Image processing
Complex term that covers a wide range of applications. There are five typical fields of image processing, whereby the boundaries between the fields are fluid:
– Generation of images for desktop publishing, electronic media and video games,
– Image transmission and thus image compression for transporting images via satellite and cable,
– Image processing for aesthetic reasons, to eliminate noise and blurring, etc,
– Image analysis for recognizing characters, surface defects, dimensional accuracy of objects,
– Scene analysis is one of the most interesting applications of image processing.
A typical application is the machine vision of a robot or an unmanned vehicle. Industrial image processing (IIP) is often part of the control of automated production processes. Image processing evaluates the information contained in the image (size and arrangement of image elements, etc.), whereby all manipulations of the image serve to better extract the desired information. As a technical-scientific tool, image processing must lead to reproducible results at all times.
See also image processing system.