Controllers are used for the precise current control (switching on and off) of LED lighting. Even small changes in voltage can increase the LED current and light emission so significantly that they can be destroyed in a very short time. It is therefore difficult to achieve precise lighting control via the power supply alone. A […]
Direct incident light can be any form of lighting in which LEDsshine directly onto the object. Ring lighting is often chosen for this purpose. Line lighting, bar lighting or surface lighting are also possible. Disturbing reflections can occur on reflective object surfaces. A distinction is made between bright field illumination and dark field illumination. Büchner […]
Abbr. for “light emitting diode”, light emitting diode, luminescent diode. Is installed in LED lighting in industrial image processing. LEDs are virtually wear-free. Ageing (several 10,000 h) reduces their luminosity somewhat. Strong (local) heating causes LEDs to age more quickly. Sufficient cooling must therefore be ensured. Typical LED spectra (source: Vision Doctor). Depending on the […]
Most common type of lighting in image processing. Light sources are LEDs. Positive features are an extremely long service life (up to 100,000 h), high mechanical robustness (shock and vibration resistance), wide spectral availability (from UV to IR, white), can be used in many types of lighting, small dimensions, simple electrical controllability, good switching and […]