINE-D1 IR 850nm 50° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S241-850120-24-M84-2317.00 €TOP-LINE-D1 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligTOP-LINE-D1 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S241-850120-SC-M84-2327.00 €TOP-LINE-D1 IR 850nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligTOP-LINE-D1 IR 850nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S241-470030-24-M84-2330.00 €TOP-LINE-D1 blau 470nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligTOP-LINE-D1 blue 470nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S241-470030-SC-M84-2340.00 €TOP-LINE-D1 blau 470nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligTOP-LINE-D1 blue 470nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S241-470120-24-M84-2330.00 €TOP-LINE-D1 blau 470nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligTOP-LINE-D1 blue 470nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S241-470120-SC-M84-2340.00 €TOP-LINE-D1 blau 470nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligTOP-LINE-D1 blue 470nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S241-525030-24-M84-2330.00 €TOP-LINE-D1 grün 525nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligTOP-LINE-D1 green 525nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S241-525030-SC-M84-2340.00 €TOP-LINE-D1 grün 525nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligTOP-LINE-D1 green 525nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S241-525120-24-M84-2330.00 €TOP-LINE-D1 grün 525nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligTOP-LINE-D1 green 525nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S241-525120-SC-M84-2340.00 €TOP-LINE-D1 grün 525nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligTOP-LINE-D1 green 525nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S241-375120-24-M84-2761.00 €TOP-LINE-D1 UV 375nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligTOP-LINE-D1 UV 375nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S241-375120-SC-M84-2771.00 €TOP-LINE-D1 UV 375nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligTOP-LINE-D1 UV 375nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S242-617030-24-M84-1363.00 €TOP-LINE-D2 rot 617nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D2 red 617nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S242-617030-24S-M84-1398.00 €TOP-LINE-D2 rot 617nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D2 red 617nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S242-617030-SC-M84-1373.00 €TOP-LINE-D2 rot 617nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D2 red 617nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S242-617060-24-M84-1363.00 €TOP-LINE-D2 rot 617nm 60° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D2 red 617nm 60° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S242-617060-24S-M84-1398.00 €TOP-LINE-D2 rot 617nm 60° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D2 red 617nm 60° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S242-617060-SC-M84-1373.00 €TOP-LINE-D2 rot 617nm 60° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D2 red 617nm 60° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S242-635120-24-M84-1340.00 €TOP-LINE-D2 rot 635nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D2 red 635nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S242-635120-24S-M84-1375.00 €TOP-LINE-D2 rot 635nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D2 red 635nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S242-635120-SC-M84-1350.00 €TOP-LINE-D2 rot 635nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D2 red 635nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S242-WLU120-24-M84-1390.00 €TOP-LINE-D2 weiß 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D2 white 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S242-WLU120-24S-M84-1425.00 €TOP-LINE-D2 weiß 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D2 white 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S242-WLU120-SC-M84-1400.00 €TOP-LINE-D2 weiß 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D2 white 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S242-850030-24-M84-1390.00 €TOP-LINE-D2 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D2 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S242-850030-24S-M84-1425.00 €TOP-LINE-D2 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D2 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S242-850030-SC-M84-1400.00 €TOP-LINE-D2 IR 850nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D2 IR 850nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S242-850050-24-M84-1390.00 €TOP-LINE-D2 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D2 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S242-850050-24S-M84-1425.00 €TOP-LINE-D2 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D2 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S242-850050-SC-M84-1400.00 €TOP-LINE-D2 IR 850nm 50° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D2 IR 850nm 50° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S242-850120-24-M84-1379.00 €TOP-LINE-D2 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D2 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S242-850120-24S-M84-1414.00 €TOP-LINE-D2 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D2 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S242-850120-SC-M84-1389.00 €TOP-LINE-D2 IR 850nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D2 IR 850nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S242-470030-24-M84-1390.00 €TOP-LINE-D2 blau 470nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D2 blue 470nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S242-470030-24S-M84-1425.00 €TOP-LINE-D2 blau 470nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D2 blue 470nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S242-470030-SC-M84-1400.00 €TOP-LINE-D2 blau 470nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D2 blue 470nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S242-470120-24-M84-1390.00 €TOP-LINE-D2 blau 470nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D2 blue 470nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S242-470120-24S-M84-1425.00 €TOP-LINE-D2 blau 470nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D2 blue 470nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S242-470120-SC-M84-1400.00 €TOP-LINE-D2 blau 470nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D2 blue 470nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S242-525030-24-M84-1390.00 €TOP-LINE-D2 grün 525nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D2 green 525nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S242-525030-24S-M84-1425.00 €TOP-LINE-D2 grün 525nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D2 green 525nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S242-525030-SC-M84-1400.00 €TOP-LINE-D2 grün 525nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D2 green 525nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S242-525120-24-M84-1390.00 €TOP-LINE-D2 grün 525nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D2 green 525nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S242-525120-24S-M84-1425.00 €TOP-LINE-D2 grün 525nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D2 green 525nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S242-525120-SC-M84-1400.00 €TOP-LINE-D2 grün 525nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D2 green 525nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S242-375120-24-M84-11,036.00 €TOP-LINE-D2 UV 375nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D2 UV 375nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S242-375120-24S-M84-11,071.00 €TOP-LINE-D2 UV 375nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D2 UV 375nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S242-375120-SC-M84-11,046.00 €TOP-LINE-D2 UV 375nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D2 UV 375nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S242-RGB120-24-M86-1456.00 €TOP-LINE-D2 RGB 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D2 RGB 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 1-channel
S242-RGB120-SC-M86-1466.00 €TOP-LINE-D2 RGB SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D2 RGB SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 1-channel
S242-617030-24-M84-2385.00 €TOP-LINE-D2 rot 617nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligTOP-LINE-D2 red 617nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S242-617030-SC-M84-2395.00 €TOP-LINE-D2 rot 617nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligTOP-LINE-D2 red 617nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S242-617060-24-M84-2385.00 €TOP-LINE-D2 rot 617nm 60° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligTOP-LINE-D2 red 617nm 60° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S242-617060-SC-M84-2395.00 €TOP-LINE-D2 rot 617nm 60° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligTOP-LINE-D2 red 617nm 60° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S242-635120-24-M84-2363.00 €TOP-LINE-D2 rot 635nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligTOP-LINE-D2 red 635nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S242-635120-SC-M84-2373.00 €TOP-LINE-D2 rot 635nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligTOP-LINE-D2 red 635nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S242-WLU120-24-M84-2411.00 €TOP-LINE-D2 weiß 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligTOP-LINE-D2 white 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S242-WLU120-SC-M84-2421.00 €TOP-LINE-D2 weiß 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligTOP-LINE-D2 white 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S242-850030-24-M84-2411.00 €TOP-LINE-D2 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligTOP-LINE-D2 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S242-850030-SC-M84-2421.00 €TOP-LINE-D2 IR 850nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligTOP-LINE-D2 IR 850nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S242-850050-24-M84-2411.00 €TOP-LINE-D2 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligTOP-LINE-D2 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S242-850050-SC-M84-2421.00 €TOP-LINE-D2 IR 850nm 50° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligTOP-LINE-D2 IR 850nm 50° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S242-850120-24-M84-2400.00 €TOP-LINE-D2 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligTOP-LINE-D2 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S242-850120-SC-M84-2410.00 €TOP-LINE-D2 IR 850nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligTOP-LINE-D2 IR 850nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S242-470030-24-M84-2411.00 €TOP-LINE-D2 blau 470nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligTOP-LINE-D2 blue 470nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S242-470030-SC-M84-2421.00 €TOP-LINE-D2 blau 470nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligTOP-LINE-D2 blue 470nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S242-470120-24-M84-2411.00 €TOP-LINE-D2 blau 470nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligTOP-LINE-D2 blue 470nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S242-470120-SC-M84-2421.00 €TOP-LINE-D2 blau 470nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligTOP-LINE-D2 blue 470nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S242-525030-24-M84-2411.00 €TOP-LINE-D2 grün 525nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligTOP-LINE-D2 green 525nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S242-525030-SC-M84-2421.00 €TOP-LINE-D2 grün 525nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligTOP-LINE-D2 green 525nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S242-525120-24-M84-2411.00 €TOP-LINE-D2 grün 525nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligTOP-LINE-D2 green 525nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S242-525120-SC-M84-2421.00 €TOP-LINE-D2 grün 525nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligTOP-LINE-D2 green 525nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S242-375120-24-M84-21,057.00 €TOP-LINE-D2 UV 375nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligTOP-LINE-D2 UV 375nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S242-375120-SC-M84-21,067.00 €TOP-LINE-D2 UV 375nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligTOP-LINE-D2 UV 375nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S243-617030-24-M84-1419.00 €TOP-LINE-D3 rot 617nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D3 red 617nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S243-617030-24S-M84-1454.00 €TOP-LINE-D3 rot 617nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D3 red 617nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S243-617030-SC-M84-1429.00 €TOP-LINE-D3 rot 617nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D3 red 617nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S243-617060-24-M84-1419.00 €TOP-LINE-D3 rot 617nm 60° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D3 red 617nm 60° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S243-617060-24S-M84-1454.00 €TOP-LINE-D3 rot 617nm 60° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D3 red 617nm 60° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S243-617060-SC-M84-1429.00 €TOP-LINE-D3 rot 617nm 60° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D3 red 617nm 60° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S243-635120-24-M84-1392.00 €TOP-LINE-D3 rot 635nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D3 red 635nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S243-635120-24S-M84-1427.00 €TOP-LINE-D3 rot 635nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D3 red 635nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S243-635120-SC-M84-1402.00 €TOP-LINE-D3 rot 635nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D3 red 635nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S243-WLU120-24-M84-1464.00 €TOP-LINE-D3 weiß 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D3 white 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S243-WLU120-24S-M84-1499.00 €TOP-LINE-D3 weiß 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D3 white 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S243-WLU120-SC-M84-1474.00 €TOP-LINE-D3 weiß 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D3 white 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S243-850030-24-M84-1440.00 €TOP-LINE-D3 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D3 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S243-850030-24S-M84-1475.00 €TOP-LINE-D3 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D3 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S243-850030-SC-M84-1450.00 €TOP-LINE-D3 IR 850nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D3 IR 850nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S243-850050-24-M84-1440.00 €TOP-LINE-D3 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D3 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S243-850050-24S-M84-1475.00 €TOP-LINE-D3 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D3 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S243-850050-SC-M84-1450.00 €TOP-LINE-D3 IR 850nm 50° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D3 IR 850nm 50° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S243-850120-24-M84-1419.00 €TOP-LINE-D3 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D3 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S243-850120-24S-M84-1454.00 €TOP-LINE-D3 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D3 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S243-850120-SC-M84-1429.00 €TOP-LINE-D3 IR 850nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D3 IR 850nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S243-470030-24-M84-1464.00 €TOP-LINE-D3 blau 470nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D3 blue 470nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S243-470030-24S-M84-1499.00 €TOP-LINE-D3 blau 470nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D3 blue 470nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S243-470030-SC-M84-1474.00 €TOP-LINE-D3 blau 470nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D3 blue 470nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S243-470120-24-M84-1464.00 €TOP-LINE-D3 blau 470nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D3 blue 470nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S243-470120-24S-M84-1499.00 €TOP-LINE-D3 blau 470nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D3 blue 470nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S243-470120-SC-M84-1474.00 €TOP-LINE-D3 blau 470nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D3 blue 470nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S243-525030-24-M84-1464.00 €TOP-LINE-D3 grün 525nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D3 green 525nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S243-525030-24S-M84-1499.00 €TOP-LINE-D3 grün 525nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D3 green 525nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S243-525030-SC-M84-1474.00 €TOP-LINE-D3 grün 525nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D3 green 525nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S243-525120-24-M84-1464.00 €TOP-LINE-D3 grün 525nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D3 green 525nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S243-525120-24S-M84-1499.00 €TOP-LINE-D3 grün 525nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D3 green 525nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S243-525120-SC-M84-1474.00 €TOP-LINE-D3 grün 525nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D3 green 525nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S243-375120-24-M84-11,379.00 €TOP-LINE-D3 UV 375nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D3 UV 375nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S243-375120-24S-M84-11,414.00 €TOP-LINE-D3 UV 375nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D3 UV 375nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S243-375120-SC-M84-11,389.00 €TOP-LINE-D3 UV 375nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D3 UV 375nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S243-RGB120-24-M86-1531.00 €TOP-LINE-D3 RGB 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D3 RGB 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 1-channel
S243-RGB120-SC-M86-1541.00 €TOP-LINE-D3 RGB SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D3 RGB SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 1-channel
S243-617030-24-M84-2440.00 €TOP-LINE-D3 rot 617nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligTOP-LINE-D3 red 617nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S243-617030-SC-M84-2450.00 €TOP-LINE-D3 rot 617nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligTOP-LINE-D3 red 617nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S243-617060-24-M84-2440.00 €TOP-LINE-D3 rot 617nm 60° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligTOP-LINE-D3 red 617nm 60° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S243-617060-SC-M84-2450.00 €TOP-LINE-D3 rot 617nm 60° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligTOP-LINE-D3 red 617nm 60° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S243-635120-24-M84-2414.00 €TOP-LINE-D3 rot 635nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligTOP-LINE-D3 red 635nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S243-635120-SC-M84-2424.00 €TOP-LINE-D3 rot 635nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligTOP-LINE-D3 red 635nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S243-WLU120-24-M84-2485.00 €TOP-LINE-D3 weiß 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligTOP-LINE-D3 white 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S243-WLU120-SC-M84-2495.00 €TOP-LINE-D3 weiß 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligTOP-LINE-D3 white 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S243-850030-24-M84-2462.00 €TOP-LINE-D3 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligTOP-LINE-D3 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S243-850030-SC-M84-2472.00 €TOP-LINE-D3 IR 850nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligTOP-LINE-D3 IR 850nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S243-850050-24-M84-2462.00 €TOP-LINE-D3 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligTOP-LINE-D3 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S243-850050-SC-M84-2472.00 €TOP-LINE-D3 IR 850nm 50° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligTOP-LINE-D3 IR 850nm 50° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S243-850120-24-M84-2440.00 €TOP-LINE-D3 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligTOP-LINE-D3 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S243-850120-SC-M84-2450.00 €TOP-LINE-D3 IR 850nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligTOP-LINE-D3 IR 850nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S243-470030-24-M84-2485.00 €TOP-LINE-D3 blau 470nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligTOP-LINE-D3 blue 470nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S243-470030-SC-M84-2495.00 €TOP-LINE-D3 blau 470nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligTOP-LINE-D3 blue 470nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S243-470120-24-M84-2485.00 €TOP-LINE-D3 blau 470nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligTOP-LINE-D3 blue 470nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S243-470120-SC-M84-2495.00 €TOP-LINE-D3 blau 470nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligTOP-LINE-D3 blue 470nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S243-525030-24-M84-2485.00 €TOP-LINE-D3 grün 525nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligTOP-LINE-D3 green 525nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S243-525030-SC-M84-2495.00 €TOP-LINE-D3 grün 525nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligTOP-LINE-D3 green 525nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S243-525120-24-M84-2485.00 €TOP-LINE-D3 grün 525nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligTOP-LINE-D3 green 525nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S243-525120-SC-M84-2495.00 €TOP-LINE-D3 grün 525nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligTOP-LINE-D3 green 525nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S243-375120-24-M84-21,401.00 €TOP-LINE-D3 UV 375nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligTOP-LINE-D3 UV 375nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S243-375120-SC-M84-21,411.00 €TOP-LINE-D3 UV 375nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligTOP-LINE-D3 UV 375nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S244-617030-24-M84-1467.00 €TOP-LINE-D4 rot 617nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D4 red 617nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S244-617030-24S-M84-1502.00 €TOP-LINE-D4 rot 617nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D4 red 617nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S244-617030-SC-M84-1477.00 €TOP-LINE-D4 rot 617nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D4 red 617nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S244-617060-24-M84-1467.00 €TOP-LINE-D4 rot 617nm 60° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D4 red 617nm 60° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S244-617060-24S-M84-1502.00 €TOP-LINE-D4 rot 617nm 60° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D4 red 617nm 60° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S244-617060-SC-M84-1477.00 €TOP-LINE-D4 rot 617nm 60° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D4 red 617nm 60° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S244-635120-24-M84-1425.00 €TOP-LINE-D4 rot 635nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D4 red 635nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S244-635120-24S-M84-1460.00 €TOP-LINE-D4 rot 635nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D4 red 635nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S244-635120-SC-M84-1435.00 €TOP-LINE-D4 rot 635nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D4 red 635nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S244-WLU120-24-M84-1531.00 €TOP-LINE-D4 weiß 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D4 white 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S244-WLU120-24S-M84-1566.00 €TOP-LINE-D4 weiß 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D4 white 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S244-WLU120-SC-M84-1541.00 €TOP-LINE-D4 weiß 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D4 white 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S244-850030-24-M84-1467.00 €TOP-LINE-D4 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D4 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S244-850030-24S-M84-1502.00 €TOP-LINE-D4 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D4 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S244-850030-SC-M84-1477.00 €TOP-LINE-D4 IR 850nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D4 IR 850nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S244-850050-24-M84-1467.00 €TOP-LINE-D4 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D4 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S244-850050-24S-M84-1502.00 €TOP-LINE-D4 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D4 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S244-850050-SC-M84-1477.00 €TOP-LINE-D4 IR 850nm 50° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D4 IR 850nm 50° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S244-850120-24-M84-1462.00 €TOP-LINE-D4 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D4 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S244-850120-24S-M84-1497.00 €TOP-LINE-D4 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D4 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S244-850120-SC-M84-1472.00 €TOP-LINE-D4 IR 850nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D4 IR 850nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S244-470030-24-M84-1531.00 €TOP-LINE-D4 blau 470nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D4 blue 470nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S244-470030-24S-M84-1566.00 €TOP-LINE-D4 blau 470nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D4 blue 470nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S244-470030-SC-M84-1541.00 €TOP-LINE-D4 blau 470nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D4 blue 470nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S244-470120-24-M84-1531.00 €TOP-LINE-D4 blau 470nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D4 blue 470nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S244-470120-24S-M84-1566.00 €TOP-LINE-D4 blau 470nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D4 blue 470nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S244-470120-SC-M84-1541.00 €TOP-LINE-D4 blau 470nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D4 blue 470nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S244-525030-24-M84-1531.00 €TOP-LINE-D4 grün 525nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D4 green 525nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S244-525030-24S-M84-1566.00 €TOP-LINE-D4 grün 525nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D4 green 525nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S244-525030-SC-M84-1541.00 €TOP-LINE-D4 grün 525nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D4 green 525nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S244-525120-24-M84-1531.00 €TOP-LINE-D4 grün 525nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D4 green 525nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S244-525120-24S-M84-1566.00 €TOP-LINE-D4 grün 525nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D4 green 525nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S244-525120-SC-M84-1541.00 €TOP-LINE-D4 grün 525nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D4 green 525nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S244-375120-24-M84-11,644.00 €TOP-LINE-D4 UV 375nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D4 UV 375nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S244-375120-24S-M84-11,679.00 €TOP-LINE-D4 UV 375nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D4 UV 375nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S244-375120-SC-M84-11,654.00 €TOP-LINE-D4 UV 375nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D4 UV 375nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S244-RGB120-24-M86-1613.00 €TOP-LINE-D4 RGB 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D4 RGB 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 1-channel
S244-RGB120-SC-M86-1623.00 €TOP-LINE-D4 RGB SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 1-kanaligTOP-LINE-D4 RGB SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 1-channel
S244-617030-24-M84-2489.00 €TOP-LINE-D4 rot 617nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligTOP-LINE-D4 red 617nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S244-617030-SC-M84-2499.00 €TOP-LINE-D4 rot 617nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligTOP-LINE-D4 red 617nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S244-617060-24-M84-2489.00 €TOP-LINE-D4 rot 617nm 60° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligTOP-LINE-D4 red 617nm 60° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S244-617060-SC-M84-2499.00 €TOP-LINE-D4 rot 617nm 60° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligTOP-LINE-D4 red 617nm 60° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S244-635120-24-M84-2446.00 €TOP-LINE-D4 rot 635nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligTOP-LINE-D4 red 635nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S244-635120-SC-M84-2456.00 €TOP-LINE-D4 rot 635nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligTOP-LINE-D4 red 635nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S244-WLU120-24-M84-2552.00 €TOP-LINE-D4 weiß 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligTOP-LINE-D4 white 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S244-WLU120-SC-M84-2562.00 €TOP-LINE-D4 weiß 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligTOP-LINE-D4 white 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S244-850030-24-M84-2489.00 €TOP-LINE-D4 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligTOP-LINE-D4 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S244-850030-SC-M84-2499.00 €TOP-LINE-D4 IR 850nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligTOP-LINE-D4 IR 850nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S244-850050-24-M84-2489.00 €TOP-LINE-D4 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligTOP-LINE-D4 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S244-850050-SC-M84-2499.00 €TOP-LINE-D4 IR 850nm 50° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligTOP-LINE-D4 IR 850nm 50° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S244-850120-24-M84-2483.00 €TOP-LINE-D4 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligTOP-LINE-D4 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S244-850120-SC-M84-2493.00 €TOP-LINE-D4 IR 850nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligTOP-LINE-D4 IR 850nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S244-470030-24-M84-2552.00 €TOP-LINE-D4 blau 470nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligTOP-LINE-D4 blue 470nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S244-470030-SC-M84-2562.00 €TOP-LINE-D4 blau 470nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligTOP-LINE-D4 blue 470nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S244-470120-24-M84-2552.00 €TOP-LINE-D4 blau 470nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligTOP-LINE-D4 blue 470nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S244-470120-SC-M84-2562.00 €TOP-LINE-D4 blau 470nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligTOP-LINE-D4 blue 470nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S244-525030-24-M84-2552.00 €TOP-LINE-D4 grün 525nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligTOP-LINE-D4 green 525nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S244-525030-SC-M84-2562.00 €TOP-LINE-D4 grün 525nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligTOP-LINE-D4 green 525nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S244-525120-24-M84-2552.00 €TOP-LINE-D4 grün 525nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligTOP-LINE-D4 green 525nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S244-525120-SC-M84-2562.00 €TOP-LINE-D4 grün 525nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligTOP-LINE-D4 green 525nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S244-375120-24-M84-21,665.00 €TOP-LINE-D4 UV 375nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligTOP-LINE-D4 UV 375nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S244-375120-SC-M84-21,675.00 €TOP-LINE-D4 UV 375nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 2-kanaligTOP-LINE-D4 UV 375nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 2-channel
S203-633120-24-M84-1549.00 €ARENA-70 rot 633nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARENA-70 red 633nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S203-633120-24S-M84-1579.00 €ARENA-70 rot 633nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARENA-70 red 633nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S203-633120-SC-M84-1559.00 €ARENA-70 rot 633nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARENA-70 red 633nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S203-WS120-24-M84-1549.00 €ARENA-70 weiß 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARENA-70 white 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S203-WS120-24S-M84-1579.00 €ARENA-70 weiß 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARENA-70 white 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S203-WS120-SC-M84-1559.00 €ARENA-70 weiß SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARENA-70 white SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S203-85M120-24-M84-1549.00 €ARENA-70 IR 850nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARENA-70 IR 850nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S203-85M120-24S-M84-1579.00 €ARENA-70 IR 850nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARENA-70 IR 850nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S203-85M120-SC-M84-1559.00 €ARENA-70 IR 850nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARENA-70 IR 850nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S203-47M120-24-M84-1549.00 €ARENA-70 blau 470nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARENA-70 blue 470nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S203-47M120-24S-M84-1579.00 €ARENA-70 blau 470nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARENA-70 blue 470nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S203-47M120-SC-M84-1559.00 €ARENA-70 blau 470nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARENA-70 blue 470nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S203-52M120-24-M84-1549.00 €ARENA-70 grün 525nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARENA-70 green 525nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S203-52M120-24S-M84-1579.00 €ARENA-70 grün 525nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARENA-70 green 525nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S203-52M120-SC-M84-1559.00 €ARENA-70 grün 525nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARENA-70 green 525nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S203-633120-24-M86-4589.00 €ARENA-70 rot 633nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanaligARENA-70 red 633nm 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel
S203-633120-SC-M86-4599.00 €ARENA-70 rot 633nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanaligARENA-70 red 633nm SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel
S203-WS120-24-M86-4589.00 €ARENA-70 weiß 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanaligARENA-70 white 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel
S203-WS120-SC-M86-4599.00 €ARENA-70 weiß SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanaligARENA-70 white SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel
S203-85M120-24-M86-4589.00 €ARENA-70 IR 850nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanaligARENA-70 IR 850nm 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel
S203-85M120-SC-M86-4599.00 €ARENA-70 IR 850nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanaligARENA-70 IR 850nm SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel
S203-47M120-24-M86-4589.00 €ARENA-70 blau 470nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanaligARENA-70 blue 470nm 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel
S203-47M120-SC-M86-4599.00 €ARENA-70 blau 470nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanaligARENA-70 blue 470nm SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel
S203-52M120-24-M86-4589.00 €ARENA-70 grün 525nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanaligARENA-70 green 525nm 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel
S203-52M120-SC-M86-4599.00 €ARENA-70 grün 525nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanaligARENA-70 green 525nm SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel
S204-633120-24-M84-1692.00 €ARENA-100 rot 633nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARENA-100 red 633nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S204-633120-24S-M84-1722.00 €ARENA-100 rot 633nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARENA-100 red 633nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S204-633120-SC-M84-1702.00 €ARENA-100 rot 633nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARENA-100 red 633nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S204-WS120-24-M84-1692.00 €ARENA-100 weiß 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARENA-100 white 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S204-WS120-24S-M84-1722.00 €ARENA-100 weiß 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARENA-100 white 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S204-WS120-SC-M84-1702.00 €ARENA-100 weiß SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARENA-100 white SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S204-85M120-24-M84-1692.00 €ARENA-100 IR 850nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARENA-100 IR 850nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S204-85M120-24S-M84-1722.00 €ARENA-100 IR 850nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARENA-100 IR 850nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S204-85M120-SC-M84-1702.00 €ARENA-100 IR 850nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARENA-100 IR 850nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S204-47M120-24-M84-1692.00 €ARENA-100 blau 470nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARENA-100 blue 470nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S204-47M120-24S-M84-1722.00 €ARENA-100 blau 470nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARENA-100 blue 470nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S204-47M120-SC-M84-1702.00 €ARENA-100 blau 470nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARENA-100 blue 470nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S204-52M120-24-M84-1692.00 €ARENA-100 grün 525nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARENA-100 green 525nm 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S204-52M120-24S-M84-1722.00 €ARENA-100 grün 525nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARENA-100 green 525nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S204-52M120-SC-M84-1702.00 €ARENA-100 grün 525nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARENA-100 green 525nm SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel
S204-633120-24-M86-4752.00 €ARENA-100 rot 633nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanaligARENA-100 red 633nm 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel
S204-633120-SC-M86-4762.00 €ARENA-100 rot 633nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanaligARENA-100 red 633nm SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel
S204-WS120-24-M86-4752.00 €ARENA-100 weiß 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanaligARENA-100 white 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel
S204-WS120-SC-M86-4762.00 €ARENA-100 weiß SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanaligARENA-100 white SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel
S204-85M120-24-M86-4752.00 €ARENA-100 IR 850nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanaligARENA-100 IR 850nm 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel
S204-85M120-SC-M86-4762.00 €ARENA-100 IR 850nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanaligARENA-100 IR 850nm SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel
S204-47M120-24-M86-4752.00 €ARENA-100 blau 470nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanaligARENA-100 blue 470nm 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel
S204-47M120-SC-M86-4762.00 €ARENA-100 blau 470nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanaligARENA-100 blue 470nm SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel
S204-52M120-24-M86-4752.00 €ARENA-100 grün 525nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanaligARENA-100 green 525nm 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel
S204-52M120-SC-M86-4762.00 €ARENA-100 grün 525nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanaligARENA-100 green 525nm SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel
S202-615120-24-M84-11,094.00 €ARENA-130 rot 615nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARENA-130 red 615nm 24V-Type M8 Stecker 4-pole 1-channel
S202-615120-24S-M84-11,124.00 €ARENA-130 rot 615nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARENA-130 red 615nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 Stecker 4-pole 1-channel
S202-615120-SC-M84-11,104.00 €ARENA-130 rot 615nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARENA-130 red 615nm SC-Type M8 Stecker 4-pole 1-channel
S202-WSL120-24-M84-11,197.00 €ARENA-130 weiß 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARENA-130 white 24V-Type M8 Stecker 4-pole 1-channel
S202-WSL120-24S-M84-11,227.00 €ARENA-130 weiß 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARENA-130 white 24V-Type with remote enable M8 Stecker 4-pole 1-channel
S202-WSL120-SC-M84-11,207.00 €ARENA-130 weiß SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARENA-130 white SC-Type M8 Stecker 4-pole 1-channel
S202-85L120-24-M84-11,235.00 €ARENA-130 IR 850nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARENA-130 IR 850nm 24V-Type M8 Stecker 4-pole 1-channel
S202-85L120-24S-M84-11,265.00 €ARENA-130 IR 850nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARENA-130 IR 850nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 Stecker 4-pole 1-channel
S202-85L120-SC-M84-11,245.00 €ARENA-130 IR 850nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARENA-130 IR 850nm SC-Type M8 Stecker 4-pole 1-channel
S202-47L120-24-M84-11,197.00 €ARENA-130 blau 470nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARENA-130 blue 470nm 24V-Type M8 Stecker 4-pole 1-channel
S202-47L120-24S-M84-11,227.00 €ARENA-130 blau 470nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARENA-130 blue 470nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 Stecker 4-pole 1-channel
S202-47L120-SC-M84-11,207.00 €ARENA-130 blau 470nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARENA-130 blue 470nm SC-Type M8 Stecker 4-pole 1-channel
S202-52L120-24-M84-11,197.00 €ARENA-130 grün 525nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARENA-130 green 525nm 24V-Type M8 Stecker 4-pole 1-channel
S202-52L120-24S-M84-11,227.00 €ARENA-130 grün 525nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARENA-130 green 525nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 Stecker 4-pole 1-channel
S202-52L120-SC-M84-11,207.00 €ARENA-130 grün 525nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanaligARENA-130 green 525nm SC-Type M8 Stecker 4-pole 1-channel
S202-615120-24-M86-41,150.00 €ARENA-130 rot 615nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanaligARENA-130 red 615nm 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel
S202-615120-SC-M86-41,160.00 €ARENA-130 rot 615nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanaligARENA-130 red 615nm SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel
S202-WSL120-24-M86-41,253.00 €ARENA-130 weiß 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanaligARENA-130 white 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel
S202-WSL120-SC-M86-41,263.00 €ARENA-130 weiß SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanaligARENA-130 white SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel
S202-85L120-24-M86-41,290.00 €ARENA-130 IR 850nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanaligARENA-130 IR 850nm 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel
S202-85L120-SC-M86-41,300.00 €ARENA-130 IR 850nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanaligARENA-130 IR 850nm SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel
S202-47L120-24-M86-41,253.00 €ARENA-130 blau 470nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanaligARENA-130 blue 470nm 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel
S202-47L120-SC-M86-41,263.00 €ARENA-130 blau 470nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanaligARENA-130 blue 470nm SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel
S202-52L120-24-M86-41,253.00 €ARENA-130 grün 525nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanaligARENA-130 green 525nm 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel
S202-52L120-SC-M86-41,263.00 €ARENA-130 grün 525nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanaligARENA-130 green 525nm SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel
S202-615120-24-M12-81,237.00 €ARENA-130 rot 615nm 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanaligARENA-130 red 615nm 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel
S202-615120-SC-M12-81,247.00 €ARENA-130 rot 615nm SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanaligARENA-130 red 615nm SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel
S202-WSL120-24-M12-81,340.00 €ARENA-130 weiß 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanaligARENA-130 white 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel
S202-WSL120-SC-M12-81,350.00 €ARENA-130 weiß SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanaligARENA-130 white SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel
S202-85L120-24-M12-81,379.00 €ARENA-130 IR 850nm 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanaligARENA-130 IR 850nm 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel
S202-85L120-SC-M12-81,389.00 €ARENA-130 IR 850nm SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanaligARENA-130 IR 850nm SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel
S202-47L120-24-M12-81,340.00 €ARENA-130 blau 470nm 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanaligARENA-130 blue 470nm 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel
S202-47L120-SC-M12-81,350.00 €ARENA-130 blau 470nm SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanaligARENA-130 blue 470nm SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel
S202-52L120-24-M12-81,340.00 €ARENA-130 grün 525nm 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanaligARENA-130 green 525nm 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel
S202-52L120-SC-M12-81,350.00 €ARENA-130 grün 525nm SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanaligARENA-130 green 525nm SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel
S23-615120-24-M84465.00 €ARENA-M rot 615nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligARENA-M red 615nm 24V-Type M8 Stecker 4-pole
S23-615120-24S-M84495.00 €ARENA-M rot 615nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligARENA-M red 615nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 Stecker 4-pole
S23-615120-SC-M84475.00 €ARENA-M rot 615nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligARENA-M red 615nm SC-Type M8 Stecker 4-pole
S23-WSL120-24-M84552.00 €ARENA-M weiß 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligARENA-M white 24V-Type M8 Stecker 4-pole
S23-WSL120-24S-M84582.00 €ARENA-M weiß 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligARENA-M white 24V-Type with remote enable M8 Stecker 4-pole
S23-WSL120-SC-M84562.00 €ARENA-M weiß SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligARENA-M white SC-Type M8 Stecker 4-pole
S23-85L120-24-M84546.00 €ARENA-M IR 850nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligARENA-M IR 850nm 24V-Type M8 Stecker 4-pole
S23-85L120-24S-M84576.00 €ARENA-M IR 850nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligARENA-M IR 850nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 Stecker 4-pole
S23-85L120-SC-M84556.00 €ARENA-M IR 850nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligARENA-M IR 850nm SC-Type M8 Stecker 4-pole
S23-47L120-24-M84552.00 €ARENA-M blau 470nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligARENA-M blue 470nm 24V-Type M8 Stecker 4-pole
S23-47L120-24S-M84582.00 €ARENA-M blau 470nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligARENA-M blue 470nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 Stecker 4-pole
S23-47L120-SC-M84562.00 €ARENA-M blau 470nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligARENA-M blue 470nm SC-Type M8 Stecker 4-pole
S23-52L120-24-M84552.00 €ARENA-M grün 525nm 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligARENA-M green 525nm 24V-Type M8 Stecker 4-pole
S23-52L120-24S-M84582.00 €ARENA-M grün 525nm 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-poligARENA-M green 525nm 24V-Type with remote enable M8 Stecker 4-pole
S23-52L120-SC-M84562.00 €ARENA-M grün 525nm SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-poligARENA-M green 525nm SC-Type M8 Stecker 4-pole
S163-617030-24-M84-1-01,153.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 0°CORONA-180 red 617nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 0°
S163-617030-24-M84-1-51,153.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 5°CORONA-180 red 617nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 5°
S163-617030-24-M84-1-101,153.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 10°CORONA-180 red 617nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 10°
S163-617030-24-M84-1-151,153.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 15°CORONA-180 red 617nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 15°
S163-617030-24-M84-1-201,153.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 20°CORONA-180 red 617nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 20°
S163-617030-24-M84-1-251,153.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 25°CORONA-180 red 617nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 25°
S163-617030-24-M84-1-301,153.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 30°CORONA-180 red 617nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 30°
S163-617030-24-M84-1-351,153.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 35°CORONA-180 red 617nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 35°
S163-617030-24-M84-1-401,153.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 40°CORONA-180 red 617nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 40°
S163-617030-24-M84-1-451,153.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 45°CORONA-180 red 617nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 45°
S163-617030-24S-M84-1-01,188.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 0°CORONA-180 red 617nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 0°
S163-617030-24S-M84-1-51,188.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 5°CORONA-180 red 617nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 5°
S163-617030-24S-M84-1-101,188.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 10°CORONA-180 red 617nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 10°
S163-617030-24S-M84-1-151,188.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 15°CORONA-180 red 617nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 15°
S163-617030-24S-M84-1-201,188.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 20°CORONA-180 red 617nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 20°
S163-617030-24S-M84-1-251,188.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 25°CORONA-180 red 617nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 25°
S163-617030-24S-M84-1-301,188.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 30°CORONA-180 red 617nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 30°
S163-617030-24S-M84-1-351,188.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 35°CORONA-180 red 617nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 35°
S163-617030-24S-M84-1-401,188.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 40°CORONA-180 red 617nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 40°
S163-617030-24S-M84-1-451,188.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 45°CORONA-180 red 617nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 45°
S163-617030-SC-M84-1-01,163.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 0°CORONA-180 red 617nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 0°
S163-617030-SC-M84-1-51,163.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 5°CORONA-180 red 617nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 5°
S163-617030-SC-M84-1-101,163.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 10°CORONA-180 red 617nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 10°
S163-617030-SC-M84-1-151,163.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 15°CORONA-180 red 617nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 15°
S163-617030-SC-M84-1-201,163.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 20°CORONA-180 red 617nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 20°
S163-617030-SC-M84-1-251,163.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 25°CORONA-180 red 617nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 25°
S163-617030-SC-M84-1-301,163.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 30°CORONA-180 red 617nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 30°
S163-617030-SC-M84-1-351,163.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 35°CORONA-180 red 617nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 35°
S163-617030-SC-M84-1-401,163.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 40°CORONA-180 red 617nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 40°
S163-617030-SC-M84-1-451,163.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 45°CORONA-180 red 617nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 45°
S163-617060-24-M84-1-01,153.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 60° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 0°CORONA-180 red 617nm 60° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 0°
S163-617060-24-M84-1-51,153.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 60° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 5°CORONA-180 red 617nm 60° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 5°
S163-617060-24-M84-1-101,153.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 60° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 10°CORONA-180 red 617nm 60° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 10°
S163-617060-24-M84-1-151,153.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 60° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 15°CORONA-180 red 617nm 60° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 15°
S163-617060-24-M84-1-201,153.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 60° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 20°CORONA-180 red 617nm 60° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 20°
S163-617060-24-M84-1-251,153.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 60° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 25°CORONA-180 red 617nm 60° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 25°
S163-617060-24-M84-1-301,153.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 60° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 30°CORONA-180 red 617nm 60° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 30°
S163-617060-24-M84-1-351,153.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 60° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 35°CORONA-180 red 617nm 60° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 35°
S163-617060-24-M84-1-401,153.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 60° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 40°CORONA-180 red 617nm 60° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 40°
S163-617060-24-M84-1-451,153.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 60° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 45°CORONA-180 red 617nm 60° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 45°
S163-617060-24S-M84-1-01,188.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 60° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 0°CORONA-180 red 617nm 60° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 0°
S163-617060-24S-M84-1-51,188.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 60° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 5°CORONA-180 red 617nm 60° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 5°
S163-617060-24S-M84-1-101,188.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 60° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 10°CORONA-180 red 617nm 60° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 10°
S163-617060-24S-M84-1-151,188.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 60° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 15°CORONA-180 red 617nm 60° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 15°
S163-617060-24S-M84-1-201,188.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 60° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 20°CORONA-180 red 617nm 60° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 20°
S163-617060-24S-M84-1-251,188.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 60° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 25°CORONA-180 red 617nm 60° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 25°
S163-617060-24S-M84-1-301,188.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 60° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 30°CORONA-180 red 617nm 60° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 30°
S163-617060-24S-M84-1-351,188.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 60° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 35°CORONA-180 red 617nm 60° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 35°
S163-617060-24S-M84-1-401,188.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 60° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 40°CORONA-180 red 617nm 60° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 40°
S163-617060-24S-M84-1-451,188.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 60° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 45°CORONA-180 red 617nm 60° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 45°
S163-617060-SC-M84-1-01,163.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 60° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 0°CORONA-180 red 617nm 60° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 0°
S163-617060-SC-M84-1-51,163.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 60° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 5°CORONA-180 red 617nm 60° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 5°
S163-617060-SC-M84-1-101,163.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 60° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 10°CORONA-180 red 617nm 60° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 10°
S163-617060-SC-M84-1-151,163.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 60° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 15°CORONA-180 red 617nm 60° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 15°
S163-617060-SC-M84-1-201,163.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 60° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 20°CORONA-180 red 617nm 60° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 20°
S163-617060-SC-M84-1-251,163.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 60° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 25°CORONA-180 red 617nm 60° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 25°
S163-617060-SC-M84-1-301,163.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 60° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 30°CORONA-180 red 617nm 60° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 30°
S163-617060-SC-M84-1-351,163.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 60° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 35°CORONA-180 red 617nm 60° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 35°
S163-617060-SC-M84-1-401,163.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 60° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 40°CORONA-180 red 617nm 60° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 40°
S163-617060-SC-M84-1-451,163.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 60° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 45°CORONA-180 red 617nm 60° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 45°
S163-635120-24-M84-1-01,091.00 €CORONA-180 rot 635nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 0°CORONA-180 red 635nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 0°
S163-635120-24-M84-1-51,091.00 €CORONA-180 rot 635nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 5°CORONA-180 red 635nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 5°
S163-635120-24-M84-1-101,091.00 €CORONA-180 rot 635nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 10°CORONA-180 red 635nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 10°
S163-635120-24-M84-1-151,091.00 €CORONA-180 rot 635nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 15°CORONA-180 red 635nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 15°
S163-635120-24-M84-1-201,091.00 €CORONA-180 rot 635nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 20°CORONA-180 red 635nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 20°
S163-635120-24-M84-1-251,091.00 €CORONA-180 rot 635nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 25°CORONA-180 red 635nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 25°
S163-635120-24-M84-1-301,091.00 €CORONA-180 rot 635nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 30°CORONA-180 red 635nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 30°
S163-635120-24-M84-1-351,091.00 €CORONA-180 rot 635nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 35°CORONA-180 red 635nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 35°
S163-635120-24-M84-1-401,091.00 €CORONA-180 rot 635nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 40°CORONA-180 red 635nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 40°
S163-635120-24-M84-1-451,091.00 €CORONA-180 rot 635nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 45°CORONA-180 red 635nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 45°
S163-635120-24S-M84-1-01,126.00 €CORONA-180 rot 635nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 0°CORONA-180 red 635nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 0°
S163-635120-24S-M84-1-51,126.00 €CORONA-180 rot 635nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 5°CORONA-180 red 635nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 5°
S163-635120-24S-M84-1-101,126.00 €CORONA-180 rot 635nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 10°CORONA-180 red 635nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 10°
S163-635120-24S-M84-1-151,126.00 €CORONA-180 rot 635nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 15°CORONA-180 red 635nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 15°
S163-635120-24S-M84-1-201,126.00 €CORONA-180 rot 635nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 20°CORONA-180 red 635nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 20°
S163-635120-24S-M84-1-251,126.00 €CORONA-180 rot 635nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 25°CORONA-180 red 635nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 25°
S163-635120-24S-M84-1-301,126.00 €CORONA-180 rot 635nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 30°CORONA-180 red 635nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 30°
S163-635120-24S-M84-1-351,126.00 €CORONA-180 rot 635nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 35°CORONA-180 red 635nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 35°
S163-635120-24S-M84-1-401,126.00 €CORONA-180 rot 635nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 40°CORONA-180 red 635nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 40°
S163-635120-24S-M84-1-451,126.00 €CORONA-180 rot 635nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 45°CORONA-180 red 635nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 45°
S163-635120-SC-M84-1-01,101.00 €CORONA-180 rot 635nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 0°CORONA-180 red 635nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 0°
S163-635120-SC-M84-1-51,101.00 €CORONA-180 rot 635nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 5°CORONA-180 red 635nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 5°
S163-635120-SC-M84-1-101,101.00 €CORONA-180 rot 635nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 10°CORONA-180 red 635nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 10°
S163-635120-SC-M84-1-151,101.00 €CORONA-180 rot 635nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 15°CORONA-180 red 635nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 15°
S163-635120-SC-M84-1-201,101.00 €CORONA-180 rot 635nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 20°CORONA-180 red 635nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 20°
S163-635120-SC-M84-1-251,101.00 €CORONA-180 rot 635nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 25°CORONA-180 red 635nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 25°
S163-635120-SC-M84-1-301,101.00 €CORONA-180 rot 635nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 30°CORONA-180 red 635nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 30°
S163-635120-SC-M84-1-351,101.00 €CORONA-180 rot 635nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 35°CORONA-180 red 635nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 35°
S163-635120-SC-M84-1-401,101.00 €CORONA-180 rot 635nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 40°CORONA-180 red 635nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 40°
S163-635120-SC-M84-1-451,101.00 €CORONA-180 rot 635nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 45°CORONA-180 red 635nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 45°
S163-WLU120-24-M84-1-01,246.00 €CORONA-180 weiß 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 0°CORONA-180 white 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 0°
S163-WLU120-24-M84-1-51,246.00 €CORONA-180 weiß 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 5°CORONA-180 white 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 5°
S163-WLU120-24-M84-1-101,246.00 €CORONA-180 weiß 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 10°CORONA-180 white 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 10°
S163-WLU120-24-M84-1-151,246.00 €CORONA-180 weiß 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 15°CORONA-180 white 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 15°
S163-WLU120-24-M84-1-201,246.00 €CORONA-180 weiß 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 20°CORONA-180 white 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 20°
S163-WLU120-24-M84-1-251,246.00 €CORONA-180 weiß 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 25°CORONA-180 white 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 25°
S163-WLU120-24-M84-1-301,246.00 €CORONA-180 weiß 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 30°CORONA-180 white 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 30°
S163-WLU120-24-M84-1-351,246.00 €CORONA-180 weiß 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 35°CORONA-180 white 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 35°
S163-WLU120-24-M84-1-401,246.00 €CORONA-180 weiß 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 40°CORONA-180 white 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 40°
S163-WLU120-24-M84-1-451,246.00 €CORONA-180 weiß 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 45°CORONA-180 white 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 45°
S163-WLU120-24S-M84-1-01,281.00 €CORONA-180 weiß 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 0°CORONA-180 white 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 0°
S163-WLU120-24S-M84-1-51,281.00 €CORONA-180 weiß 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 5°CORONA-180 white 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 5°
S163-WLU120-24S-M84-1-101,281.00 €CORONA-180 weiß 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 10°CORONA-180 white 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 10°
S163-WLU120-24S-M84-1-151,281.00 €CORONA-180 weiß 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 15°CORONA-180 white 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 15°
S163-WLU120-24S-M84-1-201,281.00 €CORONA-180 weiß 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 20°CORONA-180 white 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 20°
S163-WLU120-24S-M84-1-251,281.00 €CORONA-180 weiß 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 25°CORONA-180 white 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 25°
S163-WLU120-24S-M84-1-301,281.00 €CORONA-180 weiß 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 30°CORONA-180 white 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 30°
S163-WLU120-24S-M84-1-351,281.00 €CORONA-180 weiß 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 35°CORONA-180 white 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 35°
S163-WLU120-24S-M84-1-401,281.00 €CORONA-180 weiß 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 40°CORONA-180 white 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 40°
S163-WLU120-24S-M84-1-451,281.00 €CORONA-180 weiß 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 45°CORONA-180 white 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 45°
S163-WLU120-SC-M84-1-01,256.00 €CORONA-180 weiß 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 0°CORONA-180 white 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 0°
S163-WLU120-SC-M84-1-51,256.00 €CORONA-180 weiß 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 5°CORONA-180 white 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 5°
S163-WLU120-SC-M84-1-101,256.00 €CORONA-180 weiß 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 10°CORONA-180 white 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 10°
S163-WLU120-SC-M84-1-151,256.00 €CORONA-180 weiß 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 15°CORONA-180 white 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 15°
S163-WLU120-SC-M84-1-201,256.00 €CORONA-180 weiß 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 20°CORONA-180 white 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 20°
S163-WLU120-SC-M84-1-251,256.00 €CORONA-180 weiß 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 25°CORONA-180 white 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 25°
S163-WLU120-SC-M84-1-301,256.00 €CORONA-180 weiß 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 30°CORONA-180 white 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 30°
S163-WLU120-SC-M84-1-351,256.00 €CORONA-180 weiß 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 35°CORONA-180 white 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 35°
S163-WLU120-SC-M84-1-401,256.00 €CORONA-180 weiß 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 40°CORONA-180 white 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 40°
S163-WLU120-SC-M84-1-451,256.00 €CORONA-180 weiß 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 45°CORONA-180 white 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 45°
S163-850030-24-M84-1-01,190.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 0°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 0°
S163-850030-24-M84-1-51,190.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 5°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 5°
S163-850030-24-M84-1-101,190.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 10°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 10°
S163-850030-24-M84-1-151,190.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 15°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 15°
S163-850030-24-M84-1-201,190.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 20°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 20°
S163-850030-24-M84-1-251,190.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 25°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 25°
S163-850030-24-M84-1-301,190.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 30°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 30°
S163-850030-24-M84-1-351,190.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 35°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 35°
S163-850030-24-M84-1-401,190.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 40°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 40°
S163-850030-24-M84-1-451,190.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 45°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 45°
S163-850030-24S-M84-1-01,225.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 0°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 0°
S163-850030-24S-M84-1-51,225.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 5°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 5°
S163-850030-24S-M84-1-101,225.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 10°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 10°
S163-850030-24S-M84-1-151,225.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 15°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 15°
S163-850030-24S-M84-1-201,225.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 20°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 20°
S163-850030-24S-M84-1-251,225.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 25°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 25°
S163-850030-24S-M84-1-301,225.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 30°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 30°
S163-850030-24S-M84-1-351,225.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 35°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 35°
S163-850030-24S-M84-1-401,225.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 40°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 40°
S163-850030-24S-M84-1-451,225.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 45°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 45°
S163-850030-SC-M84-1-01,200.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 0°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 0°
S163-850030-SC-M84-1-51,200.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 5°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 5°
S163-850030-SC-M84-1-101,200.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 10°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 10°
S163-850030-SC-M84-1-151,200.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 15°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 15°
S163-850030-SC-M84-1-201,200.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 20°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 20°
S163-850030-SC-M84-1-251,200.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 25°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 25°
S163-850030-SC-M84-1-301,200.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 30°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 30°
S163-850030-SC-M84-1-351,200.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 35°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 35°
S163-850030-SC-M84-1-401,200.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 40°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 40°
S163-850030-SC-M84-1-451,200.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 45°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 45°
S163-850050-24-M84-1-01,190.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 0°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 0°
S163-850050-24-M84-1-51,190.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 5°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 5°
S163-850050-24-M84-1-101,190.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 10°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 10°
S163-850050-24-M84-1-151,190.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 15°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 15°
S163-850050-24-M84-1-201,190.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 20°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 20°
S163-850050-24-M84-1-251,190.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 25°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 25°
S163-850050-24-M84-1-301,190.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 30°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 30°
S163-850050-24-M84-1-351,190.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 35°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 35°
S163-850050-24-M84-1-401,190.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 40°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 40°
S163-850050-24-M84-1-451,190.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 45°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 45°
S163-850050-24S-M84-1-01,225.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 0°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 0°
S163-850050-24S-M84-1-51,225.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 5°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 5°
S163-850050-24S-M84-1-101,225.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 10°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 10°
S163-850050-24S-M84-1-151,225.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 15°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 15°
S163-850050-24S-M84-1-201,225.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 20°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 20°
S163-850050-24S-M84-1-251,225.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 25°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 25°
S163-850050-24S-M84-1-301,225.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 30°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 30°
S163-850050-24S-M84-1-351,225.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 35°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 35°
S163-850050-24S-M84-1-401,225.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 40°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 40°
S163-850050-24S-M84-1-451,225.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 45°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 45°
S163-850050-SC-M84-1-01,200.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 0°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 0°
S163-850050-SC-M84-1-51,200.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 5°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 5°
S163-850050-SC-M84-1-101,200.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 10°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 10°
S163-850050-SC-M84-1-151,200.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 15°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 15°
S163-850050-SC-M84-1-201,200.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 20°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 20°
S163-850050-SC-M84-1-251,200.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 25°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 25°
S163-850050-SC-M84-1-301,200.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 30°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 30°
S163-850050-SC-M84-1-351,200.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 35°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 35°
S163-850050-SC-M84-1-401,200.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 40°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 40°
S163-850050-SC-M84-1-451,200.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 45°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 45°
S163-850120-24-M84-1-01,157.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 0°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 0°
S163-850120-24-M84-1-51,157.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 5°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 5°
S163-850120-24-M84-1-101,157.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 10°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 10°
S163-850120-24-M84-1-151,157.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 15°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 15°
S163-850120-24-M84-1-201,157.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 20°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 20°
S163-850120-24-M84-1-251,157.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 25°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 25°
S163-850120-24-M84-1-301,157.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 30°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 30°
S163-850120-24-M84-1-351,157.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 35°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 35°
S163-850120-24-M84-1-401,157.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 40°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 40°
S163-850120-24-M84-1-451,157.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 45°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 45°
S163-850120-24S-M84-1-01,192.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 0°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 0°
S163-850120-24S-M84-1-51,192.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 5°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 5°
S163-850120-24S-M84-1-101,192.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 10°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 10°
S163-850120-24S-M84-1-151,192.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 15°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 15°
S163-850120-24S-M84-1-201,192.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 20°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 20°
S163-850120-24S-M84-1-251,192.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 25°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 25°
S163-850120-24S-M84-1-301,192.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 30°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 30°
S163-850120-24S-M84-1-351,192.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 35°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 35°
S163-850120-24S-M84-1-401,192.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 40°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 40°
S163-850120-24S-M84-1-451,192.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 45°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 45°
S163-850120-SC-M84-1-01,167.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 0°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 0°
S163-850120-SC-M84-1-51,167.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 5°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 5°
S163-850120-SC-M84-1-101,167.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 10°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 10°
S163-850120-SC-M84-1-151,167.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 15°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 15°
S163-850120-SC-M84-1-201,167.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 20°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 20°
S163-850120-SC-M84-1-251,167.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 25°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 25°
S163-850120-SC-M84-1-301,167.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 30°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 30°
S163-850120-SC-M84-1-351,167.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 35°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 35°
S163-850120-SC-M84-1-401,167.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 40°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 40°
S163-850120-SC-M84-1-451,167.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 45°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 45°
S163-470030-24-M84-1-01,246.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 0°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 0°
S163-470030-24-M84-1-51,246.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 5°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 5°
S163-470030-24-M84-1-101,246.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 10°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 10°
S163-470030-24-M84-1-151,246.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 15°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 15°
S163-470030-24-M84-1-201,246.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 20°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 20°
S163-470030-24-M84-1-251,246.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 25°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 25°
S163-470030-24-M84-1-301,246.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 30°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 30°
S163-470030-24-M84-1-351,246.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 35°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 35°
S163-470030-24-M84-1-401,246.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 40°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 40°
S163-470030-24-M84-1-451,246.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 45°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 45°
S163-470030-24S-M84-1-01,281.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 0°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 0°
S163-470030-24S-M84-1-51,281.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 5°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 5°
S163-470030-24S-M84-1-101,281.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 10°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 10°
S163-470030-24S-M84-1-151,281.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 15°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 15°
S163-470030-24S-M84-1-201,281.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 20°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 20°
S163-470030-24S-M84-1-251,281.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 25°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 25°
S163-470030-24S-M84-1-301,281.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 30°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 30°
S163-470030-24S-M84-1-351,281.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 35°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 35°
S163-470030-24S-M84-1-401,281.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 40°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 40°
S163-470030-24S-M84-1-451,281.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 45°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 45°
S163-470030-SC-M84-1-01,256.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 0°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 0°
S163-470030-SC-M84-1-51,256.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 5°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 5°
S163-470030-SC-M84-1-101,256.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 10°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 10°
S163-470030-SC-M84-1-151,256.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 15°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 15°
S163-470030-SC-M84-1-201,256.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 20°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 20°
S163-470030-SC-M84-1-251,256.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 25°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 25°
S163-470030-SC-M84-1-301,256.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 30°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 30°
S163-470030-SC-M84-1-351,256.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 35°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 35°
S163-470030-SC-M84-1-401,256.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 40°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 40°
S163-470030-SC-M84-1-451,256.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 45°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 45°
S163-470120-24-M84-1-01,246.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 0°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 0°
S163-470120-24-M84-1-51,246.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 5°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 5°
S163-470120-24-M84-1-101,246.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 10°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 10°
S163-470120-24-M84-1-151,246.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 15°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 15°
S163-470120-24-M84-1-201,246.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 20°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 20°
S163-470120-24-M84-1-251,246.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 25°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 25°
S163-470120-24-M84-1-301,246.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 30°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 30°
S163-470120-24-M84-1-351,246.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 35°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 35°
S163-470120-24-M84-1-401,246.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 40°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 40°
S163-470120-24-M84-1-451,246.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 45°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 45°
S163-470120-24S-M84-1-01,281.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 0°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 0°
S163-470120-24S-M84-1-51,281.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 5°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 5°
S163-470120-24S-M84-1-101,281.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 10°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 10°
S163-470120-24S-M84-1-151,281.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 15°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 15°
S163-470120-24S-M84-1-201,281.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 20°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 20°
S163-470120-24S-M84-1-251,281.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 25°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 25°
S163-470120-24S-M84-1-301,281.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 30°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 30°
S163-470120-24S-M84-1-351,281.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 35°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 35°
S163-470120-24S-M84-1-401,281.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 40°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 40°
S163-470120-24S-M84-1-451,281.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 45°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 45°
S163-470120-SC-M84-1-01,256.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 0°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 0°
S163-470120-SC-M84-1-51,256.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 5°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 5°
S163-470120-SC-M84-1-101,256.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 10°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 10°
S163-470120-SC-M84-1-151,256.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 15°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 15°
S163-470120-SC-M84-1-201,256.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 20°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 20°
S163-470120-SC-M84-1-251,256.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 25°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 25°
S163-470120-SC-M84-1-301,256.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 30°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 30°
S163-470120-SC-M84-1-351,256.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 35°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 35°
S163-470120-SC-M84-1-401,256.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 40°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 40°
S163-470120-SC-M84-1-451,256.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 45°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 45°
S163-525030-24-M84-1-01,246.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 0°CORONA-180 green 525nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 0°
S163-525030-24-M84-1-51,246.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 5°CORONA-180 green 525nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 5°
S163-525030-24-M84-1-101,246.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 10°CORONA-180 green 525nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 10°
S163-525030-24-M84-1-151,246.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 15°CORONA-180 green 525nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 15°
S163-525030-24-M84-1-201,246.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 20°CORONA-180 green 525nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 20°
S163-525030-24-M84-1-251,246.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 25°CORONA-180 green 525nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 25°
S163-525030-24-M84-1-301,246.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 30°CORONA-180 green 525nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 30°
S163-525030-24-M84-1-351,246.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 35°CORONA-180 green 525nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 35°
S163-525030-24-M84-1-401,246.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 40°CORONA-180 green 525nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 40°
S163-525030-24-M84-1-451,246.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 45°CORONA-180 green 525nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 45°
S163-525030-24S-M84-1-01,281.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 0°CORONA-180 green 525nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 0°
S163-525030-24S-M84-1-51,281.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 5°CORONA-180 green 525nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 5°
S163-525030-24S-M84-1-101,281.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 10°CORONA-180 green 525nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 10°
S163-525030-24S-M84-1-151,281.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 15°CORONA-180 green 525nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 15°
S163-525030-24S-M84-1-201,281.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 20°CORONA-180 green 525nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 20°
S163-525030-24S-M84-1-251,281.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 25°CORONA-180 green 525nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 25°
S163-525030-24S-M84-1-301,281.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 30°CORONA-180 green 525nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 30°
S163-525030-24S-M84-1-351,281.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 35°CORONA-180 green 525nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 35°
S163-525030-24S-M84-1-401,281.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 40°CORONA-180 green 525nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 40°
S163-525030-24S-M84-1-451,281.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 45°CORONA-180 green 525nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 45°
S163-525030-SC-M84-1-01,256.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 0°CORONA-180 green 525nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 0°
S163-525030-SC-M84-1-51,256.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 5°CORONA-180 green 525nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 5°
S163-525030-SC-M84-1-101,256.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 10°CORONA-180 green 525nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 10°
S163-525030-SC-M84-1-151,256.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 15°CORONA-180 green 525nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 15°
S163-525030-SC-M84-1-201,256.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 20°CORONA-180 green 525nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 20°
S163-525030-SC-M84-1-251,256.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 25°CORONA-180 green 525nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 25°
S163-525030-SC-M84-1-301,256.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 30°CORONA-180 green 525nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 30°
S163-525030-SC-M84-1-351,256.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 35°CORONA-180 green 525nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 35°
S163-525030-SC-M84-1-401,256.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 40°CORONA-180 green 525nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 40°
S163-525030-SC-M84-1-451,256.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 45°CORONA-180 green 525nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 45°
S163-525120-24-M84-1-01,246.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 0°CORONA-180 green 525nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 0°
S163-525120-24-M84-1-51,246.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 5°CORONA-180 green 525nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 5°
S163-525120-24-M84-1-101,246.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 10°CORONA-180 green 525nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 10°
S163-525120-24-M84-1-151,246.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 15°CORONA-180 green 525nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 15°
S163-525120-24-M84-1-201,246.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 20°CORONA-180 green 525nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 20°
S163-525120-24-M84-1-251,246.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 25°CORONA-180 green 525nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 25°
S163-525120-24-M84-1-301,246.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 30°CORONA-180 green 525nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 30°
S163-525120-24-M84-1-351,246.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 35°CORONA-180 green 525nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 35°
S163-525120-24-M84-1-401,246.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 40°CORONA-180 green 525nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 40°
S163-525120-24-M84-1-451,246.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 45°CORONA-180 green 525nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 45°
S163-525120-24S-M84-1-01,281.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 0°CORONA-180 green 525nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 0°
S163-525120-24S-M84-1-51,281.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 5°CORONA-180 green 525nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 5°
S163-525120-24S-M84-1-101,281.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 10°CORONA-180 green 525nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 10°
S163-525120-24S-M84-1-151,281.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 15°CORONA-180 green 525nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 15°
S163-525120-24S-M84-1-201,281.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 20°CORONA-180 green 525nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 20°
S163-525120-24S-M84-1-251,281.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 25°CORONA-180 green 525nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 25°
S163-525120-24S-M84-1-301,281.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 30°CORONA-180 green 525nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 30°
S163-525120-24S-M84-1-351,281.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 35°CORONA-180 green 525nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 35°
S163-525120-24S-M84-1-401,281.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 40°CORONA-180 green 525nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 40°
S163-525120-24S-M84-1-451,281.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 45°CORONA-180 green 525nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 45°
S163-525120-SC-M84-1-01,256.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 0°CORONA-180 green 525nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 0°
S163-525120-SC-M84-1-51,256.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 5°CORONA-180 green 525nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 5°
S163-525120-SC-M84-1-101,256.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 10°CORONA-180 green 525nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 10°
S163-525120-SC-M84-1-151,256.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 15°CORONA-180 green 525nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 15°
S163-525120-SC-M84-1-201,256.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 20°CORONA-180 green 525nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 20°
S163-525120-SC-M84-1-251,256.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 25°CORONA-180 green 525nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 25°
S163-525120-SC-M84-1-301,256.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 30°CORONA-180 green 525nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 30°
S163-525120-SC-M84-1-351,256.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 35°CORONA-180 green 525nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 35°
S163-525120-SC-M84-1-401,256.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 40°CORONA-180 green 525nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 40°
S163-525120-SC-M84-1-451,256.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 45°CORONA-180 green 525nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 45°
S163-617030-24-M86-4-01,209.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 0°CORONA-180 red 617nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 0°
S163-617030-24-M86-4-51,209.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 5°CORONA-180 red 617nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 5°
S163-617030-24-M86-4-101,209.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 10°CORONA-180 red 617nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 10°
S163-617030-24-M86-4-151,209.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 15°CORONA-180 red 617nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 15°
S163-617030-24-M86-4-201,209.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 20°CORONA-180 red 617nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 20°
S163-617030-24-M86-4-251,209.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 25°CORONA-180 red 617nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 25°
S163-617030-24-M86-4-301,209.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 30°CORONA-180 red 617nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 30°
S163-617030-24-M86-4-351,209.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 35°CORONA-180 red 617nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 35°
S163-617030-24-M86-4-401,209.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 40°CORONA-180 red 617nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 40°
S163-617030-24-M86-4-451,209.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 45°CORONA-180 red 617nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 45°
S163-617030-SC-M86-4-01,219.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 0°CORONA-180 red 617nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 0°
S163-617030-SC-M86-4-51,219.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 5°CORONA-180 red 617nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 5°
S163-617030-SC-M86-4-101,219.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 10°CORONA-180 red 617nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 10°
S163-617030-SC-M86-4-151,219.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 15°CORONA-180 red 617nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 15°
S163-617030-SC-M86-4-201,219.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 20°CORONA-180 red 617nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 20°
S163-617030-SC-M86-4-251,219.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 25°CORONA-180 red 617nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 25°
S163-617030-SC-M86-4-301,219.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 30°CORONA-180 red 617nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 30°
S163-617030-SC-M86-4-351,219.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 35°CORONA-180 red 617nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 35°
S163-617030-SC-M86-4-401,219.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 40°CORONA-180 red 617nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 40°
S163-617030-SC-M86-4-451,219.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 45°CORONA-180 red 617nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 45°
S163-617060-24-M86-4-01,209.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 60° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 0°CORONA-180 red 617nm 60° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 0°
S163-617060-24-M86-4-51,209.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 60° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 5°CORONA-180 red 617nm 60° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 5°
S163-617060-24-M86-4-101,209.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 60° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 10°CORONA-180 red 617nm 60° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 10°
S163-617060-24-M86-4-151,209.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 60° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 15°CORONA-180 red 617nm 60° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 15°
S163-617060-24-M86-4-201,209.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 60° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 20°CORONA-180 red 617nm 60° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 20°
S163-617060-24-M86-4-251,209.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 60° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 25°CORONA-180 red 617nm 60° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 25°
S163-617060-24-M86-4-301,209.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 60° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 30°CORONA-180 red 617nm 60° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 30°
S163-617060-24-M86-4-351,209.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 60° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 35°CORONA-180 red 617nm 60° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 35°
S163-617060-24-M86-4-401,209.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 60° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 40°CORONA-180 red 617nm 60° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 40°
S163-617060-24-M86-4-451,209.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 60° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 45°CORONA-180 red 617nm 60° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 45°
S163-617060-SC-M86-4-01,219.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 60° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 0°CORONA-180 red 617nm 60° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 0°
S163-617060-SC-M86-4-51,219.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 60° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 5°CORONA-180 red 617nm 60° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 5°
S163-617060-SC-M86-4-101,219.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 60° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 10°CORONA-180 red 617nm 60° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 10°
S163-617060-SC-M86-4-151,219.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 60° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 15°CORONA-180 red 617nm 60° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 15°
S163-617060-SC-M86-4-201,219.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 60° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 20°CORONA-180 red 617nm 60° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 20°
S163-617060-SC-M86-4-251,219.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 60° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 25°CORONA-180 red 617nm 60° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 25°
S163-617060-SC-M86-4-301,219.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 60° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 30°CORONA-180 red 617nm 60° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 30°
S163-617060-SC-M86-4-351,219.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 60° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 35°CORONA-180 red 617nm 60° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 35°
S163-617060-SC-M86-4-401,219.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 60° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 40°CORONA-180 red 617nm 60° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 40°
S163-617060-SC-M86-4-451,219.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 60° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 45°CORONA-180 red 617nm 60° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 45°
S163-635120-24-M86-4-01,147.00 €CORONA-180 rot 635nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 0°CORONA-180 red 635nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 0°
S163-635120-24-M86-4-51,147.00 €CORONA-180 rot 635nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 5°CORONA-180 red 635nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 5°
S163-635120-24-M86-4-101,147.00 €CORONA-180 rot 635nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 10°CORONA-180 red 635nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 10°
S163-635120-24-M86-4-151,147.00 €CORONA-180 rot 635nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 15°CORONA-180 red 635nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 15°
S163-635120-24-M86-4-201,147.00 €CORONA-180 rot 635nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 20°CORONA-180 red 635nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 20°
S163-635120-24-M86-4-251,147.00 €CORONA-180 rot 635nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 25°CORONA-180 red 635nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 25°
S163-635120-24-M86-4-301,147.00 €CORONA-180 rot 635nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 30°CORONA-180 red 635nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 30°
S163-635120-24-M86-4-351,147.00 €CORONA-180 rot 635nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 35°CORONA-180 red 635nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 35°
S163-635120-24-M86-4-401,147.00 €CORONA-180 rot 635nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 40°CORONA-180 red 635nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 40°
S163-635120-24-M86-4-451,147.00 €CORONA-180 rot 635nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 45°CORONA-180 red 635nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 45°
S163-635120-SC-M86-4-01,157.00 €CORONA-180 rot 635nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 0°CORONA-180 red 635nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 0°
S163-635120-SC-M86-4-51,157.00 €CORONA-180 rot 635nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 5°CORONA-180 red 635nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 5°
S163-635120-SC-M86-4-101,157.00 €CORONA-180 rot 635nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 10°CORONA-180 red 635nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 10°
S163-635120-SC-M86-4-151,157.00 €CORONA-180 rot 635nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 15°CORONA-180 red 635nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 15°
S163-635120-SC-M86-4-201,157.00 €CORONA-180 rot 635nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 20°CORONA-180 red 635nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 20°
S163-635120-SC-M86-4-251,157.00 €CORONA-180 rot 635nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 25°CORONA-180 red 635nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 25°
S163-635120-SC-M86-4-301,157.00 €CORONA-180 rot 635nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 30°CORONA-180 red 635nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 30°
S163-635120-SC-M86-4-351,157.00 €CORONA-180 rot 635nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 35°CORONA-180 red 635nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 35°
S163-635120-SC-M86-4-401,157.00 €CORONA-180 rot 635nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 40°CORONA-180 red 635nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 40°
S163-635120-SC-M86-4-451,157.00 €CORONA-180 rot 635nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 45°CORONA-180 red 635nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 45°
S163-WLU120-24-M86-4-01,301.00 €CORONA-180 weiß 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 0°CORONA-180 white 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 0°
S163-WLU120-24-M86-4-51,301.00 €CORONA-180 weiß 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 5°CORONA-180 white 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 5°
S163-WLU120-24-M86-4-101,301.00 €CORONA-180 weiß 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 10°CORONA-180 white 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 10°
S163-WLU120-24-M86-4-151,301.00 €CORONA-180 weiß 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 15°CORONA-180 white 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 15°
S163-WLU120-24-M86-4-201,301.00 €CORONA-180 weiß 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 20°CORONA-180 white 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 20°
S163-WLU120-24-M86-4-251,301.00 €CORONA-180 weiß 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 25°CORONA-180 white 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 25°
S163-WLU120-24-M86-4-301,301.00 €CORONA-180 weiß 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 30°CORONA-180 white 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 30°
S163-WLU120-24-M86-4-351,301.00 €CORONA-180 weiß 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 35°CORONA-180 white 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 35°
S163-WLU120-24-M86-4-401,301.00 €CORONA-180 weiß 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 40°CORONA-180 white 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 40°
S163-WLU120-24-M86-4-451,301.00 €CORONA-180 weiß 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 45°CORONA-180 white 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 45°
S163-WLU120-SC-M86-4-01,311.00 €CORONA-180 weiß 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 0°CORONA-180 white 120° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 0°
S163-WLU120-SC-M86-4-51,311.00 €CORONA-180 weiß 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 5°CORONA-180 white 120° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 5°
S163-WLU120-SC-M86-4-101,311.00 €CORONA-180 weiß 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 10°CORONA-180 white 120° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 10°
S163-WLU120-SC-M86-4-151,311.00 €CORONA-180 weiß 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 15°CORONA-180 white 120° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 15°
S163-WLU120-SC-M86-4-201,311.00 €CORONA-180 weiß 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 20°CORONA-180 white 120° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 20°
S163-WLU120-SC-M86-4-251,311.00 €CORONA-180 weiß 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 25°CORONA-180 white 120° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 25°
S163-WLU120-SC-M86-4-301,311.00 €CORONA-180 weiß 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 30°CORONA-180 white 120° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 30°
S163-WLU120-SC-M86-4-351,311.00 €CORONA-180 weiß 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 35°CORONA-180 white 120° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 35°
S163-WLU120-SC-M86-4-401,311.00 €CORONA-180 weiß 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 40°CORONA-180 white 120° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 40°
S163-WLU120-SC-M86-4-451,311.00 €CORONA-180 weiß 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 45°CORONA-180 white 120° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 45°
S163-850030-24-M86-4-01,245.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 0°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 0°
S163-850030-24-M86-4-51,245.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 5°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 5°
S163-850030-24-M86-4-101,245.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 10°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 10°
S163-850030-24-M86-4-151,245.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 15°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 15°
S163-850030-24-M86-4-201,245.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 20°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 20°
S163-850030-24-M86-4-251,245.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 25°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 25°
S163-850030-24-M86-4-301,245.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 30°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 30°
S163-850030-24-M86-4-351,245.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 35°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 35°
S163-850030-24-M86-4-401,245.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 40°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 40°
S163-850030-24-M86-4-451,245.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 45°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 45°
S163-850030-SC-M86-4-01,255.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 0°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 0°
S163-850030-SC-M86-4-51,255.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 5°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 5°
S163-850030-SC-M86-4-101,255.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 10°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 10°
S163-850030-SC-M86-4-151,255.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 15°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 15°
S163-850030-SC-M86-4-201,255.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 20°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 20°
S163-850030-SC-M86-4-251,255.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 25°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 25°
S163-850030-SC-M86-4-301,255.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 30°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 30°
S163-850030-SC-M86-4-351,255.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 35°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 35°
S163-850030-SC-M86-4-401,255.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 40°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 40°
S163-850030-SC-M86-4-451,255.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 45°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 45°
S163-850050-24-M86-4-01,245.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 0°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 0°
S163-850050-24-M86-4-51,245.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 5°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 5°
S163-850050-24-M86-4-101,245.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 10°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 10°
S163-850050-24-M86-4-151,245.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 15°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 15°
S163-850050-24-M86-4-201,245.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 20°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 20°
S163-850050-24-M86-4-251,245.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 25°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 25°
S163-850050-24-M86-4-301,245.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 30°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 30°
S163-850050-24-M86-4-351,245.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 35°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 35°
S163-850050-24-M86-4-401,245.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 40°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 40°
S163-850050-24-M86-4-451,245.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 45°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 45°
S163-850050-SC-M86-4-01,255.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 0°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 0°
S163-850050-SC-M86-4-51,255.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 5°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 5°
S163-850050-SC-M86-4-101,255.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 10°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 10°
S163-850050-SC-M86-4-151,255.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 15°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 15°
S163-850050-SC-M86-4-201,255.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 20°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 20°
S163-850050-SC-M86-4-251,255.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 25°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 25°
S163-850050-SC-M86-4-301,255.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 30°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 30°
S163-850050-SC-M86-4-351,255.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 35°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 35°
S163-850050-SC-M86-4-401,255.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 40°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 40°
S163-850050-SC-M86-4-451,255.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 45°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 45°
S163-850120-24-M86-4-01,213.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 0°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 0°
S163-850120-24-M86-4-51,213.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 5°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 5°
S163-850120-24-M86-4-101,213.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 10°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 10°
S163-850120-24-M86-4-151,213.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 15°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 15°
S163-850120-24-M86-4-201,213.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 20°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 20°
S163-850120-24-M86-4-251,213.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 25°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 25°
S163-850120-24-M86-4-301,213.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 30°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 30°
S163-850120-24-M86-4-351,213.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 35°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 35°
S163-850120-24-M86-4-401,213.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 40°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 40°
S163-850120-24-M86-4-451,213.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 45°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 45°
S163-850120-SC-M86-4-01,223.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 0°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 0°
S163-850120-SC-M86-4-51,223.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 5°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 5°
S163-850120-SC-M86-4-101,223.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 10°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 10°
S163-850120-SC-M86-4-151,223.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 15°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 15°
S163-850120-SC-M86-4-201,223.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 20°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 20°
S163-850120-SC-M86-4-251,223.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 25°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 25°
S163-850120-SC-M86-4-301,223.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 30°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 30°
S163-850120-SC-M86-4-351,223.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 35°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 35°
S163-850120-SC-M86-4-401,223.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 40°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 40°
S163-850120-SC-M86-4-451,223.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 45°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 45°
S163-470030-24-M86-4-01,301.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 0°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 0°
S163-470030-24-M86-4-51,301.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 5°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 5°
S163-470030-24-M86-4-101,301.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 10°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 10°
S163-470030-24-M86-4-151,301.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 15°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 15°
S163-470030-24-M86-4-201,301.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 20°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 20°
S163-470030-24-M86-4-251,301.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 25°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 25°
S163-470030-24-M86-4-301,301.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 30°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 30°
S163-470030-24-M86-4-351,301.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 35°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 35°
S163-470030-24-M86-4-401,301.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 40°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 40°
S163-470030-24-M86-4-451,301.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 45°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 45°
S163-470030-SC-M86-4-01,311.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 0°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 0°
S163-470030-SC-M86-4-51,311.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 5°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 5°
S163-470030-SC-M86-4-101,311.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 10°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 10°
S163-470030-SC-M86-4-151,311.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 15°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 15°
S163-470030-SC-M86-4-201,311.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 20°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 20°
S163-470030-SC-M86-4-251,311.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 25°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 25°
S163-470030-SC-M86-4-301,311.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 30°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 30°
S163-470030-SC-M86-4-351,311.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 35°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 35°
S163-470030-SC-M86-4-401,311.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 40°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 40°
S163-470030-SC-M86-4-451,311.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 45°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 45°
S163-470120-24-M86-4-01,301.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 0°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 0°
S163-470120-24-M86-4-51,301.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 5°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 5°
S163-470120-24-M86-4-101,301.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 10°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 10°
S163-470120-24-M86-4-151,301.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 15°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 15°
S163-470120-24-M86-4-201,301.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 20°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 20°
S163-470120-24-M86-4-251,301.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 25°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 25°
S163-470120-24-M86-4-301,301.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 30°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 30°
S163-470120-24-M86-4-351,301.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 35°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 35°
S163-470120-24-M86-4-401,301.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 40°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 40°
S163-470120-24-M86-4-451,301.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 45°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 45°
S163-470120-SC-M86-4-01,311.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 0°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 0°
S163-470120-SC-M86-4-51,311.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 5°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 5°
S163-470120-SC-M86-4-101,311.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 10°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 10°
S163-470120-SC-M86-4-151,311.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 15°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 15°
S163-470120-SC-M86-4-201,311.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 20°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 20°
S163-470120-SC-M86-4-251,311.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 25°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 25°
S163-470120-SC-M86-4-301,311.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 30°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 30°
S163-470120-SC-M86-4-351,311.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 35°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 35°
S163-470120-SC-M86-4-401,311.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 40°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 40°
S163-470120-SC-M86-4-451,311.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 45°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 45°
S163-525030-24-M86-4-01,301.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 0°CORONA-180 green 525nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 0°
S163-525030-24-M86-4-51,301.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 5°CORONA-180 green 525nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 5°
S163-525030-24-M86-4-101,301.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 10°CORONA-180 green 525nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 10°
S163-525030-24-M86-4-151,301.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 15°CORONA-180 green 525nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 15°
S163-525030-24-M86-4-201,301.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 20°CORONA-180 green 525nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 20°
S163-525030-24-M86-4-251,301.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 25°CORONA-180 green 525nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 25°
S163-525030-24-M86-4-301,301.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 30°CORONA-180 green 525nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 30°
S163-525030-24-M86-4-351,301.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 35°CORONA-180 green 525nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 35°
S163-525030-24-M86-4-401,301.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 40°CORONA-180 green 525nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 40°
S163-525030-24-M86-4-451,301.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 45°CORONA-180 green 525nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 45°
S163-525030-SC-M86-4-01,311.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 0°CORONA-180 green 525nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 0°
S163-525030-SC-M86-4-51,311.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 5°CORONA-180 green 525nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 5°
S163-525030-SC-M86-4-101,311.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 10°CORONA-180 green 525nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 10°
S163-525030-SC-M86-4-151,311.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 15°CORONA-180 green 525nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 15°
S163-525030-SC-M86-4-201,311.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 20°CORONA-180 green 525nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 20°
S163-525030-SC-M86-4-251,311.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 25°CORONA-180 green 525nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 25°
S163-525030-SC-M86-4-301,311.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 30°CORONA-180 green 525nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 30°
S163-525030-SC-M86-4-351,311.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 35°CORONA-180 green 525nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 35°
S163-525030-SC-M86-4-401,311.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 40°CORONA-180 green 525nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 40°
S163-525030-SC-M86-4-451,311.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 45°CORONA-180 green 525nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 45°
S163-525120-24-M86-4-01,301.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 0°CORONA-180 green 525nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 0°
S163-525120-24-M86-4-51,301.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 5°CORONA-180 green 525nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 5°
S163-525120-24-M86-4-101,301.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 10°CORONA-180 green 525nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 10°
S163-525120-24-M86-4-151,301.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 15°CORONA-180 green 525nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 15°
S163-525120-24-M86-4-201,301.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 20°CORONA-180 green 525nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 20°
S163-525120-24-M86-4-251,301.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 25°CORONA-180 green 525nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 25°
S163-525120-24-M86-4-301,301.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 30°CORONA-180 green 525nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 30°
S163-525120-24-M86-4-351,301.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 35°CORONA-180 green 525nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 35°
S163-525120-24-M86-4-401,301.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 40°CORONA-180 green 525nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 40°
S163-525120-24-M86-4-451,301.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 45°CORONA-180 green 525nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 45°
S163-525120-SC-M86-4-01,311.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 0°CORONA-180 green 525nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 0°
S163-525120-SC-M86-4-51,311.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 5°CORONA-180 green 525nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 5°
S163-525120-SC-M86-4-101,311.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 10°CORONA-180 green 525nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 10°
S163-525120-SC-M86-4-151,311.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 15°CORONA-180 green 525nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 15°
S163-525120-SC-M86-4-201,311.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 20°CORONA-180 green 525nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 20°
S163-525120-SC-M86-4-251,311.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 25°CORONA-180 green 525nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 25°
S163-525120-SC-M86-4-301,311.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 30°CORONA-180 green 525nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 30°
S163-525120-SC-M86-4-351,311.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 35°CORONA-180 green 525nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 35°
S163-525120-SC-M86-4-401,311.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 40°CORONA-180 green 525nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 40°
S163-525120-SC-M86-4-451,311.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 6-polig 4-kanalig 45°CORONA-180 green 525nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 6-pole 4-channel 45°
S163-617030-24-M12-8-01,352.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 30° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 0°CORONA-180 red 617nm 30° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 0°
S163-617030-24-M12-8-51,352.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 30° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 5°CORONA-180 red 617nm 30° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 5°
S163-617030-24-M12-8-101,352.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 30° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 10°CORONA-180 red 617nm 30° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 10°
S163-617030-24-M12-8-151,352.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 30° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 15°CORONA-180 red 617nm 30° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 15°
S163-617030-24-M12-8-201,352.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 30° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 20°CORONA-180 red 617nm 30° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 20°
S163-617030-24-M12-8-251,352.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 30° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 25°CORONA-180 red 617nm 30° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 25°
S163-617030-24-M12-8-301,352.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 30° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 30°CORONA-180 red 617nm 30° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 30°
S163-617030-24-M12-8-351,352.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 30° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 35°CORONA-180 red 617nm 30° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 35°
S163-617030-24-M12-8-401,352.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 30° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 40°CORONA-180 red 617nm 30° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 40°
S163-617030-24-M12-8-451,352.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 30° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 45°CORONA-180 red 617nm 30° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 45°
S163-617030-SC-M12-8-01,362.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 30° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 0°CORONA-180 red 617nm 30° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 0°
S163-617030-SC-M12-8-51,362.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 30° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 5°CORONA-180 red 617nm 30° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 5°
S163-617030-SC-M12-8-101,362.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 30° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 10°CORONA-180 red 617nm 30° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 10°
S163-617030-SC-M12-8-151,362.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 30° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 15°CORONA-180 red 617nm 30° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 15°
S163-617030-SC-M12-8-201,362.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 30° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 20°CORONA-180 red 617nm 30° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 20°
S163-617030-SC-M12-8-251,362.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 30° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 25°CORONA-180 red 617nm 30° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 25°
S163-617030-SC-M12-8-301,362.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 30° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 30°CORONA-180 red 617nm 30° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 30°
S163-617030-SC-M12-8-351,362.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 30° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 35°CORONA-180 red 617nm 30° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 35°
S163-617030-SC-M12-8-401,362.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 30° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 40°CORONA-180 red 617nm 30° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 40°
S163-617030-SC-M12-8-451,362.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 30° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 45°CORONA-180 red 617nm 30° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 45°
S163-617060-24-M12-8-01,352.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 60° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 0°CORONA-180 red 617nm 60° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 0°
S163-617060-24-M12-8-51,352.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 60° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 5°CORONA-180 red 617nm 60° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 5°
S163-617060-24-M12-8-101,352.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 60° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 10°CORONA-180 red 617nm 60° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 10°
S163-617060-24-M12-8-151,352.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 60° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 15°CORONA-180 red 617nm 60° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 15°
S163-617060-24-M12-8-201,352.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 60° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 20°CORONA-180 red 617nm 60° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 20°
S163-617060-24-M12-8-251,352.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 60° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 25°CORONA-180 red 617nm 60° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 25°
S163-617060-24-M12-8-301,352.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 60° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 30°CORONA-180 red 617nm 60° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 30°
S163-617060-24-M12-8-351,352.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 60° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 35°CORONA-180 red 617nm 60° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 35°
S163-617060-24-M12-8-401,352.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 60° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 40°CORONA-180 red 617nm 60° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 40°
S163-617060-24-M12-8-451,352.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 60° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 45°CORONA-180 red 617nm 60° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 45°
S163-617060-SC-M12-8-01,362.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 60° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 0°CORONA-180 red 617nm 60° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 0°
S163-617060-SC-M12-8-51,362.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 60° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 5°CORONA-180 red 617nm 60° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 5°
S163-617060-SC-M12-8-101,362.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 60° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 10°CORONA-180 red 617nm 60° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 10°
S163-617060-SC-M12-8-151,362.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 60° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 15°CORONA-180 red 617nm 60° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 15°
S163-617060-SC-M12-8-201,362.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 60° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 20°CORONA-180 red 617nm 60° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 20°
S163-617060-SC-M12-8-251,362.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 60° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 25°CORONA-180 red 617nm 60° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 25°
S163-617060-SC-M12-8-301,362.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 60° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 30°CORONA-180 red 617nm 60° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 30°
S163-617060-SC-M12-8-351,362.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 60° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 35°CORONA-180 red 617nm 60° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 35°
S163-617060-SC-M12-8-401,362.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 60° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 40°CORONA-180 red 617nm 60° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 40°
S163-617060-SC-M12-8-451,362.00 €CORONA-180 rot 617nm 60° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 45°CORONA-180 red 617nm 60° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 45°
S163-635120-24-M12-8-01,290.00 €CORONA-180 rot 635nm 120° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 0°CORONA-180 red 635nm 120° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 0°
S163-635120-24-M12-8-51,290.00 €CORONA-180 rot 635nm 120° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 5°CORONA-180 red 635nm 120° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 5°
S163-635120-24-M12-8-101,290.00 €CORONA-180 rot 635nm 120° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 10°CORONA-180 red 635nm 120° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 10°
S163-635120-24-M12-8-151,290.00 €CORONA-180 rot 635nm 120° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 15°CORONA-180 red 635nm 120° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 15°
S163-635120-24-M12-8-201,290.00 €CORONA-180 rot 635nm 120° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 20°CORONA-180 red 635nm 120° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 20°
S163-635120-24-M12-8-251,290.00 €CORONA-180 rot 635nm 120° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 25°CORONA-180 red 635nm 120° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 25°
S163-635120-24-M12-8-301,290.00 €CORONA-180 rot 635nm 120° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 30°CORONA-180 red 635nm 120° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 30°
S163-635120-24-M12-8-351,290.00 €CORONA-180 rot 635nm 120° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 35°CORONA-180 red 635nm 120° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 35°
S163-635120-24-M12-8-401,290.00 €CORONA-180 rot 635nm 120° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 40°CORONA-180 red 635nm 120° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 40°
S163-635120-24-M12-8-451,290.00 €CORONA-180 rot 635nm 120° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 45°CORONA-180 red 635nm 120° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 45°
S163-635120-SC-M12-8-01,300.00 €CORONA-180 rot 635nm 120° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 0°CORONA-180 red 635nm 120° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 0°
S163-635120-SC-M12-8-51,300.00 €CORONA-180 rot 635nm 120° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 5°CORONA-180 red 635nm 120° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 5°
S163-635120-SC-M12-8-101,300.00 €CORONA-180 rot 635nm 120° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 10°CORONA-180 red 635nm 120° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 10°
S163-635120-SC-M12-8-151,300.00 €CORONA-180 rot 635nm 120° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 15°CORONA-180 red 635nm 120° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 15°
S163-635120-SC-M12-8-201,300.00 €CORONA-180 rot 635nm 120° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 20°CORONA-180 red 635nm 120° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 20°
S163-635120-SC-M12-8-251,300.00 €CORONA-180 rot 635nm 120° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 25°CORONA-180 red 635nm 120° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 25°
S163-635120-SC-M12-8-301,300.00 €CORONA-180 rot 635nm 120° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 30°CORONA-180 red 635nm 120° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 30°
S163-635120-SC-M12-8-351,300.00 €CORONA-180 rot 635nm 120° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 35°CORONA-180 red 635nm 120° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 35°
S163-635120-SC-M12-8-401,300.00 €CORONA-180 rot 635nm 120° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 40°CORONA-180 red 635nm 120° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 40°
S163-635120-SC-M12-8-451,300.00 €CORONA-180 rot 635nm 120° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 45°CORONA-180 red 635nm 120° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 45°
S163-WLU120-24-M12-8-01,445.00 €CORONA-180 weiß 120° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 0°CORONA-180 white 120° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 0°
S163-WLU120-24-M12-8-51,445.00 €CORONA-180 weiß 120° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 5°CORONA-180 white 120° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 5°
S163-WLU120-24-M12-8-101,445.00 €CORONA-180 weiß 120° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 10°CORONA-180 white 120° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 10°
S163-WLU120-24-M12-8-151,445.00 €CORONA-180 weiß 120° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 15°CORONA-180 white 120° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 15°
S163-WLU120-24-M12-8-201,445.00 €CORONA-180 weiß 120° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 20°CORONA-180 white 120° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 20°
S163-WLU120-24-M12-8-251,445.00 €CORONA-180 weiß 120° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 25°CORONA-180 white 120° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 25°
S163-WLU120-24-M12-8-301,445.00 €CORONA-180 weiß 120° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 30°CORONA-180 white 120° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 30°
S163-WLU120-24-M12-8-351,445.00 €CORONA-180 weiß 120° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 35°CORONA-180 white 120° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 35°
S163-WLU120-24-M12-8-401,445.00 €CORONA-180 weiß 120° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 40°CORONA-180 white 120° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 40°
S163-WLU120-24-M12-8-451,445.00 €CORONA-180 weiß 120° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 45°CORONA-180 white 120° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 45°
S163-WLU120-SC-M12-8-01,455.00 €CORONA-180 weiß 120° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 0°CORONA-180 white 120° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 0°
S163-WLU120-SC-M12-8-51,455.00 €CORONA-180 weiß 120° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 5°CORONA-180 white 120° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 5°
S163-WLU120-SC-M12-8-101,455.00 €CORONA-180 weiß 120° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 10°CORONA-180 white 120° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 10°
S163-WLU120-SC-M12-8-151,455.00 €CORONA-180 weiß 120° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 15°CORONA-180 white 120° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 15°
S163-WLU120-SC-M12-8-201,455.00 €CORONA-180 weiß 120° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 20°CORONA-180 white 120° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 20°
S163-WLU120-SC-M12-8-251,455.00 €CORONA-180 weiß 120° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 25°CORONA-180 white 120° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 25°
S163-WLU120-SC-M12-8-301,455.00 €CORONA-180 weiß 120° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 30°CORONA-180 white 120° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 30°
S163-WLU120-SC-M12-8-351,455.00 €CORONA-180 weiß 120° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 35°CORONA-180 white 120° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 35°
S163-WLU120-SC-M12-8-401,455.00 €CORONA-180 weiß 120° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 40°CORONA-180 white 120° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 40°
S163-WLU120-SC-M12-8-451,455.00 €CORONA-180 weiß 120° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 45°CORONA-180 white 120° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 45°
S163-850030-24-M12-8-01,389.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 0°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 0°
S163-850030-24-M12-8-51,389.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 5°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 5°
S163-850030-24-M12-8-101,389.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 10°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 10°
S163-850030-24-M12-8-151,389.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 15°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 15°
S163-850030-24-M12-8-201,389.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 20°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 20°
S163-850030-24-M12-8-251,389.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 25°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 25°
S163-850030-24-M12-8-301,389.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 30°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 30°
S163-850030-24-M12-8-351,389.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 35°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 35°
S163-850030-24-M12-8-401,389.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 40°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 40°
S163-850030-24-M12-8-451,389.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 45°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 45°
S163-850030-SC-M12-8-01,399.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 0°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 0°
S163-850030-SC-M12-8-51,399.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 5°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 5°
S163-850030-SC-M12-8-101,399.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 10°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 10°
S163-850030-SC-M12-8-151,399.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 15°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 15°
S163-850030-SC-M12-8-201,399.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 20°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 20°
S163-850030-SC-M12-8-251,399.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 25°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 25°
S163-850030-SC-M12-8-301,399.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 30°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 30°
S163-850030-SC-M12-8-351,399.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 35°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 35°
S163-850030-SC-M12-8-401,399.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 40°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 40°
S163-850030-SC-M12-8-451,399.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 45°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 30° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 45°
S163-850050-24-M12-8-01,389.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 0°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 0°
S163-850050-24-M12-8-51,389.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 5°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 5°
S163-850050-24-M12-8-101,389.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 10°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 10°
S163-850050-24-M12-8-151,389.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 15°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 15°
S163-850050-24-M12-8-201,389.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 20°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 20°
S163-850050-24-M12-8-251,389.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 25°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 25°
S163-850050-24-M12-8-301,389.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 30°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 30°
S163-850050-24-M12-8-351,389.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 35°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 35°
S163-850050-24-M12-8-401,389.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 40°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 40°
S163-850050-24-M12-8-451,389.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 45°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 45°
S163-850050-SC-M12-8-01,399.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 0°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 0°
S163-850050-SC-M12-8-51,399.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 5°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 5°
S163-850050-SC-M12-8-101,399.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 10°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 10°
S163-850050-SC-M12-8-151,399.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 15°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 15°
S163-850050-SC-M12-8-201,399.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 20°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 20°
S163-850050-SC-M12-8-251,399.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 25°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 25°
S163-850050-SC-M12-8-301,399.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 30°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 30°
S163-850050-SC-M12-8-351,399.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 35°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 35°
S163-850050-SC-M12-8-401,399.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 40°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 40°
S163-850050-SC-M12-8-451,399.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 45°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 50° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 45°
S163-850120-24-M12-8-01,357.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 0°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 0°
S163-850120-24-M12-8-51,357.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 5°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 5°
S163-850120-24-M12-8-101,357.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 10°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 10°
S163-850120-24-M12-8-151,357.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 15°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 15°
S163-850120-24-M12-8-201,357.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 20°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 20°
S163-850120-24-M12-8-251,357.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 25°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 25°
S163-850120-24-M12-8-301,357.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 30°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 30°
S163-850120-24-M12-8-351,357.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 35°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 35°
S163-850120-24-M12-8-401,357.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 40°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 40°
S163-850120-24-M12-8-451,357.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 45°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 45°
S163-850120-SC-M12-8-01,367.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 0°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 0°
S163-850120-SC-M12-8-51,367.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 5°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 5°
S163-850120-SC-M12-8-101,367.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 10°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 10°
S163-850120-SC-M12-8-151,367.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 15°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 15°
S163-850120-SC-M12-8-201,367.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 20°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 20°
S163-850120-SC-M12-8-251,367.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 25°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 25°
S163-850120-SC-M12-8-301,367.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 30°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 30°
S163-850120-SC-M12-8-351,367.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 35°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 35°
S163-850120-SC-M12-8-401,367.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 40°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 40°
S163-850120-SC-M12-8-451,367.00 €CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 45°CORONA-180 IR 850nm 120° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 45°
S163-470030-24-M12-8-01,445.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 30° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 0°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 30° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 0°
S163-470030-24-M12-8-51,445.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 30° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 5°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 30° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 5°
S163-470030-24-M12-8-101,445.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 30° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 10°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 30° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 10°
S163-470030-24-M12-8-151,445.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 30° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 15°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 30° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 15°
S163-470030-24-M12-8-201,445.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 30° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 20°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 30° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 20°
S163-470030-24-M12-8-251,445.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 30° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 25°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 30° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 25°
S163-470030-24-M12-8-301,445.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 30° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 30°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 30° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 30°
S163-470030-24-M12-8-351,445.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 30° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 35°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 30° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 35°
S163-470030-24-M12-8-401,445.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 30° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 40°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 30° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 40°
S163-470030-24-M12-8-451,445.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 30° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 45°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 30° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 45°
S163-470030-SC-M12-8-01,455.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 30° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 0°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 30° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 0°
S163-470030-SC-M12-8-51,455.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 30° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 5°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 30° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 5°
S163-470030-SC-M12-8-101,455.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 30° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 10°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 30° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 10°
S163-470030-SC-M12-8-151,455.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 30° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 15°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 30° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 15°
S163-470030-SC-M12-8-201,455.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 30° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 20°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 30° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 20°
S163-470030-SC-M12-8-251,455.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 30° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 25°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 30° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 25°
S163-470030-SC-M12-8-301,455.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 30° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 30°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 30° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 30°
S163-470030-SC-M12-8-351,455.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 30° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 35°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 30° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 35°
S163-470030-SC-M12-8-401,455.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 30° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 40°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 30° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 40°
S163-470030-SC-M12-8-451,455.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 30° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 45°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 30° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 45°
S163-470120-24-M12-8-01,445.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 120° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 0°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 120° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 0°
S163-470120-24-M12-8-51,445.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 120° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 5°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 120° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 5°
S163-470120-24-M12-8-101,445.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 120° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 10°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 120° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 10°
S163-470120-24-M12-8-151,445.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 120° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 15°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 120° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 15°
S163-470120-24-M12-8-201,445.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 120° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 20°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 120° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 20°
S163-470120-24-M12-8-251,445.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 120° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 25°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 120° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 25°
S163-470120-24-M12-8-301,445.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 120° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 30°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 120° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 30°
S163-470120-24-M12-8-351,445.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 120° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 35°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 120° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 35°
S163-470120-24-M12-8-401,445.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 120° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 40°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 120° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 40°
S163-470120-24-M12-8-451,445.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 120° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 45°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 120° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 45°
S163-470120-SC-M12-8-01,455.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 120° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 0°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 120° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 0°
S163-470120-SC-M12-8-51,455.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 120° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 5°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 120° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 5°
S163-470120-SC-M12-8-101,455.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 120° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 10°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 120° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 10°
S163-470120-SC-M12-8-151,455.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 120° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 15°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 120° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 15°
S163-470120-SC-M12-8-201,455.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 120° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 20°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 120° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 20°
S163-470120-SC-M12-8-251,455.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 120° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 25°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 120° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 25°
S163-470120-SC-M12-8-301,455.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 120° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 30°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 120° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 30°
S163-470120-SC-M12-8-351,455.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 120° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 35°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 120° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 35°
S163-470120-SC-M12-8-401,455.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 120° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 40°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 120° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 40°
S163-470120-SC-M12-8-451,455.00 €CORONA-180 blau 470nm 120° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 45°CORONA-180 blue 470nm 120° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 45°
S163-525030-24-M12-8-01,445.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 30° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 0°CORONA-180 green 525nm 30° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 0°
S163-525030-24-M12-8-51,445.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 30° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 5°CORONA-180 green 525nm 30° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 5°
S163-525030-24-M12-8-101,445.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 30° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 10°CORONA-180 green 525nm 30° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 10°
S163-525030-24-M12-8-151,445.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 30° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 15°CORONA-180 green 525nm 30° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 15°
S163-525030-24-M12-8-201,445.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 30° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 20°CORONA-180 green 525nm 30° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 20°
S163-525030-24-M12-8-251,445.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 30° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 25°CORONA-180 green 525nm 30° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 25°
S163-525030-24-M12-8-301,445.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 30° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 30°CORONA-180 green 525nm 30° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 30°
S163-525030-24-M12-8-351,445.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 30° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 35°CORONA-180 green 525nm 30° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 35°
S163-525030-24-M12-8-401,445.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 30° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 40°CORONA-180 green 525nm 30° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 40°
S163-525030-24-M12-8-451,445.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 30° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 45°CORONA-180 green 525nm 30° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 45°
S163-525030-SC-M12-8-01,455.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 30° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 0°CORONA-180 green 525nm 30° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 0°
S163-525030-SC-M12-8-51,455.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 30° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 5°CORONA-180 green 525nm 30° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 5°
S163-525030-SC-M12-8-101,455.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 30° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 10°CORONA-180 green 525nm 30° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 10°
S163-525030-SC-M12-8-151,455.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 30° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 15°CORONA-180 green 525nm 30° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 15°
S163-525030-SC-M12-8-201,455.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 30° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 20°CORONA-180 green 525nm 30° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 20°
S163-525030-SC-M12-8-251,455.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 30° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 25°CORONA-180 green 525nm 30° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 25°
S163-525030-SC-M12-8-301,455.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 30° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 30°CORONA-180 green 525nm 30° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 30°
S163-525030-SC-M12-8-351,455.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 30° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 35°CORONA-180 green 525nm 30° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 35°
S163-525030-SC-M12-8-401,455.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 30° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 40°CORONA-180 green 525nm 30° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 40°
S163-525030-SC-M12-8-451,455.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 30° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 45°CORONA-180 green 525nm 30° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 45°
S163-525120-24-M12-8-01,445.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 120° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 0°CORONA-180 green 525nm 120° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 0°
S163-525120-24-M12-8-51,445.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 120° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 5°CORONA-180 green 525nm 120° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 5°
S163-525120-24-M12-8-101,445.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 120° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 10°CORONA-180 green 525nm 120° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 10°
S163-525120-24-M12-8-151,445.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 120° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 15°CORONA-180 green 525nm 120° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 15°
S163-525120-24-M12-8-201,445.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 120° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 20°CORONA-180 green 525nm 120° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 20°
S163-525120-24-M12-8-251,445.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 120° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 25°CORONA-180 green 525nm 120° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 25°
S163-525120-24-M12-8-301,445.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 120° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 30°CORONA-180 green 525nm 120° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 30°
S163-525120-24-M12-8-351,445.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 120° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 35°CORONA-180 green 525nm 120° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 35°
S163-525120-24-M12-8-401,445.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 120° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 40°CORONA-180 green 525nm 120° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 40°
S163-525120-24-M12-8-451,445.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 120° 24V-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 45°CORONA-180 green 525nm 120° 24V-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 45°
S163-525120-SC-M12-8-01,455.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 120° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 0°CORONA-180 green 525nm 120° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 0°
S163-525120-SC-M12-8-51,455.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 120° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 5°CORONA-180 green 525nm 120° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 5°
S163-525120-SC-M12-8-101,455.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 120° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 10°CORONA-180 green 525nm 120° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 10°
S163-525120-SC-M12-8-151,455.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 120° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 15°CORONA-180 green 525nm 120° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 15°
S163-525120-SC-M12-8-201,455.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 120° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 20°CORONA-180 green 525nm 120° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 20°
S163-525120-SC-M12-8-251,455.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 120° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 25°CORONA-180 green 525nm 120° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 25°
S163-525120-SC-M12-8-301,455.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 120° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 30°CORONA-180 green 525nm 120° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 30°
S163-525120-SC-M12-8-351,455.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 120° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 35°CORONA-180 green 525nm 120° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 35°
S163-525120-SC-M12-8-401,455.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 120° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 40°CORONA-180 green 525nm 120° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 40°
S163-525120-SC-M12-8-451,455.00 €CORONA-180 grün 525nm 120° SC-Typ M12 Stecker 17-polig 8-kanalig 45°CORONA-180 green 525nm 120° SC-Type M12 plug 17-pole 8-channel 45°
S162-617030-24-M84-1-01,100.00 €CORONA-L rot 617nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 0°CORONA-L red 617nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 0°
S162-617030-24-M84-1-51,100.00 €CORONA-L rot 617nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 5°CORONA-L red 617nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 5°
S162-617030-24-M84-1-101,100.00 €CORONA-L rot 617nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 10°CORONA-L red 617nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 10°
S162-617030-24-M84-1-151,100.00 €CORONA-L rot 617nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 15°CORONA-L red 617nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 15°
S162-617030-24-M84-1-201,100.00 €CORONA-L rot 617nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 20°CORONA-L red 617nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 20°
S162-617030-24-M84-1-251,100.00 €CORONA-L rot 617nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 25°CORONA-L red 617nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 25°
S162-617030-24-M84-1-301,100.00 €CORONA-L rot 617nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 30°CORONA-L red 617nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 30°
S162-617030-24-M84-1-351,100.00 €CORONA-L rot 617nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 35°CORONA-L red 617nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 35°
S162-617030-24-M84-1-401,100.00 €CORONA-L rot 617nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 40°CORONA-L red 617nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 40°
S162-617030-24-M84-1-451,100.00 €CORONA-L rot 617nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 45°CORONA-L red 617nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 45°
S162-617030-24S-M84-1-01,135.00 €CORONA-L rot 617nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 0°CORONA-L red 617nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 0°
S162-617030-24S-M84-1-51,135.00 €CORONA-L rot 617nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 5°CORONA-L red 617nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 5°
S162-617030-24S-M84-1-101,135.00 €CORONA-L rot 617nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 10°CORONA-L red 617nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 10°
S162-617030-24S-M84-1-151,135.00 €CORONA-L rot 617nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 15°CORONA-L red 617nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 15°
S162-617030-24S-M84-1-201,135.00 €CORONA-L rot 617nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 20°CORONA-L red 617nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 20°
S162-617030-24S-M84-1-251,135.00 €CORONA-L rot 617nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 25°CORONA-L red 617nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 25°
S162-617030-24S-M84-1-301,135.00 €CORONA-L rot 617nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 30°CORONA-L red 617nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 30°
S162-617030-24S-M84-1-351,135.00 €CORONA-L rot 617nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 35°CORONA-L red 617nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 35°
S162-617030-24S-M84-1-401,135.00 €CORONA-L rot 617nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 40°CORONA-L red 617nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 40°
S162-617030-24S-M84-1-451,135.00 €CORONA-L rot 617nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 45°CORONA-L red 617nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 45°
S162-617030-SC-M84-1-01,110.00 €CORONA-L rot 617nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 0°CORONA-L red 617nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 0°
S162-617030-SC-M84-1-51,110.00 €CORONA-L rot 617nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 5°CORONA-L red 617nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 5°
S162-617030-SC-M84-1-101,110.00 €CORONA-L rot 617nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 10°CORONA-L red 617nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 10°
S162-617030-SC-M84-1-151,110.00 €CORONA-L rot 617nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 15°CORONA-L red 617nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 15°
S162-617030-SC-M84-1-201,110.00 €CORONA-L rot 617nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 20°CORONA-L red 617nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 20°
S162-617030-SC-M84-1-251,110.00 €CORONA-L rot 617nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 25°CORONA-L red 617nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 25°
S162-617030-SC-M84-1-301,110.00 €CORONA-L rot 617nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 30°CORONA-L red 617nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 30°
S162-617030-SC-M84-1-351,110.00 €CORONA-L rot 617nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 35°CORONA-L red 617nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 35°
S162-617030-SC-M84-1-401,110.00 €CORONA-L rot 617nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 40°CORONA-L red 617nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 40°
S162-617030-SC-M84-1-451,110.00 €CORONA-L rot 617nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 45°CORONA-L red 617nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 45°
S162-617060-24-M84-1-01,100.00 €CORONA-L rot 617nm 60° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 0°CORONA-L red 617nm 60° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 0°
S162-617060-24-M84-1-51,100.00 €CORONA-L rot 617nm 60° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 5°CORONA-L red 617nm 60° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 5°
S162-617060-24-M84-1-101,100.00 €CORONA-L rot 617nm 60° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 10°CORONA-L red 617nm 60° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 10°
S162-617060-24-M84-1-151,100.00 €CORONA-L rot 617nm 60° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 15°CORONA-L red 617nm 60° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 15°
S162-617060-24-M84-1-201,100.00 €CORONA-L rot 617nm 60° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 20°CORONA-L red 617nm 60° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 20°
S162-617060-24-M84-1-251,100.00 €CORONA-L rot 617nm 60° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 25°CORONA-L red 617nm 60° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 25°
S162-617060-24-M84-1-301,100.00 €CORONA-L rot 617nm 60° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 30°CORONA-L red 617nm 60° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 30°
S162-617060-24-M84-1-351,100.00 €CORONA-L rot 617nm 60° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 35°CORONA-L red 617nm 60° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 35°
S162-617060-24-M84-1-401,100.00 €CORONA-L rot 617nm 60° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 40°CORONA-L red 617nm 60° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 40°
S162-617060-24-M84-1-451,100.00 €CORONA-L rot 617nm 60° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 45°CORONA-L red 617nm 60° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 45°
S162-617060-24S-M84-1-01,135.00 €CORONA-L rot 617nm 60° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 0°CORONA-L red 617nm 60° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 0°
S162-617060-24S-M84-1-51,135.00 €CORONA-L rot 617nm 60° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 5°CORONA-L red 617nm 60° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 5°
S162-617060-24S-M84-1-101,135.00 €CORONA-L rot 617nm 60° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 10°CORONA-L red 617nm 60° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 10°
S162-617060-24S-M84-1-151,135.00 €CORONA-L rot 617nm 60° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 15°CORONA-L red 617nm 60° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 15°
S162-617060-24S-M84-1-201,135.00 €CORONA-L rot 617nm 60° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 20°CORONA-L red 617nm 60° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 20°
S162-617060-24S-M84-1-251,135.00 €CORONA-L rot 617nm 60° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 25°CORONA-L red 617nm 60° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 25°
S162-617060-24S-M84-1-301,135.00 €CORONA-L rot 617nm 60° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 30°CORONA-L red 617nm 60° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 30°
S162-617060-24S-M84-1-351,135.00 €CORONA-L rot 617nm 60° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 35°CORONA-L red 617nm 60° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 35°
S162-617060-24S-M84-1-401,135.00 €CORONA-L rot 617nm 60° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 40°CORONA-L red 617nm 60° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 40°
S162-617060-24S-M84-1-451,135.00 €CORONA-L rot 617nm 60° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 45°CORONA-L red 617nm 60° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 45°
S162-617060-SC-M84-1-01,110.00 €CORONA-L rot 617nm 60° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 0°CORONA-L red 617nm 60° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 0°
S162-617060-SC-M84-1-51,110.00 €CORONA-L rot 617nm 60° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 5°CORONA-L red 617nm 60° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 5°
S162-617060-SC-M84-1-101,110.00 €CORONA-L rot 617nm 60° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 10°CORONA-L red 617nm 60° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 10°
S162-617060-SC-M84-1-151,110.00 €CORONA-L rot 617nm 60° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 15°CORONA-L red 617nm 60° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 15°
S162-617060-SC-M84-1-201,110.00 €CORONA-L rot 617nm 60° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 20°CORONA-L red 617nm 60° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 20°
S162-617060-SC-M84-1-251,110.00 €CORONA-L rot 617nm 60° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 25°CORONA-L red 617nm 60° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 25°
S162-617060-SC-M84-1-301,110.00 €CORONA-L rot 617nm 60° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 30°CORONA-L red 617nm 60° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 30°
S162-617060-SC-M84-1-351,110.00 €CORONA-L rot 617nm 60° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 35°CORONA-L red 617nm 60° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 35°
S162-617060-SC-M84-1-401,110.00 €CORONA-L rot 617nm 60° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 40°CORONA-L red 617nm 60° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 40°
S162-617060-SC-M84-1-451,110.00 €CORONA-L rot 617nm 60° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 45°CORONA-L red 617nm 60° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 45°
S162-635120-24-M84-1-01,058.00 €CORONA-L rot 635nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 0°CORONA-L red 635nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 0°
S162-635120-24-M84-1-51,058.00 €CORONA-L rot 635nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 5°CORONA-L red 635nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 5°
S162-635120-24-M84-1-101,058.00 €CORONA-L rot 635nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 10°CORONA-L red 635nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 10°
S162-635120-24-M84-1-151,058.00 €CORONA-L rot 635nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 15°CORONA-L red 635nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 15°
S162-635120-24-M84-1-201,058.00 €CORONA-L rot 635nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 20°CORONA-L red 635nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 20°
S162-635120-24-M84-1-251,058.00 €CORONA-L rot 635nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 25°CORONA-L red 635nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 25°
S162-635120-24-M84-1-301,058.00 €CORONA-L rot 635nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 30°CORONA-L red 635nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 30°
S162-635120-24-M84-1-351,058.00 €CORONA-L rot 635nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 35°CORONA-L red 635nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 35°
S162-635120-24-M84-1-401,058.00 €CORONA-L rot 635nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 40°CORONA-L red 635nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 40°
S162-635120-24-M84-1-451,058.00 €CORONA-L rot 635nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 45°CORONA-L red 635nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 45°
S162-635120-24S-M84-1-01,093.00 €CORONA-L rot 635nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 0°CORONA-L red 635nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 0°
S162-635120-24S-M84-1-51,093.00 €CORONA-L rot 635nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 5°CORONA-L red 635nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 5°
S162-635120-24S-M84-1-101,093.00 €CORONA-L rot 635nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 10°CORONA-L red 635nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 10°
S162-635120-24S-M84-1-151,093.00 €CORONA-L rot 635nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 15°CORONA-L red 635nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 15°
S162-635120-24S-M84-1-201,093.00 €CORONA-L rot 635nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 20°CORONA-L red 635nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 20°
S162-635120-24S-M84-1-251,093.00 €CORONA-L rot 635nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 25°CORONA-L red 635nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 25°
S162-635120-24S-M84-1-301,093.00 €CORONA-L rot 635nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 30°CORONA-L red 635nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 30°
S162-635120-24S-M84-1-351,093.00 €CORONA-L rot 635nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 35°CORONA-L red 635nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 35°
S162-635120-24S-M84-1-401,093.00 €CORONA-L rot 635nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 40°CORONA-L red 635nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 40°
S162-635120-24S-M84-1-451,093.00 €CORONA-L rot 635nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 45°CORONA-L red 635nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 45°
S162-635120-SC-M84-1-01,068.00 €CORONA-L rot 635nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 0°CORONA-L red 635nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 0°
S162-635120-SC-M84-1-51,068.00 €CORONA-L rot 635nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 5°CORONA-L red 635nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 5°
S162-635120-SC-M84-1-101,068.00 €CORONA-L rot 635nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 10°CORONA-L red 635nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 10°
S162-635120-SC-M84-1-151,068.00 €CORONA-L rot 635nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 15°CORONA-L red 635nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 15°
S162-635120-SC-M84-1-201,068.00 €CORONA-L rot 635nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 20°CORONA-L red 635nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 20°
S162-635120-SC-M84-1-251,068.00 €CORONA-L rot 635nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 25°CORONA-L red 635nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 25°
S162-635120-SC-M84-1-301,068.00 €CORONA-L rot 635nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 30°CORONA-L red 635nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 30°
S162-635120-SC-M84-1-351,068.00 €CORONA-L rot 635nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 35°CORONA-L red 635nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 35°
S162-635120-SC-M84-1-401,068.00 €CORONA-L rot 635nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 40°CORONA-L red 635nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 40°
S162-635120-SC-M84-1-451,068.00 €CORONA-L rot 635nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 45°CORONA-L red 635nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 45°
S162-WLU120-24-M84-1-01,209.00 €CORONA-L weiß 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 0°CORONA-L white 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 0°
S162-WLU120-24-M84-1-51,209.00 €CORONA-L weiß 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 5°CORONA-L white 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 5°
S162-WLU120-24-M84-1-101,209.00 €CORONA-L weiß 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 10°CORONA-L white 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 10°
S162-WLU120-24-M84-1-151,209.00 €CORONA-L weiß 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 15°CORONA-L white 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 15°
S162-WLU120-24-M84-1-201,209.00 €CORONA-L weiß 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 20°CORONA-L white 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 20°
S162-WLU120-24-M84-1-251,209.00 €CORONA-L weiß 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 25°CORONA-L white 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 25°
S162-WLU120-24-M84-1-301,209.00 €CORONA-L weiß 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 30°CORONA-L white 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 30°
S162-WLU120-24-M84-1-351,209.00 €CORONA-L weiß 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 35°CORONA-L white 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 35°
S162-WLU120-24-M84-1-401,209.00 €CORONA-L weiß 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 40°CORONA-L white 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 40°
S162-WLU120-24-M84-1-451,209.00 €CORONA-L weiß 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 45°CORONA-L white 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 45°
S162-WLU120-24S-M84-1-01,244.00 €CORONA-L weiß 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 0°CORONA-L white 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 0°
S162-WLU120-24S-M84-1-51,244.00 €CORONA-L weiß 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 5°CORONA-L white 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 5°
S162-WLU120-24S-M84-1-101,244.00 €CORONA-L weiß 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 10°CORONA-L white 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 10°
S162-WLU120-24S-M84-1-151,244.00 €CORONA-L weiß 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 15°CORONA-L white 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 15°
S162-WLU120-24S-M84-1-201,244.00 €CORONA-L weiß 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 20°CORONA-L white 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 20°
S162-WLU120-24S-M84-1-251,244.00 €CORONA-L weiß 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 25°CORONA-L white 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 25°
S162-WLU120-24S-M84-1-301,244.00 €CORONA-L weiß 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 30°CORONA-L white 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 30°
S162-WLU120-24S-M84-1-351,244.00 €CORONA-L weiß 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 35°CORONA-L white 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 35°
S162-WLU120-24S-M84-1-401,244.00 €CORONA-L weiß 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 40°CORONA-L white 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 40°
S162-WLU120-24S-M84-1-451,244.00 €CORONA-L weiß 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 45°CORONA-L white 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 45°
S162-WLU120-SC-M84-1-01,219.00 €CORONA-L weiß 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 0°CORONA-L white 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 0°
S162-WLU120-SC-M84-1-51,219.00 €CORONA-L weiß 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 5°CORONA-L white 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 5°
S162-WLU120-SC-M84-1-101,219.00 €CORONA-L weiß 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 10°CORONA-L white 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 10°
S162-WLU120-SC-M84-1-151,219.00 €CORONA-L weiß 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 15°CORONA-L white 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 15°
S162-WLU120-SC-M84-1-201,219.00 €CORONA-L weiß 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 20°CORONA-L white 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 20°
S162-WLU120-SC-M84-1-251,219.00 €CORONA-L weiß 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 25°CORONA-L white 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 25°
S162-WLU120-SC-M84-1-301,219.00 €CORONA-L weiß 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 30°CORONA-L white 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 30°
S162-WLU120-SC-M84-1-351,219.00 €CORONA-L weiß 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 35°CORONA-L white 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 35°
S162-WLU120-SC-M84-1-401,219.00 €CORONA-L weiß 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 40°CORONA-L white 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 40°
S162-WLU120-SC-M84-1-451,219.00 €CORONA-L weiß 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 45°CORONA-L white 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 45°
S162-850030-24-M84-1-01,157.00 €CORONA-L IR 850nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 0°CORONA-L IR 850nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 0°
S162-850030-24-M84-1-51,157.00 €CORONA-L IR 850nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 5°CORONA-L IR 850nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 5°
S162-850030-24-M84-1-101,157.00 €CORONA-L IR 850nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 10°CORONA-L IR 850nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 10°
S162-850030-24-M84-1-151,157.00 €CORONA-L IR 850nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 15°CORONA-L IR 850nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 15°
S162-850030-24-M84-1-201,157.00 €CORONA-L IR 850nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 20°CORONA-L IR 850nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 20°
S162-850030-24-M84-1-251,157.00 €CORONA-L IR 850nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 25°CORONA-L IR 850nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 25°
S162-850030-24-M84-1-301,157.00 €CORONA-L IR 850nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 30°CORONA-L IR 850nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 30°
S162-850030-24-M84-1-351,157.00 €CORONA-L IR 850nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 35°CORONA-L IR 850nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 35°
S162-850030-24-M84-1-401,157.00 €CORONA-L IR 850nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 40°CORONA-L IR 850nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 40°
S162-850030-24-M84-1-451,157.00 €CORONA-L IR 850nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 45°CORONA-L IR 850nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 45°
S162-850030-24S-M84-1-01,192.00 €CORONA-L IR 850nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 0°CORONA-L IR 850nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 0°
S162-850030-24S-M84-1-51,192.00 €CORONA-L IR 850nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 5°CORONA-L IR 850nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 5°
S162-850030-24S-M84-1-101,192.00 €CORONA-L IR 850nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 10°CORONA-L IR 850nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 10°
S162-850030-24S-M84-1-151,192.00 €CORONA-L IR 850nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 15°CORONA-L IR 850nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 15°
S162-850030-24S-M84-1-201,192.00 €CORONA-L IR 850nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 20°CORONA-L IR 850nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 20°
S162-850030-24S-M84-1-251,192.00 €CORONA-L IR 850nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 25°CORONA-L IR 850nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 25°
S162-850030-24S-M84-1-301,192.00 €CORONA-L IR 850nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 30°CORONA-L IR 850nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 30°
S162-850030-24S-M84-1-351,192.00 €CORONA-L IR 850nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 35°CORONA-L IR 850nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 35°
S162-850030-24S-M84-1-401,192.00 €CORONA-L IR 850nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 40°CORONA-L IR 850nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 40°
S162-850030-24S-M84-1-451,192.00 €CORONA-L IR 850nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 45°CORONA-L IR 850nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 45°
S162-850030-SC-M84-1-01,167.00 €CORONA-L IR 850nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 0°CORONA-L IR 850nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 0°
S162-850030-SC-M84-1-51,167.00 €CORONA-L IR 850nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 5°CORONA-L IR 850nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 5°
S162-850030-SC-M84-1-101,167.00 €CORONA-L IR 850nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 10°CORONA-L IR 850nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 10°
S162-850030-SC-M84-1-151,167.00 €CORONA-L IR 850nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 15°CORONA-L IR 850nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 15°
S162-850030-SC-M84-1-201,167.00 €CORONA-L IR 850nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 20°CORONA-L IR 850nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 20°
S162-850030-SC-M84-1-251,167.00 €CORONA-L IR 850nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 25°CORONA-L IR 850nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 25°
S162-850030-SC-M84-1-301,167.00 €CORONA-L IR 850nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 30°CORONA-L IR 850nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 30°
S162-850030-SC-M84-1-351,167.00 €CORONA-L IR 850nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 35°CORONA-L IR 850nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 35°
S162-850030-SC-M84-1-401,167.00 €CORONA-L IR 850nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 40°CORONA-L IR 850nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 40°
S162-850030-SC-M84-1-451,167.00 €CORONA-L IR 850nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 45°CORONA-L IR 850nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 45°
S162-850050-24-M84-1-01,157.00 €CORONA-L IR 850nm 50° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 0°CORONA-L IR 850nm 50° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 0°
S162-850050-24-M84-1-51,157.00 €CORONA-L IR 850nm 50° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 5°CORONA-L IR 850nm 50° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 5°
S162-850050-24-M84-1-101,157.00 €CORONA-L IR 850nm 50° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 10°CORONA-L IR 850nm 50° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 10°
S162-850050-24-M84-1-151,157.00 €CORONA-L IR 850nm 50° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 15°CORONA-L IR 850nm 50° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 15°
S162-850050-24-M84-1-201,157.00 €CORONA-L IR 850nm 50° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 20°CORONA-L IR 850nm 50° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 20°
S162-850050-24-M84-1-251,157.00 €CORONA-L IR 850nm 50° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 25°CORONA-L IR 850nm 50° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 25°
S162-850050-24-M84-1-301,157.00 €CORONA-L IR 850nm 50° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 30°CORONA-L IR 850nm 50° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 30°
S162-850050-24-M84-1-351,157.00 €CORONA-L IR 850nm 50° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 35°CORONA-L IR 850nm 50° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 35°
S162-850050-24-M84-1-401,157.00 €CORONA-L IR 850nm 50° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 40°CORONA-L IR 850nm 50° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 40°
S162-850050-24-M84-1-451,157.00 €CORONA-L IR 850nm 50° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 45°CORONA-L IR 850nm 50° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 45°
S162-850050-24S-M84-1-01,192.00 €CORONA-L IR 850nm 50° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 0°CORONA-L IR 850nm 50° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 0°
S162-850050-24S-M84-1-51,192.00 €CORONA-L IR 850nm 50° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 5°CORONA-L IR 850nm 50° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 5°
S162-850050-24S-M84-1-101,192.00 €CORONA-L IR 850nm 50° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 10°CORONA-L IR 850nm 50° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 10°
S162-850050-24S-M84-1-151,192.00 €CORONA-L IR 850nm 50° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 15°CORONA-L IR 850nm 50° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 15°
S162-850050-24S-M84-1-201,192.00 €CORONA-L IR 850nm 50° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 20°CORONA-L IR 850nm 50° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 20°
S162-850050-24S-M84-1-251,192.00 €CORONA-L IR 850nm 50° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 25°CORONA-L IR 850nm 50° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 25°
S162-850050-24S-M84-1-301,192.00 €CORONA-L IR 850nm 50° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 30°CORONA-L IR 850nm 50° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 30°
S162-850050-24S-M84-1-351,192.00 €CORONA-L IR 850nm 50° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 35°CORONA-L IR 850nm 50° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 35°
S162-850050-24S-M84-1-401,192.00 €CORONA-L IR 850nm 50° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 40°CORONA-L IR 850nm 50° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 40°
S162-850050-24S-M84-1-451,192.00 €CORONA-L IR 850nm 50° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 45°CORONA-L IR 850nm 50° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 45°
S162-850050-SC-M84-1-01,167.00 €CORONA-L IR 850nm 50° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 0°CORONA-L IR 850nm 50° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 0°
S162-850050-SC-M84-1-51,167.00 €CORONA-L IR 850nm 50° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 5°CORONA-L IR 850nm 50° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 5°
S162-850050-SC-M84-1-101,167.00 €CORONA-L IR 850nm 50° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 10°CORONA-L IR 850nm 50° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 10°
S162-850050-SC-M84-1-151,167.00 €CORONA-L IR 850nm 50° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 15°CORONA-L IR 850nm 50° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 15°
S162-850050-SC-M84-1-201,167.00 €CORONA-L IR 850nm 50° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 20°CORONA-L IR 850nm 50° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 20°
S162-850050-SC-M84-1-251,167.00 €CORONA-L IR 850nm 50° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 25°CORONA-L IR 850nm 50° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 25°
S162-850050-SC-M84-1-301,167.00 €CORONA-L IR 850nm 50° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 30°CORONA-L IR 850nm 50° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 30°
S162-850050-SC-M84-1-351,167.00 €CORONA-L IR 850nm 50° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 35°CORONA-L IR 850nm 50° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 35°
S162-850050-SC-M84-1-401,167.00 €CORONA-L IR 850nm 50° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 40°CORONA-L IR 850nm 50° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 40°
S162-850050-SC-M84-1-451,167.00 €CORONA-L IR 850nm 50° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 45°CORONA-L IR 850nm 50° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 45°
S162-850120-24-M84-1-01,131.00 €CORONA-L IR 850nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 0°CORONA-L IR 850nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 0°
S162-850120-24-M84-1-51,131.00 €CORONA-L IR 850nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 5°CORONA-L IR 850nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 5°
S162-850120-24-M84-1-101,131.00 €CORONA-L IR 850nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 10°CORONA-L IR 850nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 10°
S162-850120-24-M84-1-151,131.00 €CORONA-L IR 850nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 15°CORONA-L IR 850nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 15°
S162-850120-24-M84-1-201,131.00 €CORONA-L IR 850nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 20°CORONA-L IR 850nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 20°
S162-850120-24-M84-1-251,131.00 €CORONA-L IR 850nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 25°CORONA-L IR 850nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 25°
S162-850120-24-M84-1-301,131.00 €CORONA-L IR 850nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 30°CORONA-L IR 850nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 30°
S162-850120-24-M84-1-351,131.00 €CORONA-L IR 850nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 35°CORONA-L IR 850nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 35°
S162-850120-24-M84-1-401,131.00 €CORONA-L IR 850nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 40°CORONA-L IR 850nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 40°
S162-850120-24-M84-1-451,131.00 €CORONA-L IR 850nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 45°CORONA-L IR 850nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 45°
S162-850120-24S-M84-1-01,166.00 €CORONA-L IR 850nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 0°CORONA-L IR 850nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 0°
S162-850120-24S-M84-1-51,166.00 €CORONA-L IR 850nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 5°CORONA-L IR 850nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 5°
S162-850120-24S-M84-1-101,166.00 €CORONA-L IR 850nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 10°CORONA-L IR 850nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 10°
S162-850120-24S-M84-1-151,166.00 €CORONA-L IR 850nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 15°CORONA-L IR 850nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 15°
S162-850120-24S-M84-1-201,166.00 €CORONA-L IR 850nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 20°CORONA-L IR 850nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 20°
S162-850120-24S-M84-1-251,166.00 €CORONA-L IR 850nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 25°CORONA-L IR 850nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 25°
S162-850120-24S-M84-1-301,166.00 €CORONA-L IR 850nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 30°CORONA-L IR 850nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 30°
S162-850120-24S-M84-1-351,166.00 €CORONA-L IR 850nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 35°CORONA-L IR 850nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 35°
S162-850120-24S-M84-1-401,166.00 €CORONA-L IR 850nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 40°CORONA-L IR 850nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 40°
S162-850120-24S-M84-1-451,166.00 €CORONA-L IR 850nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 45°CORONA-L IR 850nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 45°
S162-850120-SC-M84-1-01,141.00 €CORONA-L IR 850nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 0°CORONA-L IR 850nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 0°
S162-850120-SC-M84-1-51,141.00 €CORONA-L IR 850nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 5°CORONA-L IR 850nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 5°
S162-850120-SC-M84-1-101,141.00 €CORONA-L IR 850nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 10°CORONA-L IR 850nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 10°
S162-850120-SC-M84-1-151,141.00 €CORONA-L IR 850nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 15°CORONA-L IR 850nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 15°
S162-850120-SC-M84-1-201,141.00 €CORONA-L IR 850nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 20°CORONA-L IR 850nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 20°
S162-850120-SC-M84-1-251,141.00 €CORONA-L IR 850nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 25°CORONA-L IR 850nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 25°
S162-850120-SC-M84-1-301,141.00 €CORONA-L IR 850nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 30°CORONA-L IR 850nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 30°
S162-850120-SC-M84-1-351,141.00 €CORONA-L IR 850nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 35°CORONA-L IR 850nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 35°
S162-850120-SC-M84-1-401,141.00 €CORONA-L IR 850nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 40°CORONA-L IR 850nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 40°
S162-850120-SC-M84-1-451,141.00 €CORONA-L IR 850nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 45°CORONA-L IR 850nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 45°
S162-470030-24-M84-1-01,209.00 €CORONA-L blau 470nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 0°CORONA-L blue 470nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 0°
S162-470030-24-M84-1-51,209.00 €CORONA-L blau 470nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 5°CORONA-L blue 470nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 5°
S162-470030-24-M84-1-101,209.00 €CORONA-L blau 470nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 10°CORONA-L blue 470nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 10°
S162-470030-24-M84-1-151,209.00 €CORONA-L blau 470nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 15°CORONA-L blue 470nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 15°
S162-470030-24-M84-1-201,209.00 €CORONA-L blau 470nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 20°CORONA-L blue 470nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 20°
S162-470030-24-M84-1-251,209.00 €CORONA-L blau 470nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 25°CORONA-L blue 470nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 25°
S162-470030-24-M84-1-301,209.00 €CORONA-L blau 470nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 30°CORONA-L blue 470nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 30°
S162-470030-24-M84-1-351,209.00 €CORONA-L blau 470nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 35°CORONA-L blue 470nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 35°
S162-470030-24-M84-1-401,209.00 €CORONA-L blau 470nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 40°CORONA-L blue 470nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 40°
S162-470030-24-M84-1-451,209.00 €CORONA-L blau 470nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 45°CORONA-L blue 470nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 45°
S162-470030-24S-M84-1-01,244.00 €CORONA-L blau 470nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 0°CORONA-L blue 470nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 0°
S162-470030-24S-M84-1-51,244.00 €CORONA-L blau 470nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 5°CORONA-L blue 470nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 5°
S162-470030-24S-M84-1-101,244.00 €CORONA-L blau 470nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 10°CORONA-L blue 470nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 10°
S162-470030-24S-M84-1-151,244.00 €CORONA-L blau 470nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 15°CORONA-L blue 470nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 15°
S162-470030-24S-M84-1-201,244.00 €CORONA-L blau 470nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 20°CORONA-L blue 470nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 20°
S162-470030-24S-M84-1-251,244.00 €CORONA-L blau 470nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 25°CORONA-L blue 470nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 25°
S162-470030-24S-M84-1-301,244.00 €CORONA-L blau 470nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 30°CORONA-L blue 470nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 30°
S162-470030-24S-M84-1-351,244.00 €CORONA-L blau 470nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 35°CORONA-L blue 470nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 35°
S162-470030-24S-M84-1-401,244.00 €CORONA-L blau 470nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 40°CORONA-L blue 470nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 40°
S162-470030-24S-M84-1-451,244.00 €CORONA-L blau 470nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 45°CORONA-L blue 470nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 45°
S162-470030-SC-M84-1-01,219.00 €CORONA-L blau 470nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 0°CORONA-L blue 470nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 0°
S162-470030-SC-M84-1-51,219.00 €CORONA-L blau 470nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 5°CORONA-L blue 470nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 5°
S162-470030-SC-M84-1-101,219.00 €CORONA-L blau 470nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 10°CORONA-L blue 470nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 10°
S162-470030-SC-M84-1-151,219.00 €CORONA-L blau 470nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 15°CORONA-L blue 470nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 15°
S162-470030-SC-M84-1-201,219.00 €CORONA-L blau 470nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 20°CORONA-L blue 470nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 20°
S162-470030-SC-M84-1-251,219.00 €CORONA-L blau 470nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 25°CORONA-L blue 470nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 25°
S162-470030-SC-M84-1-301,219.00 €CORONA-L blau 470nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 30°CORONA-L blue 470nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 30°
S162-470030-SC-M84-1-351,219.00 €CORONA-L blau 470nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 35°CORONA-L blue 470nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 35°
S162-470030-SC-M84-1-401,219.00 €CORONA-L blau 470nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 40°CORONA-L blue 470nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 40°
S162-470030-SC-M84-1-451,219.00 €CORONA-L blau 470nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 45°CORONA-L blue 470nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 45°
S162-470120-24-M84-1-01,209.00 €CORONA-L blau 470nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 0°CORONA-L blue 470nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 0°
S162-470120-24-M84-1-51,209.00 €CORONA-L blau 470nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 5°CORONA-L blue 470nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 5°
S162-470120-24-M84-1-101,209.00 €CORONA-L blau 470nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 10°CORONA-L blue 470nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 10°
S162-470120-24-M84-1-151,209.00 €CORONA-L blau 470nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 15°CORONA-L blue 470nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 15°
S162-470120-24-M84-1-201,209.00 €CORONA-L blau 470nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 20°CORONA-L blue 470nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 20°
S162-470120-24-M84-1-251,209.00 €CORONA-L blau 470nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 25°CORONA-L blue 470nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 25°
S162-470120-24-M84-1-301,209.00 €CORONA-L blau 470nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 30°CORONA-L blue 470nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 30°
S162-470120-24-M84-1-351,209.00 €CORONA-L blau 470nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 35°CORONA-L blue 470nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 35°
S162-470120-24-M84-1-401,209.00 €CORONA-L blau 470nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 40°CORONA-L blue 470nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 40°
S162-470120-24-M84-1-451,209.00 €CORONA-L blau 470nm 120° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 45°CORONA-L blue 470nm 120° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 45°
S162-470120-24S-M84-1-01,244.00 €CORONA-L blau 470nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 0°CORONA-L blue 470nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 0°
S162-470120-24S-M84-1-51,244.00 €CORONA-L blau 470nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 5°CORONA-L blue 470nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 5°
S162-470120-24S-M84-1-101,244.00 €CORONA-L blau 470nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 10°CORONA-L blue 470nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 10°
S162-470120-24S-M84-1-151,244.00 €CORONA-L blau 470nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 15°CORONA-L blue 470nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 15°
S162-470120-24S-M84-1-201,244.00 €CORONA-L blau 470nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 20°CORONA-L blue 470nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 20°
S162-470120-24S-M84-1-251,244.00 €CORONA-L blau 470nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 25°CORONA-L blue 470nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 25°
S162-470120-24S-M84-1-301,244.00 €CORONA-L blau 470nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 30°CORONA-L blue 470nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 30°
S162-470120-24S-M84-1-351,244.00 €CORONA-L blau 470nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 35°CORONA-L blue 470nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 35°
S162-470120-24S-M84-1-401,244.00 €CORONA-L blau 470nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 40°CORONA-L blue 470nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 40°
S162-470120-24S-M84-1-451,244.00 €CORONA-L blau 470nm 120° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 45°CORONA-L blue 470nm 120° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 45°
S162-470120-SC-M84-1-01,219.00 €CORONA-L blau 470nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 0°CORONA-L blue 470nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 0°
S162-470120-SC-M84-1-51,219.00 €CORONA-L blau 470nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 5°CORONA-L blue 470nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 5°
S162-470120-SC-M84-1-101,219.00 €CORONA-L blau 470nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 10°CORONA-L blue 470nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 10°
S162-470120-SC-M84-1-151,219.00 €CORONA-L blau 470nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 15°CORONA-L blue 470nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 15°
S162-470120-SC-M84-1-201,219.00 €CORONA-L blau 470nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 20°CORONA-L blue 470nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 20°
S162-470120-SC-M84-1-251,219.00 €CORONA-L blau 470nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 25°CORONA-L blue 470nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 25°
S162-470120-SC-M84-1-301,219.00 €CORONA-L blau 470nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 30°CORONA-L blue 470nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 30°
S162-470120-SC-M84-1-351,219.00 €CORONA-L blau 470nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 35°CORONA-L blue 470nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 35°
S162-470120-SC-M84-1-401,219.00 €CORONA-L blau 470nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 40°CORONA-L blue 470nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 40°
S162-470120-SC-M84-1-451,219.00 €CORONA-L blau 470nm 120° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 45°CORONA-L blue 470nm 120° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 45°
S162-525030-24-M84-1-01,209.00 €CORONA-L grün 525nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 0°CORONA-L green 525nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 0°
S162-525030-24-M84-1-51,209.00 €CORONA-L grün 525nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 5°CORONA-L green 525nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 5°
S162-525030-24-M84-1-101,209.00 €CORONA-L grün 525nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 10°CORONA-L green 525nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 10°
S162-525030-24-M84-1-151,209.00 €CORONA-L grün 525nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 15°CORONA-L green 525nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 15°
S162-525030-24-M84-1-201,209.00 €CORONA-L grün 525nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 20°CORONA-L green 525nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 20°
S162-525030-24-M84-1-251,209.00 €CORONA-L grün 525nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 25°CORONA-L green 525nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 25°
S162-525030-24-M84-1-301,209.00 €CORONA-L grün 525nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 30°CORONA-L green 525nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 30°
S162-525030-24-M84-1-351,209.00 €CORONA-L grün 525nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 35°CORONA-L green 525nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 35°
S162-525030-24-M84-1-401,209.00 €CORONA-L grün 525nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 40°CORONA-L green 525nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 40°
S162-525030-24-M84-1-451,209.00 €CORONA-L grün 525nm 30° 24V-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 45°CORONA-L green 525nm 30° 24V-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 45°
S162-525030-24S-M84-1-01,244.00 €CORONA-L grün 525nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 0°CORONA-L green 525nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 0°
S162-525030-24S-M84-1-51,244.00 €CORONA-L grün 525nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 5°CORONA-L green 525nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 5°
S162-525030-24S-M84-1-101,244.00 €CORONA-L grün 525nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 10°CORONA-L green 525nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 10°
S162-525030-24S-M84-1-151,244.00 €CORONA-L grün 525nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 15°CORONA-L green 525nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 15°
S162-525030-24S-M84-1-201,244.00 €CORONA-L grün 525nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 20°CORONA-L green 525nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 20°
S162-525030-24S-M84-1-251,244.00 €CORONA-L grün 525nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 25°CORONA-L green 525nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 25°
S162-525030-24S-M84-1-301,244.00 €CORONA-L grün 525nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 30°CORONA-L green 525nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 30°
S162-525030-24S-M84-1-351,244.00 €CORONA-L grün 525nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 35°CORONA-L green 525nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 35°
S162-525030-24S-M84-1-401,244.00 €CORONA-L grün 525nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 40°CORONA-L green 525nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 40°
S162-525030-24S-M84-1-451,244.00 €CORONA-L grün 525nm 30° 24V-Typ mit Schalteingang M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 45°CORONA-L green 525nm 30° 24V-Type with remote enable M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 45°
S162-525030-SC-M84-1-01,219.00 €CORONA-L grün 525nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 0°CORONA-L green 525nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 0°
S162-525030-SC-M84-1-51,219.00 €CORONA-L grün 525nm 30° SC-Typ M8 Stecker 4-polig 1-kanalig 5°CORONA-L green 525nm 30° SC-Type M8 plug 4-pole 1-channel 5°
S162-525030-SC-M84-1-101,219.00 €CORONA-L grün 525nm 30