Category: The first category

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The illuminance Ev (“v” for visual) is the photometric equivalent of the irradiance Ee in radiometry. Photometric quantities and units describe visible light according to the physiological perception of brightness by the human eye. Accordingly, the illuminance is equal to the irradiance in the spectral range of the human eye. Colloquially, it describes the “intensity” […]
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Image analysis

Image analysis refers to software and algorithms and is therefore part of image processing systems. Image analysis refers to a set of functions used to analyze, i.e. find, segment, characterize and classify the information contained in the images. The boundary to image processing is blurred.
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Image processing

Complex term that covers a wide range of applications. There are five typical fields of image processing, whereby the boundaries between the fields are fluid: – Generation of images for desktop publishing, electronic media and video games, – Image transmission and thus image compression for transporting images via satellite and cable, – Image processing for […]
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Image processing system

The integration of a machine vision system (BVS) in the manufacturing or production environment is usually a one-off project. This requires a precise task description. The basic structure of an image processing system consists of the following parts: – Lighting (mostly LED lighting) – Digital camera(s)(CMOS, CCD, thermography) – Objectives(entocentric, telecentric, microscope, telescope) – Video […]
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Incident light illumination

The lighting and camera are on the same side relative to the test object. A distinction is made between direct incident light and diffuse incident light. The opposite of reflected light illumination is transmitted light illumination or backlighting. Example of a direct incident light (source: Vision Doctor) Büchner offers a large selection of surface lighting […]
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Infrared lighting

Lighting that emits infrared radiation. Light sources can be thermal radiators or infrared LEDs. Applications can be found in security technology and image processing. LED lighting in near infrared is used in image processing when 1. a high degree of independence from extraneous light is to be achieved, 2. object details are better visible in […]
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Infrared radiation

Infrared radiation (IR radiation for short) refers to light with wavelengths between 780 nm and 1 mm. IR radiation is divided into near IR (NIR, 780 to 1400 nm), mid IR (MIR, 1.4 to 15 µm) and far IR (FIR, 15 to 1000 µm). Spectral ranges from the UV to the MIR. The CCD and […]
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Imprecise terminology for e.g. radiation intensity, light intensity or surface power density when transporting energy. The objective measurement for the “intensity” of lighting is the → irradiance E or Ee, measured in W/m². If the special characteristics of human perception are taken into account, this is referred to as → illuminance Ev.
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IP protection types

IP protection classes define the protection of electrical equipment against contact, foreign bodies and water. The abbreviation IP stands for “Ingress Protection”. The IP protection class codes are defined in IEC/EN 60529 and consist of two digits. The first digit indicates the protection against contact and dust (foreign bodies), the second digit against the ingress […]
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